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  • Entropy Based Associative Memory

    Masahiro NAKAGAWA  


    E89-A No:4

    In this paper, an entropy based associative memory model will be proposed and applied to memory retrievals with an orthogonal learning model to compare with the conventional model based on the quadratic Lyapunov functional to be minimized. In the present approach, the updating dynamics will be constructed on the basis of the entropy minimization strategy which may be reduced asymptotically to the above-mentioned autocorrelation dynamics as a special case. From numerical results, it will be found that the presently proposed novel approach realizes twice of the memory capacity in comparison with the autocorrelation based dynamics such as associatron.

  • Speech Noise Reduction System Based on Frequency Domain ALE Using Windowed Modified DFT Pair

    Isao NAKANISHI  Yuudai NAGATA  Takenori ASAKURA  Yoshio ITOH  Yutaka FUKUI  


    E89-A No:4

    The speech noise reduction system based on the frequency domain adaptive line enhancer using a windowed modified DFT (MDFT) pair is presented. The adaptive line enhancer (ALE) is effective for extracting sinusoidal signals blurred by a broadband noise. In addition, it utilizes only one microphone. Therefore, it is suitable for the realization of speech noise reduction in portable electronic devices. In the ALE, an input signal is generated by delaying a desired signal using the decorrelation parameter, which makes the noise in the input signal decorrelated with that in the desired one. In the present paper, we propose to set decorrelation parameters in the frequency domain and adjust them to optimal values according to the relationship between speech and noise. Such frequency domain decorrelation parameters enable the reduction of the computational complexity of the proposed system. Also, we introduce the window function into MDFT for suppressing spectral leakage. The performance of the proposed noise reduction system is examined through computer simulations.

  • Generalization of Sorting in Single Hop Wireless Networks

    Shyue-Horng SHIAU  Chang-Biau YANG  

    PAPER-Computation and Computational Models

    E89-D No:4

    The generalized sorting problem is to find the first k largest elements among n input elements and to report them in a sorted order. In this paper, we propose a fast generalized sorting algorithm under the single hop wireless networks model with collision detection (WNCD). The algorithm is based on the maximum finding algorithm and the sorting algorithm. The key point of our algorithm is to use successful broadcasts to build broadcasting layers logically and then to distribute the data elements into those logic layers properly. Thus, the number of broadcast conflicts is reduced. We prove that the average time complexity required for our generalized sorting algorithm is Θ(k + log(n - k)). When k = 1, our generalized sorting algorithm does the work of finding maximum, and when k = n, it does the work of sorting. Thus, the analysis of our algorithm builds a connection between the two extremely special cases which are maximum finding and sorting.

  • Fingerprint Image Enhancement and Rotation Schemes for a Single-Chip Fingerprint Sensor and Identifier

    Satoshi SHIGEMATSU  Koji FUJII  Hiroki MORIMURA  Takahiro HATANO  Mamoru NAKANISHI  Namiko IKEDA  Toshishige SHIMAMURA  Katsuyuki MACHIDA  Yukio OKAZAKI  Hakaru KYURAGI  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E89-C No:4

    This paper presents fingerprint image enhancement and rotation schemes that improve the identification accuracy with the pixel-parallel processing of pixels. In the schemes, the range of the fingerprint sensor is adjusted to the finger state, the captured image is retouched to obtain the suitable image for identification, and the image is rotated to the correct angle on the pixel array. Sensor and pixel circuits that provide these operations were devised and a test chip was fabricated using 0.25-µm CMOS and the sensor process. It was confirmed in 150,000 identification tests that the schemes reduce the false rejection rate to 6.17% from 30.59%, when the false acceptance rate is 0.1%.

  • Study of Turbo Codes and Decoding in Binary Erasure Channel Based on Stopping Set Analysis

    Jeong Woo LEE  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E89-B No:4

    In this paper, we define a stopping set of turbo codes with the iterative decoding in the binary erasure channel. Based on the stopping set analysis, we study the block and bit erasure probabilities of turbo codes and the performance degradation of the iterative decoding against the maximum-likelihood decoding. The error floor performance of turbo codes with the iterative decoding is dominated by the small stopping sets. The performance degradation of the iterative decoding is negligible in the error floor region, so the error floor performance is asymptotically dominated by the low weight codewords.

  • Spatial Multiplexing in Optical Wireless MIMO Communications Over Indoor Environment

    Daisuke TAKASE  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-Optical Wireless Communications

    E89-B No:4

    We propose optical wireless multiple-input multiple-output (OMIMO) communications to achieve high speed transmission with a compact transmitter and receiver. In OMIMO, by using zero forcing (ZF), minimum mean square error (MMSE) or other detection techniques, we can eliminate the interference from the other optical transmit antennas. In this paper, we employ ZF as the detection technique. We analyze the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and the bit error rate (BER) of the proposed OMIMO with a linear array and a square array of optical transmit and receive antennas, where we employ subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) for each optical transmit antenna. Note that the proposed OMIMO is applicable to other arrangements of optical transmit and receive antennas. We show that the proposed OMIMO system can realize MIMO multiplexing and achieve high speed transmission by correctly aligning the optical transmit and receive antennas and the transmitter semiangle.

