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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • A New Approach to Mixed-Path Propagation of Surface Wave

    Bin-hao JIANG  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E89-C No:3

    A new approach used to formulate to mixed-path propagation of surface wave is presented based on two main ingredients: the decomposition of electromagnetic fields and the introduction of equivalent electric (magnetic) currents adopted for convenience. The present method can be extended to obtain the corresponding results for the arbitrary incident wave excitation.

  • Design of MIMO Communication Systems Using Tapped Delay Line Structure in Receiver Side

    Tetsuki TANIGUCHI  Hoang Huy PHAM  Nam Xuan TRAN  Yoshio KARASAWA  


    E89-A No:3

    This paper presents a simple method to determine weights of single carrier multiple input multiple output (MIMO) broadband communication systems adopting tapped delay line (TDL) structure in receiver side for the effective communication under frequency selective fading (FSF) environment. First, assuming the perfect knowledge of the channel matrix in both arrays, an iterative design method of transmitter and receiver weights is proposed. In this approach, both weights are determined alternately to maximize signal to noise plus interference ratio (SINR) by fixing the weight of one side while optimizing the other, and this operation is repeated until SINR converges. Next, considering the case of uninformed transmitter, maximum SINR design method of MIMO system is extended for space time block coding (STBC) scheme working under FSF. Through computer simulations, it is demonstrated that the proposed schemes achieves higher SINR than conventional method with delay-less structure, particularly for the fading with long duration.

  • A Novel Mobile Assignment Method for WCDMA Base Station Location Planning

    Li YAO  Chen HE  Junlong LIN  

    LETTER-Network Management/Operation

    E89-B No:3

    A novel mobile assignment method based on transmit power and cell load is proposed for WCDMA base station location planning. Experimental results show that, compared with the currently widely used mobile assignment method based on link attenuation, the proposed mobile assignment method is more reasonable and unnecessary base stations are reduced in the planning results.

  • Hardware-Based Precise Time Synchronization on Gb/s Ethernet Enhanced with Preemptive Priority

    Yoshiaki YAMADA  Satoru OHTA  Hitoshi UEMATSU  


    E89-B No:3

    Time synchronization is indispensable for wide area distributed systems including sensor networks, automation systems, and measurement/control systems. Another application is clock distribution, which is indispensable to support continuous information transfer. Because of the increasing demand for more sophisticated applications, it is essential to establish a time synchronization technique that offers higher accuracy and reliability. Particularly, the accuracy of time synchronization for Ethernet must be enhanced since Ethernet is becoming more important in telecommunication networks. This paper investigates a precise time synchronization technique that supports Gb/s Ethernet. To obtain accurate time synchronization, delay variation in message transfer and processing must be minimized. For this purpose, the paper first describes the implementation of preemptive priority queuing, which decreases the message delay variation of Ethernet. Through experiments, it is shown that preemptive priority queuing effectively achieves very low delay variation. The paper then proposes a method to synchronize the time signal of a slave node to that of the master node. The proposed time synchronization method is performed in the lower protocol layer and implemented on FPGA-based hardware. The method achieves superior time accuracy through the low message transfer/processing delay variation provided by preemptive priority, lower layer execution, and hardware implementation. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed through experiments. The experiments show that the time variation achieved by the method is smaller than 0.1 µsec. This performance is better than those obtained by existing synchronization methods.

  • Analysis of Large-Scale Periodic Array Antennas by CG-FFT Combined with Equivalent Sub-Array Preconditioner

    Huiqing ZHAI  Qiang CHEN  Qiaowei YUAN  Kunio SAWAYA  Changhong LIANG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E89-B No:3

    This paper presents method that offers the fast and accurate analysis of large-scale periodic array antennas by conjugate-gradient fast Fourier transform (CG-FFT) combined with an equivalent sub-array preconditioner. Method of moments (MoM) is used to discretize the electric field integral equation (EFIE) and form the impedance matrix equation. By properly dividing a large array into equivalent sub-blocks level by level, the impedance matrix becomes a structure of Three-level Block Toeplitz Matrices. The Three-level Block Toeplitz Matrices are further transformed to Circulant Matrix, whose multiplication with a vector can be rapidly implemented by one-dimension (1-D) fast Fourier transform (FFT). Thus, the conjugate-gradient fast Fourier transform (CG-FFT) is successfully applied to the analysis of a large-scale periodic dipole array by speeding up the matrix-vector multiplication in the iterative solver. Furthermore, an equivalent sub-array preconditioner is proposed to combine with the CG-FFT analysis to reduce iterative steps and the whole CPU-time of the iteration. Some numerical results are given to illustrate the high efficiency and accuracy of the present method.

