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  • Unequal Error Protection in Ziv-Lempel Coding

    Eiji FUJIWARA  Masato KITAKAMI  

    PAPER-Dependable Communication

    E86-D No:12

    Data compression is popularly applied to computer systems and communication systems. Especially, lossless compression is applied to text compression. Since compressed data are very sensitive to errors, several error control methods for data compression using probability model, such as for arithmetic coding, have been proposed. This paper proposes to apply an unequal error protection, or a UEP, scheme to LZ77 coding and LZW coding. This investigates a structure of the compressed data and clarifies a part which is more sensitive to errors than the other by using theoretical analysis and computer simulation. The UEP scheme protects the error-sensitive part from errors more strongly than the others. Computer simulation says that the proposed scheme can recover from errors in the compressed data more effectively than the conventional methods.

  • Constructing c-Secure CRT Codes Using Polynomials over Finite Fields

    Mira KIM  Junji SHIKATA  Hirofumi MURATANI  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E86-A No:12

    In this paper, we deal with c-secure codes in a fingerprinting scheme, which encode user ID to be embedded into the contents. If a pirate copy appears, c-secure codes allow the owner of the contents to trace the source of the illegal redistribution under collusion attacks. However, when dealing in practical applications, most past proposed codes are failed to obtain a good efficiency, i.e. their codeword length are too large to be embedded into digital contents. In this paper, we propose a construction method of c-secure CRT codes based on polynomials over finite fields and it is shown that the codeword length in our construction is shorter than that of Muratani's scheme. We compare the codeword length of our construction and that of Muratani's scheme by numerical experiments and present some theoretical results which supports the results obtained by numerical experiments. As a result, we show that our construction is especially efficient in respect to a large size of any coalition c. Furthermore, we discuss the influence of the random error on the traceability and formally define the Weak IDs in respect to our construction.

  • A Fuzzy Differential Diagnosis of Headache Applying Linear Regression Method and Fuzzy Classification

    Jeong-Yong AHN  Young-Hyun KIM  Soon-Ki KIM  

    LETTER-Medical Engineering

    E86-D No:12

    The fuzzy set framework can be utilized in several different approaches to modeling the diagnostic process. In this paper, we introduce two main relations between symptoms and diseases where the relations are described by intuitionistic fuzzy set data. Also, we suggest four measures for medical diagnosis. We are dealing with the preliminary diagnosis from the information of interview chart. We quantify the qualitative information based on the interview chart by dual scaling. Prototype of fuzzy diagnostic sets and the linear regression methods are established with these quantified data. These methods can be used to classify new patient's tone of diseases with certain degrees of belief and its concerned symptoms.

  • Irredundant Low Power Address Bus Encoding Techniques Based on Adaptive Codebooks

    Satoshi KOMATSU  Masahiro FUJITA  

    PAPER-Power Optimization

    E86-A No:12

    The power dissipation at the off-chip bus has become a significant part of the overall power dissipation in micro-processor based digital systems. This paper presents irredundant address bus encoding methods which reduce signal transitions on the instruction address buses by using adaptive codebook methods. These methods are based on the temporal locality and spatial locality of instruction address. Since applications tend to JUMP/BRANCH to limited sets of addresses, proposed encoding methods assign the least signal transition codes to the addresses of JUMP/BRANCH operations in the past. In addition, our methods can be easily applicable for conventional digital systems since they are irredundant encoding methods. Our encoding methods reduce the signal transitions on the instruction address buses, which results in the reduction of total power dissipation of digital systems. Experimental results show that our methods can reduce the signal transition by an average of 88%.