  • Robust Fuzzy Integral Regulator Design for a Class of Affine Nonlinear Systems

    Tung-Sheng CHIANG  Chian-Song CHIU  Peter LIU  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E89-A No:4

    This paper proposes a robust fuzzy integral controller for output regulating a class of affine nonlinear systems subject to a bias reference to the origin. First, a common biased fuzzy model is introduced for a class of continuous/discrete-time affine nonlinear systems, such as dc-dc converters, robotic systems. Then, combining an integrator and parallel distributed compensators, the fuzzy integral regulator achieves an asymptotic regulation. Moreover, when considering disturbances or unstructured certainties, a virtual reference model is presented and provides a robust gain design via LMI techniques. In this case, H∞ performances is guaranteed. Note that the information regarding the operational point and bias terms are not required during the controller implementation. Thus, the controller can be applied to a multi-task regulation. Finally, three numerical simulations show the expected results.

  • Block Iterative CM-Based Blind Multiuser Detector

    Seungjae BAHNG  Seokjoo SHIN  Anders HØST-MADSEN  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:4

    Motivated by the result in [12] we present a new block iterative multiuser detection algorithm utilizing the constant modulus (CM) property of data symbols. The proposed iterative detector is developed based on a constrained least square (LS) cost function and CM projection. It can be seen as an extension of least squares constant modulus algorithm [1] in a sense that it minimizes the CM and the LS cost functions iteratively. Simulation study shows that even for a reasonably small number of symbols, say around 100 received symbols, the proposed iterative detector approaches the performance of ideal MMSE detector and considerably outperforms the conventional blind detectors, such as subspace blind method [7] or MOE detector [5].

  • DWT Domain On-Line Signature Verification Using the Pen-Movement Vector

    Isao NAKANISHI  Hiroyuki SAKAMOTO  Naoto NISHIGUCHI  Yoshio ITOH  Yutaka FUKUI  

    LETTER-Information Security

    E89-A No:4

    In order to reduce the computational complexity of the DWT domain on-line signature verification, the authors propose to utilize the pen-movement vector as an input parameter. Experimental results indicate that the verification rate obtained using the pen-movement vector parameter is equivalent to that obtained by the conventional method, although the computational complexity of the proposed method is approximately half that of the conventional method.

  • Per-User Automatic Gain Control for an Uplink CDMA Receiver

    Jungwoo LEE  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E89-A No:4

    A per-user AGC technique is proposed to combat the signal level variation of an individual user in a DS-CDMA receiver. A simple signal model for a Rake receiver is derived, and the potential cause of the signal variation in the Rake receiver output is discussed. The adaptive scheme is also compared with a conventional fixed quantization scheme in simulations.

  • Node-Based Genetic Algorithm for Communication Spanning Tree Problem

    Lin LIN  Mitsuo GEN  


    E89-B No:4

    Genetic Algorithm (GA) and other Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) have been successfully applied to solve constrained minimum spanning tree (MST) problems of the communication network design and also have been used extensively in a wide variety of communication network design problems. Choosing an appropriate representation of candidate solutions to the problem is the essential issue for applying GAs to solve real world network design problems, since the encoding and the interaction of the encoding with the crossover and mutation operators have strongly influence on the success of GAs. In this paper, we investigate a new encoding crossover and mutation operators on the performance of GAs to design of minimum spanning tree problem. Based on the performance analysis of these encoding methods in GAs, we improve predecessor-based encoding, in which initialization depends on an underlying random spanning-tree algorithm. The proposed crossover and mutation operators offer locality, heritability, and computational efficiency. We compare with the approach to others that encode candidate spanning trees via the Pr?fer number-based encoding, edge set-based encoding, and demonstrate better results on larger instances for the communication spanning tree design problems.