  • Performance Analysis of Statistical STBC Cooperative Diversity Using Binary Sensors with Observation Noise

    Tomoaki OHTSUKI  


    E89-B No:3

    This letter analyzes the performance of statistical cooperative diversity based on space-time block codes (STBC) (Statistical STBC cooperative diversity) considering the effects of quantization and observation noise. Binary quantization is used. The bit error rate (BER) and average mutual information of the statistical STBC cooperative diversity with Alamouti's STBC and two active nodes are derived in the presence of general observation noise. It is shown that the performance of the statistical STBC cooperative diversity depends on the effects of observation noise and the number of cooperating nodes largely. It is also shown how much the communication between sensor nodes or feedback from the fusion center improves the performance of STBC cooperative diversity.

  • Error Identification in At-Speed Scan BIST Environment in the Presence of Circuit and Tester Speed Mismatch

    Yoshiyuki NAKAMURA  Thomas CLOUQUEUR  Kewal K. SALUJA  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E89-D No:3

    In this paper, we provide a practical formulation of the problem of identifying all error occurrences and all failed scan cells in at-speed scan based BIST environment. We propose a method that can be used to identify every error when the circuit test frequency is higher than the tester frequency. Our approach requires very little extra hardware for diagnosis and the test application time required to identify errors is a linear function of the frequency ratio between the CUT and the tester.

  • Utterance-Based Selective Training for the Automatic Creation of Task-Dependent Acoustic Models

    Tobias CINCAREK  Tomoki TODA  Hiroshi SARUWATARI  Kiyohiro SHIKANO  

    PAPER-Speech Recognition

    E89-D No:3

    To obtain a robust acoustic model for a certain speech recognition task, a large amount of speech data is necessary. However, the preparation of speech data including recording and transcription is very costly and time-consuming. Although there are attempts to build generic acoustic models which are portable among different applications, speech recognition performance is typically task-dependent. This paper introduces a method for automatically building task-dependent acoustic models based on selective training. Instead of setting up a new database, only a small amount of task-specific development data needs to be collected. Based on the likelihood of the target model parameters given this development data, utterances which are acoustically close to the development data are selected from existing speech data resources. Since there are too many possibilities for selecting a data subset from a larger database in general, a heuristic has to be employed. The proposed algorithm deletes single utterances temporarily or alternates between successive deletion and addition of multiple utterances. In order to make selective training computationally practical, model retraining and likelihood calculation need to be fast. It is shown, that the model likelihood can be calculated fast and easily based on sufficient statistics without the need for explicit reconstruction of model parameters. The algorithm is applied to obtain an infant- and elderly-dependent acoustic model with only very few development data available. There is an improvement in word accuracy of up to 9% in comparison to conventional EM training without selection. Furthermore, the approach was also better than MLLR and MAP adaptation with the development data.

  • Boundary-Active-Only Adaptive Power-Reduction Scheme for Region-Growing Video-Segmentation

    Takashi MORIMOTO  Hidekazu ADACHI  Osamu KIRIYAMA  Tetsushi KOIDE  Hans Jurgen MATTAUSCH  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E89-D No:3

    This letter presents a boundary-active-only (BAO) power reduction technique for cell-network-based region-growing video segmentation. The key approach is an adaptive situation-dependent power switching of each network cell, namely only cells at the boundary of currently grown regions are activated, and all the other cells are kept in low-power stand-by mode. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is experimentally confirmed with CMOS test-chips having small-scale cell networks of up to 4133 cells, where an average of only 1.7% of the cells remains active after application of the proposed approach. About 85% power reduction is thus achievable without sacrificing real-time processing.

  • Performance Analysis of Cooperative Transmission under Strict Power Constraints

    Ho Van KHUONG  Hyung-Yun KONG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:3

    Cooperative transmission among users in multiple access wireless environments is an efficient way to obtain the powerful benefits of multi-antenna systems without the need for physical arrays. Its performance in relay networks were extensively analyzed but most papers only focused on the case of high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or loose power constraints. Based on the approximation of total SNR distributions of the propagation paths through relays as the exponential functions, we derive the analytical BER expression in a simple form for general relay networks under strict power restriction. Numerical and simulation results reveal the high accuracy of the distribution estimation as well as the high reliability of the deduced formula, especially at the low SNR.