  • Differential Evaluation of Fixpoints of Non-distributive Functions

    Joonseon AHN  

    PAPER-Theory and Models of Software

    E86-D No:12

    We present a differential fixpoint computation method for program analyses based on abstract interpretation. An analysis of a program based on abstract interpretation can be expressed using a monotonic increasing function and a fixpoint of the function becomes an analysis result. To compute a fixpoint, the function is applied repeatedly until the results become stable. This brings redundant computation because new results always include the former results. Differential methods try to avoid such redundancy by computing only the increment of each function application. Compared with other differential fixpoint evaluation methods, our method can deal with non-distributive functions which often occur in practical program analyses. To compute increments for non-distributive functions, we adapt an indirect way of using a differential evaluation rule for expressions which form function bodies. We have designed a differential worklist algorithm and applied the algorithm to implement an alias and constant propagation analysis. Experiments show that our method can avoid much redundant computation.

  • Crosstalk Noise Estimation for Generic RC Trees

    Masanori HASHIMOTO  Masao TAKAHASHI  Hidetoshi ONODERA  

    PAPER-Parasitics and Noise

    E86-A No:12

    We propose an estimation method of crosstalk noise for generic RC trees. The proposed method derives an analytic waveform of crosstalk noise in a 2-π equivalent circuit. The peak voltage is calculated from the closed-form expression. We also develop a transformation method from generic RC trees with branches into the 2-π model circuit. The proposed method can hence estimate crosstalk noise for any RC trees. Our estimation method is evaluated in a 0.13 µm technology. The peak noise of two partially-coupled interconnects is estimated with the average error of 11%. Our method transforms generic RC interconnects with branches into the 2-π model with 14% error on average.

  • Constrained Location Algorithm Using TDOA Measurements

    Hing Cheung SO  Shun Ping HUI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E86-A No:12

    One conventional technique for source localization is to utilize the time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) measurements of a signal received at spatially separated sensors. A simple TDOA-based location algorithm that combines the advantages of two efficient positioning methods is developed. It is demonstrated that the proposed approach can give optimum performance in geolocation via satellites at different noise conditions.

  • Low Complexity Multiplexer-Based Parallel Multiplier of GF(2m)

    Gi-Young BYUN  Heung-Soo KIM  

    PAPER-Computer System Element

    E86-D No:12

    Two operations, polynomial multiplication and modular reduction, are newly induced by the properties of the modified Booth's algorithm and irreducible all one polynomials, respectively. A new and effective methodology is hereby proposed for computing multiplication over a class of fields GF(2m) using the two operations. Then a low complexity multiplexer-based multiplier is presented based on the aforementioned methodology. Our multiplier consists of m 2-input AND gates, an (m2 + 3m - 4)/2 2-input XOR gates, and m(m - 1)/2 4 1 multiplexers. For the detailed estimation of the complexity of our multiplier, we will expand this argument into the transistor count, using a standard CMOS VLSI realization. The compared results show that our work is advantageous in terms of circuit complexity and requires less delay time compared to previously reported multipliers. Moreover, our architecture is very regular, modular and therefore, well-suited for VLSI implementation.

  • A Hardware/Software Partitioning Algorithm for Processor Cores with Packed SIMD-Type Instructions

    Nozomu TOGAWA  Koichi TACHIKAKE  Yuichiro MIYAOKA  Masao YANAGISAWA  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  

    LETTER-Design Methodology

    E86-A No:12

    This letter proposes a new hardware/software partitioning algorithm for processor cores with SIMD instructions. Given a compiled assembly code including SIMD instructions and a timing constraint, the proposed algorithm synthesizes an area-optimized processor core with a new assembly code. Firstly, we assume for each operation type a super SIMD functional unit which can execute all the SIMD instructions. Secondly we reduce a SIMD instruction or "sub-function" of each super functional unit, one by one, while the timing constraint is satisfied. At the same time, we update the assembly code so that it can run on the new processor configuration. By repeating this process, we finally find SIMD functional unit configuration as well as a processor core architecture. The promising experimental results are also shown.

  • Application of Error Diagnosis Technique to Incremental Synthesis

    Hiroshi INOUE  Takahiro IWASAKI  Toshifumi SUGANE  Masahiro NUMA  Keisuke YAMAMOTO  

    LETTER-Design Methodology

    E86-A No:12

    In an LSI design process, Engineering Change Orders (ECO's) are often given even after the layout process. This letter presents an approach to change the design to satisfy the new specification with ECO's by employing an error diagnosis technique. Our approach performs incremental synthesis using spare cells embedded on the original layout. Experimental results show that applying the error diagnosis technique to incremental synthesis is effective to suppress increase in delay time caused by ECO's.

