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  • Hybrid Model for Cascading Outage in a Power System: A Numerical Study

    Yoshihiko SUSUKI  Yu TAKATSUJI  Takashi HIKIHARA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E92-A No:3

    Analysis of cascading outages in power systems is important for understanding why large blackouts emerge and how to prevent them. Cascading outages are complex dynamics of power systems, and one cause of them is the interaction between swing dynamics of synchronous machines and protection operation of relays and circuit breakers. This paper uses hybrid dynamical systems as a mathematical model for cascading outages caused by the interaction. Hybrid dynamical systems can combine families of flows describing swing dynamics with switching rules that are based on protection operation. This paper refers to data on a cascading outage in the September 2003 blackout in Italy and shows a hybrid dynamical system by which propagation of outages reproduced is consistent with the data. This result suggests that hybrid dynamical systems can provide an effective model for the analysis of cascading outages in power systems.

  • Image-Processing Approach Based on Nonlinear Image-Decomposition

    Takahiro SAITO  Takashi KOMATSU  


    E92-A No:3

    It is a very important and intriguing problem in digital image-processing to decompose an input image into intuitively convincible image-components such as a structure component and a texture component, which is an inherently nonlinear problem. Recently, several numerical schemes to solve the nonlinear image-decomposition problem have been proposed. The use of the nonlinear image-decomposition as a pre-process of several image-processing tasks will possibly pave the way to solve difficult problems posed by the classic approach of digital image-processing. Since the new image-processing approach via the nonlinear image-decomposition treats each separated component with a processing method suitable to it, the approach will successfully attain target items seemingly contrary to each other, for instance invisibility of ringing artifacts and sharpness of edges and textures, which have not attained simultaneously by the classic image-processing approach. This paper reviews quite recently developed state-of-the-art schemes of the nonlinear image-decomposition, and introduces some examples of the decomposition-and-processing approach.

  • High Tc SQUID Detector for Magnetic Metallic Particles in Products Open Access

    Saburo TANAKA  Tomonori AKAI  Yoshimi HATSUKADE  Shuichi SUZUKI  


    E92-C No:3

    High-Tc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) is an ultra-sensitive magnetic sensor. After the discovery of the high-Tc superconducting materials, the performance of the high-Tc SQUID has been improved and stabilized. One strong candidate for application is a detection system of magnetic foreign matters in industrial products. There is a possibility that ultra-small metallic foreign matter has been accidentally mixed with industrial products such as lithium ion batteries. If this happens, the manufacturer of the product suffers a great loss recalling products. The outer dimension of metallic particles less than 100 micron cannot be detected using X-ray imaging, which is commonly used for the inspection. Therefore a highly sensitive system for small foreign matters is required. We developed detection systems based on high-Tc SQUID for industrial products. We could successfully detect small iron particles of less than 50 micron on a belt conveyer. These detection levels were hard to be achieved using conventional X-ray detection or other methods.

  • Short-Exponent RSA

    Hung-Min SUN  Cheng-Ta YANG  Mu-En WU  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:3

    In some applications, a short private exponent d is chosen to improve the decryption or signing process for RSA public key cryptosystem. However, in a typical RSA, if the private exponent d is selected first, the public exponent e should be of the same order of magnitude as φ(N). Sun et al. devised three RSA variants using unbalanced prime factors p and q to lower the computational cost. Unfortunately, Durfee & Nguyen broke the illustrated instances of the first and third variants by solving small roots to trivariate modular polynomial equations. They also indicated that the instances with unbalanced primes p and q are more insecure than the instances with balanced p and q. This investigation focuses on designing a new RSA variant with balanced p and q, and short exponents d and e, to improve the security of an RSA variant against the Durfee & Nguyen's attack, and the other existing attacks. Furthermore, the proposed variant (Scheme A) is also extended to another RSA variant (Scheme B) in which p and q are balanced, and a trade-off between the lengths of d and e is enable. In addition, we provide the security analysis and feasibility analysis of the proposed schemes.