  • Analysis of Reactance Oscillators Having Multi-Mode Oscillations

    Yoshihiro YAMAGAMI  Yoshifumi NISHIO  Akio USHIDA  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E89-A No:3

    We consider oscillators consisting of a reactance circuit and a negative resistor. They may happen to have multi-mode oscillations around the anti-resonant frequencies of the reactance circuit. This kind of oscillators can be easily synthesized by setting the resonant and anti-resonant frequencies of the reactance circuits. However, it is not easy to analyze the oscillation phenomena, because they have multiple oscillations whose oscillations depend on the initial guesses. In this paper, we propose a Spice-oriented solution algorithm combining the harmonic balance method with Newton homotopy method that can find out the multiple solutions on the homotopy paths. In our analysis, the determining equations from the harmonic balance method are given by modified equivalent circuit models of "DC," "Cosine" and "Sine" circuits. The modified circuits can be solved by a simulator STC (solution curve tracing circuit), where the multiple oscillations are found by the transient analysis of Spice. Thus, we need not to derive the troublesome circuit equations, nor the mathematical transformations to get the determining equations. It makes the solution algorithms much simpler.

  • Wireless QoS for High-Speed CDMA Packet Cellular Systems--With Radio-Condition-Aware Admission Control and Resource Allocation Reflected Multistage Scheduling--

    Narumi UMEDA  Lan CHEN  Hidetoshi KAYAMA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E89-B No:3

    Supporting diversified rates for real-time communications will become possible and essential with the rapidly increasing transmission rates provided by the 4th generation (4G) mobile communication systems. In this paper, a novel wireless Quality of Service (QoS) scheme suitable for broadband CDMA packet cellular systems with adaptive modulation coding is proposed and its characteristics are described. The proposed QoS scheme comprises several control factors laid on the MAC and RRC layers, and can be harmonized with IP-QoS. Two important control factors are proposed: radio-condition-aware admission control and resource allocation reflected multistage scheduling. Computer simulations and testbed experiments indicate that by using the radio-condition-aware admission control, stable and guaranteed service can be provided to real-time users regardless of the interference and the variation in the location of the mobile station. Moreover, resource allocation reflected multistage scheduling maintains guaranteed rates for real-time users and provides high resource utilization efficiency for best-effort users. Consequently, by using the proposed wireless QoS scheme, it is possible to provide users with high quality and diversified real-time services, on a packet based radio network for enhanced 3G and beyond.

  • A Non-stationary Noise Suppression Method Based on Particle Filtering and Polyak Averaging

    Masakiyo FUJIMOTO  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Speech Recognition

    E89-D No:3

    This paper addresses a speech recognition problem in non-stationary noise environments: the estimation of noise sequences. To solve this problem, we present a particle filter-based sequential noise estimation method for front-end processing of speech recognition in noise. In the proposed method, a noise sequence is estimated in three stages: a sequential importance sampling step, a residual resampling step, and finally a Markov chain Monte Carlo step with Metropolis-Hastings sampling. The estimated noise sequence is used in the MMSE-based clean speech estimation. We also introduce Polyak averaging and feedback into a state transition process for particle filtering. In the evaluation results, we observed that the proposed method improves speech recognition accuracy in the results of non-stationary noise environments a noise compensation method with stationary noise assumptions.

  • Genetic Algorithm Based Optimization of Partly-Hidden Markov Model Structure Using Discriminative Criterion

    Tetsuji OGAWA  Tetsunori KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Speech Recognition

    E89-D No:3

    A discriminative modeling is applied to optimize the structure of a Partly-Hidden Markov Model (PHMM). PHMM was proposed in our previous work to deal with the complicated temporal changes of acoustic features. It can represent observation dependent behaviors in both observations and state transitions. In the formulation of the previous PHMM, we used a common structure for all models. However, it is expected that the optimal structure which gives the best performance differs from category to category. In this paper, we designed a new structure optimization method in which the dependence of the states and the observations of PHMM are optimally defined according to each model using the weighted likelihood-ratio maximization (WLRM) criterion. The WLRM criterion gives high discriminability between the correct category and the incorrect categories. Therefore it gives model structures with good discriminative performance. We define the model structure combination which satisfy the WLRM criterion for any possible structure combinations as the optimal structures. A genetic algorithm is also applied to the adequate approximation of a full search. With results of continuous lecture talk speech recognition, the effectiveness of the proposed structure optimization is shown: it reduced the word errors compared to HMM and PHMM with a common structure for all models.