  • Supporting Application Framework Selection Based on Labeled Transition Systems

    Teruyoshi ZENMYO  Takashi KOBAYASHI  Motoshi SAEKI  


    E89-D No:4

    Framework technology is one of the promising approaches to reuse effectively software and its key issues are 1) to select the suitable frameworks for the software requirements specification, and 2) to fill the suitable hot spots with application-specific codes (customization). This paper proposes a new technique for automated support of the above issues by using labeled transition systems (LTSs) together with metrics technique. We model the behavior of the frameworks and the system behavior specified in the requirements specification by using two LTSs respectively. By establishing bisimilar relationship between the two LTSs, we check whether the behavior of the framework can match to the requirements and explore how to fill its hot spots. This process is done by means of constructing a graph to extract the bisimilar relationships, and each path of the graph denotes one of the implementations of the requirements by the framework. We attach some measures to the LTS of the framework, such as the number of the hot spots to be filled and the number of the parameters to be set up when filling the corresponding hot spot. These measures are used to estimate developer's efforts in filling the hot spots for each implementation, i.e. for each path of the graph. The result of estimating the efforts guides the developers to select the implementation, and the structure of the application-specific codes to be filled in can be automatically generated from the selected implementation. Furthermore we discuss case studies in the area of Web application, where Struts and Turbine can be used.

  • Performance Analysis of Coherent Ultrashort Light Pulse CDMA Communication Systems with Nonlinear Optical Thresholder

    Yasutaka IGARASHI  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E89-B No:4

    We theoretically analyze the performance of coherent ultrashort light pulse code-division multiple-access (CDMA) communication systems with a nonlinear optical thresholder. The coherent ultrashort light pulse CDMA is a promising system for an optical local area network (LAN) due to its advantages of asynchronous transmission, high information security, multiple access capability, and optical processing. The nonlinear optical thresholder is based on frequency chirping induced by self-phase modulation (SPM) in optical fiber, and discriminates an ultrashort pulse from multiple access interference (MAI) with picosecond duration. The numerical results show that the thermal noise caused in a photodetector dominates the bit error rate (BER). BER decreases as the fiber length in the nonlinear thresholder and the photocurrent difference in the photodetector increase. Using the nonlinear optical thresholder allows for the response time of the photodetector to be at least 100 times the duration of the ultrashort pulses. We also show that the optimum cut-off frequency at the nonlinear thresholder to achieve the minimum BER increases with fiber length, the total number of users, and the load resistance in the photodetector.

  • Circularly Polarized Rounded-Off Triangular Microstrip Line Array Antenna

    David DELAUNE  Josaphat Tetuko SRI SUMANTYO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E89-B No:4

    The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) plans to launch a geostationary satellite called Engineering Test Satellite VIII (ETS-VIII) in FY 2006. In this paper, a microstrip line array antenna, which has a very simple structure, is introduced to radiate a circularly polarized wave aiming at ETS-VIII applications. This antenna consists of a triangular conducting line with its vertexes rounded off, located above a ground plane, with a gap on one of its side to produce a circular polarization. The proposed antenna is analyzed by numerical simulations for a single element as well as for a three elements array configuration and the possibility of beam-switching in the azimuth space is experimentally confirmed in the latter case. It is found that by properly feeding the elements constituting the array antenna, for an elevation angle El = 48in Tokyo area, three beams are created in the conical-cut direction with a minimum gain more than 6.6 dBic and an axial ratio less than 3 dB.

  • A Linear Time Algorithm for Binary Fingerprint Image Denoising Using Distance Transform

    Xuefeng LIANG  Tetsuo ASANO  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E89-D No:4

    Fingerprints are useful for biometric purposes because of their well known properties of distinctiveness and persistence over time. However, owing to skin conditions or incorrect finger pressure, original fingerprint images always contain noise. Especially, some of them contain useless components, which are often mistaken for the terminations that are an essential minutia of a fingerprint. Mathematical Morphology (MM) is a powerful tool in image processing. In this paper, we propose a linear time algorithm to eliminate impulsive noise and useless components, which employs generalized and ordinary morphological operators based on Euclidean distance transform. There are two contributions. The first is the simple and efficient MM method to eliminate impulsive noise, which can be restricted to a minimum number of pixels. We know the performance of MM is heavily dependent on structuring elements (SEs), but finding an optimal SE is a difficult and nontrivial task. So the second contribution is providing an automatic approach without any experiential parameter for choosing appropriate SEs to eliminate useless components. We have developed a novel algorithm for the binarization of fingerprint images [1]. The information of distance transform values can be obtained directly from the binarization phase. The results show that using this method on fingerprint images with impulsive noise and useless components is faster than existing denoising methods and achieves better quality than earlier methods.