  • Multi-Cell MIMO Cooperation for OFDM-Based Broadcast Services and Its Outage Probability

    Nurilla AVAZOV  Yun Hee KIM  Iickho SONG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    In this letter, we propose a multi-cell cooperation method for broadcast packet transmission in the OFDM-based cellular system with multiple transmit antennas. In the proposed method, to transmit two streams of spatially demultiplexed or transmit diversity coded symbols, we divide a coded packet into subparts to each of which different cell group and antenna pairs are assigned. It is shown that the proposed method reduces the outage probability with only negligible increase in channel estimation.

  • Fast Local Algorithms for Large Scale Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations

    Andrzej CICHOCKI  Anh-Huy PHAN  


    E92-A No:3

    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) and its extensions such as Nonnegative Tensor Factorization (NTF) have become prominent techniques for blind sources separation (BSS), analysis of image databases, data mining and other information retrieval and clustering applications. In this paper we propose a family of efficient algorithms for NMF/NTF, as well as sparse nonnegative coding and representation, that has many potential applications in computational neuroscience, multi-sensory processing, compressed sensing and multidimensional data analysis. We have developed a class of optimized local algorithms which are referred to as Hierarchical Alternating Least Squares (HALS) algorithms. For these purposes, we have performed sequential constrained minimization on a set of squared Euclidean distances. We then extend this approach to robust cost functions using the alpha and beta divergences and derive flexible update rules. Our algorithms are locally stable and work well for NMF-based blind source separation (BSS) not only for the over-determined case but also for an under-determined (over-complete) case (i.e., for a system which has less sensors than sources) if data are sufficiently sparse. The NMF learning rules are extended and generalized for N-th order nonnegative tensor factorization (NTF). Moreover, these algorithms can be tuned to different noise statistics by adjusting a single parameter. Extensive experimental results confirm the accuracy and computational performance of the developed algorithms, especially, with usage of multi-layer hierarchical NMF approach [3].

  • Characterization of Minimum Route ETX in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

    Kazuyuki MIYAKITA  Keisuke NAKANO  Yusuke MORIOKA  Masakazu SENGOKU  Shoji SHINODA  


    E92-B No:3

    In multi-hop wireless networks, communication quality depends on the selection of a path between source and destination nodes from several candidate paths. Exploring how path selection affects communication quality is important to characterize the best path. To do this, in [1], we used expected transmission count (ETX) as a metric of communication quality and theoretically characterized minimum route ETX, which is the ETX of the best path, in a static one-dimensional random multi-hop network. In this paper, we characterize minimum route ETX in static two-dimensional multi-hop networks. We give the exact formula of minimum route ETX in a two-dimensional network, assuming that nodes are located with lattice structure and that the ETX function satisfies three conditions for simplifying analysis. This formula can be used as an upper bound of minimum route ETX without two of the three conditions. We show that this upper bound is close to minimum route ETX by comparing it with simulation results. Before deriving the formula, we also give the formula for a one-dimensional network where nodes are located at constant intervals. We also show that minimum route ETX in the lattice network is close to that in a two-dimensional random network if the node density is large, based on a comparison between the numerical and simulation results.

  • Frame Loss Evaluation of Optical Layer 10 Gigabit Ethernet Protection Switching Using PLZT Optical Switch System

    Satoru OKAMOTO  Sho SHIMIZU  Yutaka ARAKAWA  Naoaki YAMANAKA  


    E92-B No:3

    Frame loss of the optical layer protection switching using Plumbum Lanthanum Zirconium Titanium (PLZT) optical switch is evaluated. Experimental results show that typically 62 µs guard time is required for commercially available non-burst mode 10 Gigabit Ethernet modules.