  • Multi-Species Particle Swarm Optimizer for Multimodal Function Optimization

    Masao IWAMATSU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E89-D No:3

    This paper introduces a modified particle swarm optimizer (PSO) called the Multi-Species Particle Swarm Optimizer (MSPSO) for locating all the global minima of multi-modal functions. MSPSO extend the original PSO by dividing the particle swarm spatially into a multiple cluster called a species in a multi-dimensional search space. Each species explores a different area of the search space and tries to find out the global or local optima of that area. We test our MSPSO for several multi-modal functions with multiple global optima. Our MSPSO can successfully locate all the global optima of all the test functions, and in particular, can locate all 18 global optima of the two-dimensional Shubert function. We also examined how the performance of MSPSO depends on various algorithm parameters.

  • Grayscale Image Segmentation Using Color Space

    Takahiko HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E89-D No:3

    A novel approach for segmentation of grayscale images, which are color scene originally, is proposed. Many algorithms have been elaborated for a grayscale image segmentation. All those approaches have been discussed in a luminance space, because it has been considered that grayscale images do not have any color information. However, a luminance value has color information as a set of corresponding colors. In this paper, an inverse mapping of luminance values is carried out to CIELAB color space, and the image segmentation for grayscale images is performed based on a distance in the color space. The proposed scheme is applied to a region growing segmentation and the performance is verified.

  • Zero-Knowledge Hierarchical Authentication in MANETs


    LETTER-Application Information Security

    E89-D No:3

    This work addresses the critical problem of authentication in mobile ad hoc networks. It includes a new approach based on the Zero-Knowledge cryptographic paradigm where two different security levels are defined. The first level is characterized by the use of an NP-complete graph problem to describe an Access Control Protocol, while the highest level corresponds to a Group Authentication Protocol based on a hard-on-average graph problem. The main goal of the proposal is to balance security strength and network performance. Therefore, both protocols are scalable and decentralized, and their requirements of communication, storage and computation are limited.

  • Cell Library Development Methodology for Throughput Enhancement of Character Projection Equipment

    Makoto SUGIHARA  Taiga TAKATA  Kenta NAKAMURA  Ryoichi INANAMI  Hiroaki HAYASHI  Katsumi KISHIMOTO  Tetsuya HASEBE  Yukihiro KAWANO  Yusuke MATSUNAGA  Kazuaki MURAKAMI  Katsuya OKUMURA  


    E89-C No:3

    We propose a cell library development methodology for throughput enhancement of character projection equipment. First, an ILP (Integer Linear Programming)-based cell selection is proposed for the equipment for which both of the CP (Character Projection) and VSB (Variable Shaped Beam) methods are available, in order to minimize the number of electron beam (EB) shots, that is, time to fabricate chips. Secondly, the influence of cell directions on area and delay time of chips is examined. The examination helps to reduce the number of EB shots with a little deterioration of area and delay time because unnecessary directions of cells can be removed. Finally, a case study is shown in which the numbers of EB shots are shown for several cases.

  • Adaptive Clock Recovery Method Utilizing Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Control for Circuit Emulation

    Youichi FUKADA  Takeshi YASUDA  Shuji KOMATSU  Koichi SAITO  Yoichi MAEDA  Yasuyuki OKUMURA  


    E89-B No:3

    This paper describes a novel adaptive clock recovery method that uses proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control. The adaptive clock method is a clock recovery technique that synchronizes connected terminals via packet networks, and will be indispensable for circuit emulation services in the next generation Ethernet. Our adaptive clock method simultaneously achieves a short starting-time, accuracy, stable recovery clock frequency, and few buffer delays using the PID control technique. We explain the numerical simulations, experimental results, and circuit designs.

  • Pilot-Aided ICI Self-Cancellation Scheme for OFDM Systems

    Chih-Peng LI  Wei-Wen HU  

    LETTER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E89-B No:3

    In this letter, a novel pilot-aided inter-carrier interference (ICI) self-cancellation scheme is proposed for use in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The proposed scheme maps both modulated data symbols and pre-defined pilot symbols onto non-neighboring sub-carriers with weighting coefficients of +1 and -1. With the aid of pilot symbols, a more accurate estimation of frequency offsets can be obtained, and the ICI self-cancellation demodulation can be operated properly.
