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  • New Weakness in the Key-Scheduling Algorithm of RC4

    Toshihiro OHIGASHI  Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Symmetric Cryptography

    E91-A No:1

    In a key scheduling algorithm (KSA) of stream ciphers, a secret key is expanded into a large initial state. An internal state reconstruction method is known as a general attack against stream ciphers; it recovers the initial state from a given pair of plaintext and ciphertext more efficiently than exhaustive key search. If the method succeeds, then it is desirable that the inverse of KSA is infeasible in order to avoid the leakage of the secret key information. This paper shows that it is easy to compute a secret key from an initial state of RC4. We propose a method to recover an -bit secret key from only the first bits of the initial state of RC4 using linear equations with the time complexity less than that of one execution of KSA. It can recover the secret keys of which number is 2103.6 when the size of the secret key is 128 bits. That is, the 128-bit secret key can be recovered with a high probability when the first 128 bits of the initial state are determined using the internal state reconstruction method.

  • Multi-Channel Multi-Stage Transmultiplexing Digital Down Converter and Its Application to RFID (ISO18000-3 mode 2) Reader/Writer

    Yuichi NAKAGAWA  Kei SAKAGUCHI  Hideki KAWAMURA  Kyoji OHASHI  Masahiro MURAGUCHI  Kiyomichi ARAKI  

    PAPER-Enabling Technology

    E91-B No:1

    Implementation of RFID reader/writer on software defined radio is studied in this paper. The target RFID is ISO18000-3 mode 2 which has 8 reply channels for simultaneous communication with 8 different RFID tags. In the software defined radio architecture, the 8 reply channels are sampled at a single A/D converter and separated by digital down converters, whereas conventional RFID architecture has redundant 8 parallel analog down converters. A novel multi-stage transmultiplexing digital down converter is proposed for efficient implementation of multi-channel digital down converter. Moreover the proposed architecture is implemented on a FPGA evaluation board, and validity of the system is confirmed on a real hardware. The proposed architecture can be applied to multi-channel receiver for dynamic spectrum system in the cognitive radio.

  • Enhanced Vertical Perception through Head-Related Impulse Response Customization Based on Pinna Response Tuning in the Median Plane

    Ki Hoon SHIN  Youngjin PARK  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E91-A No:1

    Human's ability to perceive elevation of a sound and distinguish whether a sound is coming from the front or rear strongly depends on the monaural spectral features of the pinnae. In order to realize an effective virtual auditory display by HRTF (head-related transfer function) customization, the pinna responses were isolated from the median HRIRs (head-related impulse responses) of 45 individual HRIRs in the CIPIC HRTF database and modeled as linear combinations of 4 or 5 basic temporal shapes (basis functions) per each elevation on the median plane by PCA (principal components analysis) in the time domain. By tuning the weight of each basis function computed for a specific height to replace the pinna response in the KEMAR HRIR at the same height with the resulting customized pinna response and listening to the filtered stimuli over headphones, 4 individuals with normal hearing sensitivity were able to create a set of HRIRs that outperformed the KEMAR HRIRs in producing vertical effects with reduced front/back ambiguity in the median plane. Since the monaural spectral features of the pinnae are almost independent of azimuthal variation of the source direction, similar vertical effects could also be generated at different azimuthal directions simply by varying the ITD (interaural time difference) according to the direction as well as the size of each individual's own head.

  • GDME: Grey Relational Clustering Applied to a Clock Tree Construction with Zero Skew and Minimal Delay

    Chia-Chun TSAI  Jan-Ou WU  Trong-Yen LEE  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E91-A No:1

    This study has demonstrated that the clock tree construction in an SoC should be expanded to consider the intrinsic delay and skew of each IP's clock sink. A novel algorithm, called GDME, is proposed to combine grey relational clustering and DME approach for solving the problem of clock tree construction. Grey relational analysis can cluster the best pair of clock sinks and that guide a tapping point search for a DME algorithm for constructing a clock tree with zero skew and minimal delay. Experimentally, the proposed algorithm always obtains an RC- or RLC-based clock tree with zero skew and minimal delay for all the test cases and benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrate that the GDME improves up to 3.74% for total average in terms of total wire length compared with other DME algorithms. Furthermore, our results for the zero-skew RLC-based clock trees compared with Hspice are 0.017% and 0.2% lower for absolute average in terms of skew and delay, respectively.

  • Asymptotic Performance Analysis of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes in Spatially Correlated Rician Fading Channel

    Kyung Seung AHN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E91-A No:1

    In this letter, we analyze symbol error probability (SEP) and diversity gain of orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBCs) in spatially correlated Rician fading channel. We derive the moment generating function (MGF) of an effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver and use it to derive the SEP for M-PSK modulation. We use this result to show that the diversity gain is achieved by the product of the rank of the transmit and receive correlation matrix, and the loss in array gain is quantified as a function of the spatial correlation and the line of sight (LOS) component.