  • A Two-Stage Method for Single-Channel Speech Enhancement

    Mohammad E. HAMID  Takeshi FUKABAYASHI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E89-A No:4

    A time domain (TD) speech enhancement technique to improve SNR in noise-contaminated speech is proposed. Additional supplementary scheme is applied to estimate the degree of noise of noisy speech. This is estimated from a function, which is previously prepared as the function of the parameter of the degree of noise. The function is obtained by least square (LS) method using the given degree of noise and the estimated parameter of the degree of noise. This parameter is obtained from the autocorrelation function (ACF) on frame-by-frame basis. This estimator almost accurately estimates the degree of noise and it is useful to reduce noise. The proposed method is based on two-stage processing. In the first stage, subtraction in time domain (STD), which is equivalent to ordinary spectral subtraction (SS), is carried out. In the result, the noise is reduced to a certain level. Further reduction of noise and by-product noise residual is carried out in the second stage, where blind source separation (BSS) technique is applied in time domain. Because the method is a single-channel speech enhancement, the other signal is generated by taking the noise characteristics into consideration in order to apply BSS. The generated signal plays a very important role in BSS. This paper presents an adaptive algorithm for separating sources in convolutive mixtures modeled by finite impulse response (FIR) filters. The coefficients of the FIR filter are estimated from the decorrelation of two mixtures. Here we are recovering only one signal of interest, in particular the voice of primary speaker free from interfering noises. In the experiment, the different levels of noise are added to the clean speech signal and the improvement of SNR at each stage is investigated. The noise types considered initially in this study consist of the synthesized white and color noise with SNR set from 0 to 30 dB. The proposed method is also tested with other real-world noises. The results show that the satisfactory SNR improvement is attained in the two-stage processing.

  • A Code Whose Codeword Length is Shorter than n in Almost All of Sufficiently Large Positive Integers

    Hirofumi NAKAMURA  Sadayuki MURASHIMA  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E89-A No:4

    A recursive-type positive integer code is proposed. It prefixes the information about the length of the component of the codeword recursively. It is an asymptotically optimal code. The codeword length for a positive integer n is shorter than n bits in almost all of sufficiently large positive integers, where n is the log-star function.

  • Determination of Interconnect Structural Parameters for Best- and Worst-Case Delays

    Atsushi KUROKAWA  Hiroo MASUDA  Junko FUJII  Toshinori INOSHITA  Akira KASEBE  Zhangcai HUANG  Yasuaki INOUE  


    E89-A No:4

    In general, a corner model with best- and worst-case delay conditions is used in static timing analysis (STA). The best- and worst-case delays of a stage are defined as the fastest and slowest delays from a cell input to the next cell input. In this paper, we present a methodology for determining the parameters that yield the best- and worst-case delays when interconnect structural parameters have the minimum and maximum values with process variations. We also present analysis results of our circuit model using the methodology. The min and max conditions for the time constant are found to be (+Δw, +Δt, +Δh) & (-Δw, -Δt, -Δh), respectively. Here, +Δ or -Δ means the max or min corner value of each parameter variation, where w is the width, t is the interconnect thickness, and h is the height. Best and worst conditions for delay time are as follows: 1) given a circuit with an optimum driver, dense interconnects, and small branch capacitance, the best and worst conditions are respectively (-Δw, +Δt, +Δh) & (+Δw, +Δt, -Δh), 2) given driver and/or via resistances that are higher than the interconnect resistance, dense interconnects, and small branch capacitance, they are (-Δw, -Δt, +Δh) & (+Δw, +Δt, -Δh), and 3) for other conditions, they are (+Δw, +Δt, +Δh) & (-Δw, -Δt, -Δh). Moreover, if there must be only one condition each for the best- and worst-case delays, they are (+Δw, +Δt, +Δh) & (-Δw, -Δt, -Δh).

  • Generating Test Sequences from Statecharts for Concurrent Program Testing

    Heui-Seok SEO  In Sang CHUNG  Yong Rae KWON  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E89-D No:4

    This paper presents an approach to specification-based testing of concurrent programs with representative test sequences generated from Statecharts. Representative test sequences are a subset of all possible interleavings of concurrent events that define the behaviors of a concurrent program. Because a program's correctness may be determined by checking whether a program implemented all behaviors in its specification or not, the program can be regarded as being correct if it can supply an alternative execution that has the same effects as the program's behavior with each representative test sequence. Based on this observation, we employ each representative test sequence as a seed to generate an automaton that accepts its equivalent sequences to reveal the same behavior. In order to effectively test a concurrent program, the automaton such generated accepts all sequences equivalent to the representative test sequence and it is used to control test execution. This paper describes an automated process of generating automata from a Statecharts specification and shows how the proposed approach works on Statecharts specifications through some examples.

  • Novel Block Motion Estimation Based on Adaptive Search Patterns

    Byung-Gyu KIM  Seon-Tae KIM  Seok-Kyu SONG  Pyeong-Soo MAH  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E89-D No:4

    An improved algorithm for fast motion estimation based on the block matching algorithm (BMA) is presented for use in a block-based video coding system. To achieve enhanced motion estimation performance, we propose an adaptive search pattern length for each iteration for the current macro block (MB). In addition, search points that must be checked are determined by means of directional information from the error surface, thus reducing intermediate searches. The proposed algorithm is tested with several sequences and excellent performance is verified.