  • An Access Point Allocation Algorithm for Indoor Environments in Wireless Mesh Networks



    E92-B No:3

    As a flexible, cost effective solution for a large-scale access network to the Internet, we have studied the design optimization of the Wireless Internet-access Mesh NETwork (WIMNET). WIMNET consists of multiple access points (APs) that have wireless links between them mainly on the wireless distribution system (WDS). In WIMNET, the links around the Internet gateway can be bottlenecks because every packet passes through it after multihop link activations. Besides, the link quality may be degraded by obstacles in indoor environments. Thus, the proper allocation of APs is essential in WIMNET, so that the communication quality should be ensured while the installation and management cost be minimized. In this paper, we formulate this AP allocation problem for indoor environments in WIMNET with the proof of the NP-completeness of its decision version. Then, we present its two-stage heuristic algorithm composed of the initial greedy allocation and the iterative improvement. The effectiveness of our proposal is verified through extensive simulations in three indoor environments.

  • Performance Analysis and Power Allocation for Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Networks over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

    Zhaoxi FANG  Xiaojing BAO  Liangbin LI  Zongxin WANG  

    PAPER-Broadcast Systems

    E92-B No:3

    In this paper, we consider a dual-hop wireless cooperative network with amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying. The output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the destination of the AF cooperative networks is in the form of the sum of harmonic mean of the source-relay channel SNR and the relay-destination channel SNR. Instead of deriving the exact probability density function (PDF) of the output SNR, we study the series expansion of this PDF around zero. This result is then applied to evaluate the performance of the AF cooperative systems over Nakagami-m fading channels, and closed-form high-SNR approximations of the average symbol error rate (SER) and the outage probability are derived. Next, we investigate the optimal power allocation (OPA) among the source node and the relays to minimize the approximate SER as well as the outage probability. It is shown that the optimal power allocation depends on the channel m parameters and the ratio of the source-relay channel gain to the relay-destination gain. In addition to the optimal power allocation, we also propose a low complexity sub-optimal power allocation (SubOPA) scheme. The performance improvement with optimal and sub-optimal power allocation is analyzed and validated by numeric results. It is shown that equal power allocation is near optimal when the relays are close to the source, while significant performance improvement is observed by both the optimal and sub-optimal power allocation schemes when the relays are close to the destination.

  • On the Deployment of Dynamic Taint Analysis for Application Communities

    Hyung Chan KIM  Angelos KEROMYTIS  

    LETTER-Application Information Security

    E92-D No:3

    Although software-attack detection via dynamic taint analysis (DTA) supports high coverage of program execution, it prohibitively degrades the performance of the monitored program. This letter explores the possibility of collaborative dynamic taint analysis among members of an application community (AC): instead of full monitoring for every request at every instance of the AC, each member uses DTA for some fraction of the incoming requests, thereby loosening the burden of heavyweight monitoring. Our experimental results using a test AC based on the Apache web server show that speedy detection of worm outbreaks is feasible with application communities of medium size (i.e., 250-500).

  • Speech Clarity Index (Ψ): A Distance-Based Speech Quality Indicator and Recognition Rate Prediction for Dysarthric Speakers with Cerebral Palsy

    Prakasith KAYASITH  Thanaruk THEERAMUNKONG  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E92-D No:3

    It is a tedious and subjective task to measure severity of a dysarthria by manually evaluating his/her speech using available standard assessment methods based on human perception. This paper presents an automated approach to assess speech quality of a dysarthric speaker with cerebral palsy. With the consideration of two complementary factors, speech consistency and speech distinction, a speech quality indicator called speech clarity index (Ψ) is proposed as a measure of the speaker's ability to produce consistent speech signal for a certain word and distinguished speech signal for different words. As an application, it can be used to assess speech quality and forecast speech recognition rate of speech made by an individual dysarthric speaker before actual exhaustive implementation of an automatic speech recognition system for the speaker. The effectiveness of Ψ as a speech recognition rate predictor is evaluated by rank-order inconsistency, correlation coefficient, and root-mean-square of difference. The evaluations had been done by comparing its predicted recognition rates with ones predicted by the standard methods called the articulatory and intelligibility tests based on the two recognition systems (HMM and ANN). The results show that Ψ is a promising indicator for predicting recognition rate of dysarthric speech. All experiments had been done on speech corpus composed of speech data from eight normal speakers and eight dysarthric speakers.