  • An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Finding All Hinge Vertices of a Circular-Arc Graph

    Hirotoshi HONMA  Shigeru MASUYAMA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E91-A No:1

    Let G =(V, E) be an undirected simple graph with u ∈ V. If there exist any two vertices in G whose distance becomes longer when a vertex u is removed, then u is defined as a hinge vertex. Finding the set of hinge vertices in a graph is useful for identifying critical nodes in an actual network. A number of studies concerning hinge vertices have been made in recent years. In a number of graph problems, it is known that more efficient sequential or parallel algorithms can be developed by restricting classes of graphs. In this paper, we shall propose a parallel algorithm which runs in O(log n) time with O(n/log n) processors on EREW PRAM for finding all hinge vertices of a circular-arc graph.

  • A Novel Photonic Crystal Fiber Design for Large Effective Area and High Negative Dispersion

    Nguyen Hoang HAI  Yoshinori NAMIHIRA  Feroza BEGUM  Shubi F. KAIJAGE  Tatsuya KINJO  S.M. Abdur RAZZAK  Nianyu ZOU  


    E91-C No:1

    In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a novel type of PCF that has two cladding layers with Ge rods at the center core. We numerically show that it is possible to design a single mode PCF with large effective area greater than 200 µm2 over the whole wavelength above 1.2 µm. The proposed large mode area PCF (LMA-PCF) exhibits a high negative dispersion coefficient from -186 to -158 [ps/(nm-km)] in all wavelengths ranging from 1.2 µm to 1.8 µm. Effective single mode operation of LMA-PCF is confimed for the entire band of interest.

  • Scattering of TM Plane Wave from Periodic Grating with Single Defect

    Kazuhiro HATTORI  Junichi NAKAYAMA  Yasuhiko TAMURA  

    PAPER-Scattering and Diffraction

    E91-C No:1

    This paper deals with the scattering of a TM plane wave from a periodic grating with single defect, of which position is known. The surface is perfectly conductive and made up with a periodic array of rectangular grooves and a defect where a groove is not formed. The scattered wave above grooves is written as a variation from the diffracted wave for the perfectly periodic case. Then, an integral equation for the scattering amplitude is obtained, which is solved numerically by use of truncation and the iteration method. The differential scattering cross section and the optical theorem are calculated in terms of the scattering amplitude and are illustrated in figures. It is found that incoherent Wood's anomaly appears at critical angles of scattering. The physical mechanisms of Wood's anomaly and incoherent Wood's anomaly are discussed in relation to the guided surface wave excited by the incident plane wave. It is concluded that incoherent Wood's anomaly is caused by the diffraction of the guided surface wave.

  • Security Evaluations of MRSL and DRSL Considering Signal Delays

    Minoru SAEKI  Daisuke SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Side Channel Attacks

    E91-A No:1

    In recent years, some countermeasures have been proposed against differential power analysis (DPA) at the basic composition element level of logic circuits. We propose a countermeasure named random switching logic (RSL). RSL involves computation with data masking using a single logic gate and suppression of transient transitions using ENABLE signals generated independently of input data. Recently, some countermeasures that were proposed against DPA, such as MRSL and DRSL, adopted the concept of RSL. Although MRSL is based on RSL, it uses a different method to suppress the transient transitions. DRSL uses RSL to avoid the possibility of leakage caused by a difference in delays occurring in MDPL that combines dual-rail circuits with random masking. The important difference between these countermeasures and RSL is that they can vary the output transition timing depending on the input data patterns. In this paper, we focus on this feature to evaluate the DPA resistance of MRSL and DRSL. Experiments are also conducted on DPA resistance by using an FPGA to verify the evaluation results. It is confirmed that in both MRSL and DRSL, there is a possibility of leakage if a sufficient difference in delays exists in input signals.

  • A CMOS Smart Thermal Sensor for Biomedical Application

    Ho-Yin LEE  Shih-Lun CHEN  Ching-Hsing LUO  

    PAPER-Organic Molecular Electronics

    E91-C No:1

    This paper describes a smart thermal sensing chip with an integrated vertical bipolar transistor sensor, a Sigma Delta Modulator (SDM), a Micro-Control Unit (MCU), and a bandgap reference voltage generator for biomedical application by using 0.18 µm CMOS process. The npn bipolar transistors with the Deep N-Well (DNW) instead of the pnp bipolar transistor is first adopted as the sensor for good isolation from substrate coupling noise. In addition to data compression, Micro-Control Unit (MCU) plays an important role for executing auto-calibration by digitally trimming the bipolar sensor in parallel to save power consumption and to reduce feedback complexity. It is different from the present analog feedback calibration technologies. Using one sensor, instead of two sensors, to create two differential signals in 180phase difference input to SDM is also a novel design of this work. As a result, in the range of 0 to 80 or body temperature (375), the inaccuracy is less than 0.1 or 0.05 respectively with one-point calibration after packaging. The average power consumption is 268.4 µW with 1.8 V supply voltage.

  • Novel Fiber Endface Preparation Tool for Optical Fiber Joints Employing Thermal Surface Cleaning and Thermal Endface Cutting

    Noriyoshi MATSUMOTO  Kazuo HOGARI  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications

    E91-B No:1

    This paper proposes a novel fiber endface preparation tool for optical fiber joints that employs thermal surface cleaning and thermal endface cutting. This tool has great advantages in terms of fiber endface preparation time, and fiber endface stability when fiber is cut repeatedly. Stable thermal surface cleaning and thermal endface cutting are achieved by selecting suitable heating conditions. The fiber endface preparation time can be reduced to 50% of that required with conventional tools. The fiber endface stability obtained using thermal cutting is more than five times better than that obtained with the conventional tool using a blade.

  • A New Analytic Method for IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function

    Gang Uk HWANG  Min Young CHUNG  Yutae LEE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:1

    In this paper, we consider a network of N identical IEEE 802.11 DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) terminals with RTS/CTS mechanism, each of which is assumed to be saturated. For performance analysis, we propose a simple and efficient mathematical model to derive the statistical characteristics of the network such as the inter-transmission time of packets in the network and the service time (the inter-transmission time of successful packet transmissions) of the network. Numerical results and simulations are provided to validate the accuracy of our model and to study the performance of the IEEE 802.11 DCF network.

  • Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks Using Dual Genetic Algorithm

    Jaehun LEE  Wooyong CHUNG  Euntai KIM  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E91-D No:1

    A new structure learning approach for Bayesian networks (BNs) based on dual genetic algorithm (DGA) is proposed in this paper. An individual of the population is represented as a dual chromosome composed of two chromosomes. The first chromosome represents the ordering among the BN nodes and the second represents the conditional dependencies among the ordered BN nodes. It is rigorously shown that there is no BN structure that cannot be encoded by the proposed dual genetic encoding and the proposed encoding explores the entire solution space of the BN structures. In contrast with existing GA-based structure learning methods, the proposed method learns not only the topology of the BN nodes, but also the ordering among the BN nodes, thereby, exploring the wider solution space of a given problem than the existing method. The dual genetic operators are closed in the set of the admissible individuals. The proposed method is applied to real-world and benchmark applications, while its effectiveness is demonstrated through computer simulation.

  • EEG-Based Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks Using Fractal Dimension and Neural Network for Brain-Computer Interface


    PAPER-Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology

    E91-D No:1

    In this study, we propose a method of classifying a spontaneous electroencephalogram (EEG) approach to a brain-computer interface. Ten subjects, aged 21-32 years, volunteered to imagine left- and right-hand movements. An independent component analysis based on a fixed-point algorithm is used to eliminate the activities found in the EEG signals. We use a fractal dimension value to reveal the embedded potential responses in the human brain. The different fractal dimension values between the relaxing and imaging periods are computed. Featured data is classified by a three-layer feed-forward neural network based on a simple backpropagation algorithm. Two conventional methods, namely, the use of the autoregressive (AR) model and the band power estimation (BPE) as features, and the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) as a classifier, are selected for comparison in this study. Experimental results show that the proposed method is more effective than the conventional methods.

  • A Color Image Authentication Method Using Partitioned Palette and Morphological Operations

    Chin-Chen CHANG  Pei-Yu LIN  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E91-D No:1

    Image authentication is applied to protect the integrity of the digital image. Conventional image authentication mechanisms, however, are unfit for the palette-based color images. Palette-based color images such as GIF images are commonly used for media communications. This article proposes a palette-based color image authentication mechanism. This novel scheme can guarantee the essentials of general authentication schemes to protect palette-based color images. Morphological operations are adopted to draw out the tampered area precisely. According to the experimental results, the images embedded with the authentication data still can preserve high image quality; specifically, the new scheme is highly sensitive to altered areas.