  • Constraints of Second-Order Vanishing Moments on Lattice Structures for Non-separable Orthogonal Symmetric Wavelets

    Atsuyuki ADACHI  Shogo MURAMATSU  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  


    E92-A No:3

    In this paper, a design method of two-dimensional (2-D) orthogonal symmetric wavelets is proposed by using a lattice structure for multi-dimensional (M-D) linear-phase paraunitary filter banks (LPPUFB), which the authors have proposed as a previous work and then modified by Lu Gan et al. The derivation process for the constraints on the second-order vanishing moments is shown and some design examples obtained through optimization with the constraints are exemplified. In order to verify the significance of the constraints, some experimental results are shown for Lena and Barbara image.

  • A Bottom-Up Design Approach of Critically Sampled Contourlet Transform for Efficient Image Representation

    Seisuke KYOCHI  Shizuka HIGAKI  Yuichi TANAKA  Masaaki IKEHARA  


    E92-A No:3

    In this paper, a novel design method of critically sampled contourlet transform (CSCT) is proposed. The original CT which consists of Laplacian pyramid and directional filter bank provides efficient frequency plane partition for image representation. However its overcompleteness is not suitable for some applications such as image coding, its critical sampling version has been studied recently. Although several types of the CSCT have been proposed, they have problems on their realization or unnatural frequency plane partition which is different from the original CT. In contrast to the way in conventional design methods based on a "top-down" approach, the proposed method is based on a "bottom-up" one. That is, the proposed CSCT decomposes the frequency plane into small directional subbands, and then synthesizes them up to a target frequency plane partition, while the conventional ones decompose into it directly. By this way, the proposed CSCT can design an efficient frequency division which is the same as the original CT for image representation can be realized. In this paper, its effectiveness is verified by non-linear approximation simulation.

  • Design for Delay Fault Testability of Dual Circuits Using Master and Slave Scan Paths

    Kentaroh KATOH  Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E92-D No:3

    This paper proposes a scan design for delay fault testability of dual circuits. In normal operation mode, each proposed scan flip flop operates as a master-slave flip flop. In test mode, the proposed scan design performs scan operation using two scan paths, namely master scan path and slave scan path. The master scan path consists of master latches and the slave scan path consists of slave latches. In the proposed scan design, arbitrary two-patterns can be set to flip flops of dual circuits. Therefore, it achieves complete fault coverage for robust and non-robust testable delay fault testing. It requires no extra latch unlike enhanced scan design. Thus the area overhead is low. The evaluation shows the test application time of the proposed scan design is 58.0% of that of the enhanced scan design, and the area overhead of the proposed scan design is 13.0% lower than that of the enhanced scan design. In addition, in testing of single circuits, it achieves complete fault coverage of robust and non-robust testable delay fault testing. It requires smaller test data volume than the enhanced scan design in testing of single circuits.

  • Fast and Accurate Generalized Harmonic Analysis and Its Parallel Computation by GPU

    Hisayori NODA  Akinori NISHIHARA  


    E92-A No:3

    A fast and accurate method for Generalized Harmonic Analysis is proposed. The proposed method estimates the parameters of a sinusoid and subtracts it from a target signal one by one. The frequency of the sinusoid is estimated around a peak of Fourier spectrum using binary search. The binary search can control the trade-off between the frequency accuracy and the computation time. The amplitude and the phase are estimated to minimize the squared sum of the residue after extraction of estimated sinusoids from the target signal. Sinusoid parameters are recalculated to reduce errors introduced by the peak detection using windowed Discrete-Time Fourier Transform. Audio signals are analyzed by the proposed method, which confirms the accuracy compared to existing methods. The proposed algorithm has high degree of concurrency and is suitable to be implemented on Graphical Processing Unit (GPU). The computational throughput can be made higher than the input audio signal rate.