  • Proposal of an A/D Converter Clipping Noise Suppression Technique for High-Sensitivity Carrier-Sensing of Cognitive Radio Transceiver

    Tazuko TOMIOKA  Ren SAKATA  Tomoya HORIGUCHI  Takeshi TOMIZAWA  Kaoru INOUE  

    PAPER-Enabling Technology

    E91-B No:1

    A technique for suppressing the clipping noise of an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) is proposed to realize a cognitive radio transceiver that offers high sensitivity carrier-sensing. When a large bandwidth cognitive radio transceiver performs carrier-sensing, it must receive a radio wave that includes many primary user transmissions. The radio wave may have high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and clipping noise may be generated. Clipping noise becomes an obstacle to the achievement of high-sensitivity carrier-sensing. In the proposed technique, the original values of the samples clipped by an ADC are estimated by interpolation. Polynomial spline interpolation to the clipped signal is performed in the first step, and then SINC function interpolation is applied to the spline interpolated signal. The performance was evaluated using the signals with various PAPR. It has been found that suppression performance has a dependency on the number of samples clipped at once rather than on PAPR. Although there is an upper limit for the number of samples clipped at once that can be compensated with high accuracy, about 20 dB suppression of clipping noise was achieved with the medium degree of clipping.

  • Autonomous and Decentralized Optimization of Large-Scale Heterogeneous Wireless Networks by Neural Network Dynamics

    Mikio HASEGAWA  Ha Nguyen TRAN  Goh MIYAMOTO  Yoshitoshi MURATA  Hiroshi HARADA  Shuzo KATO  

    PAPER-Distributed Optimization

    E91-B No:1

    We propose a neurodynamical approach to a large-scale optimization problem in Cognitive Wireless Clouds, in which a huge number of mobile terminals with multiple different air interfaces autonomously utilize the most appropriate infrastructure wireless networks, by sensing available wireless networks, selecting the most appropriate one, and reconfiguring themselves with seamless handover to the target networks. To deal with such a cognitive radio network, game theory has been applied in order to analyze the stability of the dynamical systems consisting of the mobile terminals' distributed behaviors, but it is not a tool for globally optimizing the state of the network. As a natural optimization dynamical system model suitable for large-scale complex systems, we introduce the neural network dynamics which converges to an optimal state since its property is to continually decrease its energy function. In this paper, we apply such neurodynamics to the optimization problem of radio access technology selection. We compose a neural network that solves the problem, and we show that it is possible to improve total average throughput simply by using distributed and autonomous neuron updates on the terminal side.

  • MIMO Spatial Spectrum Sharing for High Efficiency Mesh Network

    Fumie ONO  Kei SAKAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Spectrum Sharing

    E91-B No:1

    In this paper, an architecture of MIMO mesh network which avoids co-channel interference and supplies link multiplexing simultaneously, namely MIMO spatial spectrum sharing, is proposed. As a MIMO transmission scheme, linear (such as zero-forcing) and nonlinear (such as dirty paper coding and successive interference cancellation) MIMO algorithm are developed for the proposed mesh network. It is found from numerical analysis that the proposed MIMO mesh network achieves significantly higher channel capacity than that of conventional mesh networks.

  • Mobility Prediction Progressive Routing (MP2R), a Cross-Layer Design for Inter-Vehicle Communication

    Suhua TANG  Naoto KADOWAKI  Sadao OBANA  


    E91-B No:1

    In this paper we analyze the characteristics of vehicle mobility and propose a novel Mobility Prediction Progressive Routing (MP2R) protocol for Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) that is based on cross-layer design. MP2R utilizes the additional gain provided by the directional antennas to improve link quality and connectivity; interference is reduced by the directional transmission. Each node learns its own position and speed and that of other nodes, and performs position prediction. (i) With the predicted progress and link quality, the forwarding decision of a packet is locally made, just before the packet is actually transmitted. In addition the load at the forwarder is considered in order to avoid congestion. (ii) The predicted geographic direction is used to control the beam of the directional antenna. The proposed MP2R protocol is especially suitable for forwarding burst traffic in highly mobile environments. Simulation results show that MP2R effectively reduces Packet Error Ratio (PER) compared with both topology-based routing (AODV [1], FSR [2]) and normal progressive routing (NADV [18]) in the IVC scenarios.

  • A Novel Uniform Discrete Multitone Transceiver with Power-Allocation for Digital Subscriber Line

    Sobia BAIG  Muhammad Junaid MUGHAL  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E91-B No:1

    A novel Uniform Discrete Multitone (DMT) transceiver is proposed, utilizing a wavelet packet based filter bank transmultiplexer in conjunction with a DMT transceiver. The proposed transceiver decomposes the channel spectrum into subbands of equal bandwidth. The objective is to minimize the bit error rate (BER), which is increased by channel-noise amplification. This noise amplification is due to the Zero-Forcing equalization (ZFE) technique. Quantization of the channel-noise amplification is presented, based on post-equalization signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and probability of error in all subbands of the Uniform DMT system. A modified power loading algorithm is applied to allocate variable power according to subband gains. A BER performance comparison of the Uniform DMT with variable and uniform power-loading and with a conventional DMT system in a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) channel is presented.