  • Discrete Wirtinger-Type Inequalities for Gauging the Power of Sinusoids Buried in Noise



    E92-A No:3

    Two discrete-time Wirtinger-type inequalities relating the power of a finite-length signal to that of its circularly-convolved version are developed. The usual boundary conditions that accompany the existing Wirtinger-type inequalities are relaxed in the proposed inequalities and the equalizing sinusoidal signal is free to have an arbitrary phase angle. A measure of this sinusoidal signal's power, when corrupted with additive noise, is proposed. The application of the proposed measure, calculated as a ratio, in the evaluation of the power of a sinusoid of arbitrary phase with the angular frequency π/N, where N is the signal length, is thoroughly studied and analyzed under additive noise of arbitrary statistical characteristic. The ratio can be used to gauge the power of sinusoids of frequency π/N with a small amount of computation by referring to a ratio-versus-SNR curve and using it to make an estimation of the noise-corrupted sinusoid's SNR. The case of additive white noise is also analyzed. A sample permutation scheme followed by sign modulation is proposed for enlarging the class of target sinusoids to those with frequencies M π/N, where M and N are mutually prime positive integers. Tandem application of the proposed scheme and ratio offers a simple method to gauge the power of sinusoids buried in noise. The generalization of the inequalities to convolution kernels of higher orders as well as the simplification of the proposed inequalities have also been studied.

  • Performance Analysis of a Low-Complexity CFO Compensation Scheme for OFDMA Uplink

    Chao-Yuan HSU  Wen-Rong WU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    Similar to orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) is vulnerable to carrier frequency offset (CFO). Since the CFO of each user is different, CFO compensation in OFDMA uplink is much more involved than that in OFDM systems. It has been shown that the zero-forcing (ZF) compensation method is a simple yet effective remedy; however, it requires the inversion of a large matrix and the computational complexity can be very high. Recently, we have developed a low-complexity iterative method to alleviate this problem. In this paper, we consider the theoretical aspect of the algorithm. We specifically analyze the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) of the algorithm. Two approaches are used for the analysis; one is simple but approximated, and the other is complicated but exact. The convergence problem is also discussed. In addition to the analysis, we propose a pre-compensation (PC) method enhancing the performance of the algorithm. Simulations show that our analysis is accurate and the PC method is effective.

  • Channel Estimation Scheme for a RAKE Receiver with Fractional Sampling in IEEE802.11b WLAN System

    Yu IMAOKA  Hiroshi OBATA  Yohei SUZUKI  Yukitoshi SANADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    The IEEE802.11b WLAN standard employs direct-sequence/spread-spectrum (DS/SS) modulation. With a fractional sampling RAKE receiver, it is possible to achieve diversity and reduce the BER in DS/SS communication. In order to realize the diversity through fractional sampling, the impulse response of the channel must be estimated. In this paper, a channel estimation scheme for a RAKE receiver with fractional sampling in IEEE802.11b WLAN system is investigated through a computer simulation and an experiment. In order to estimate the impulse response of the channel, a pseudo-inverse matrix with a threshold is employed. Numerical results indicate that the channel can be estimated with an optimum threshold in both the simulation and the experiment.

  • A Novel Method for Estimating Reflected Signal Parameters

    Yanxin YAO  Qishan ZHANG  Dongkai YANG  

    LETTER-Navigation, Guidance and Control Systems

    E92-B No:3

    A method is proposed for estimating code and carrier phase parameters of GNSS reflected signals in low SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) environments. Simulation results show that the multipath impact on code and carrier with 0.022 C/A chips delay can be estimated in 0 dB SNR in the condition of 46 MHz sampling rate.