  • Color Transfer between Images Based on Basic Color Category

    Youngha CHANG  Suguru SAITO  Masayuki NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E86-D No:12

    Usually, paintings are more appealing than photographic images. This is because paintings can incorporate styles based on the artist's subjective view of motif. This style can be distinguished by looking at elements such as motif, color, shape deformation and brush texture. In our work, we focus on the effect of "color" element and devise a method for transforming the color of an input photograph according to a reference painting. To do this, we consider basic color category concepts in the color transformation process. We assume that color transformations from one basic color category to another may cause peculiar feelings. Therefore, we restrict each color transformation within the same basic color category. For this, our algorithm first categorizes each pixel color of a photograph into one of eleven basic color categories. Next, for every pixel color of the photograph, the algorithm finds its corresponding color in the same category of a reference painting. Finally, the algorithm substitutes the pixel color with its corresponding color. In this way, we achieve large but natural color transformations of an image.

  • Application of Millimeter-Wave Heating to Materials Processing

    Shoji MIYAKE  Yukio MAKINO  


    E86-C No:12

    Recently, millimeter-wave energy has attracted much attention as a new and novel energy source for materials processing. In the present paper, several unique features of millimeter-wave heating in materials processing are reviewed briefly and development of materials processing machines by mm-wave radiation is also described. In the application of mm-wave heating, sintering of high quality alumina ceramics having a high bending strength of about 800 MPa are first demonstrated and followed by preparation of aluminum nitride with a high thermal conductivity over 200 W/(mK) at a sintering temperature lower by 473-573 K than the conventional method, by which this processing can be expected to be one of the environment-conscious energy saving processes. A newly developed post-annealing process with mm-wave radiation is described, in which crystallization of amorphous perovskite oxide films prepared by plasma sputtering was attained at temperatures lower than that by the conventional heating and the dielectric constant of post-annealed SrTiO3 (STO) films by mm-wave radiation were drastically improved.

  • A New Flexible Symbol-Timing Synchronization Method for Multi-Mode Software Radio Technology

    Hiroshi HARADA  Hiroki NAKAMURA  Tetsushi IKEGAMI  Masayuki FUJISE  


    E86-B No:12

    A flexible symbol-timing synchronization met-hod is a one that uses a common sampling clock to find synchronization points for radio communication systems that have different symbol rates. This method estimates synchronization points from state patterns calculated using the symbol rate, sampling clock, and number of observed symbols. Decreasing the number of state patterns is one of best ways to reduce the amount of device resources needed to store the patterns. In this paper, we propose a new pattern generation method in which the number of generated patterns does not increase when the sampling clocks of the communications systems are different. To show the feasibility of this method for symbol-timing synchronization, we analyzed a relationship between the number of samples and the number of state patterns and calculated the BER (bit error rate) in AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise) and one-path flat Rayleigh fading environments by computer simulation.

  • An Efficient Method for System-Level Exploration of Global Optimum in a Parameterized ASIP Design

    Yeong-Geol KIM  Tag-Gon KIM  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E86-A No:12

    This paper proposes an efficient method for design space exploration of the global optimum configuration for parameterized ASIPs. The method not only guarantees the optimum configuration, but also provides robust speedup for a wide range of processor architectures such as SoC, ASIC as well as ASIP. The optimization procedure within this method takes a two-steps approach. Firstly, design parameters are partitioned into clusters of inter-dependent parameters using parameter dependency information. Secondly, parameters are optimized for each cluster, the results of which are merged for global optimum. In such optimization, inferior configurations are extensively pruned with a detailed optimality mapping between dependent parameters. Experimental results with mediabench applications show an optimization speedup of 4.1 times faster than the previous work on average, which is significant improvement for practical use.

  • Measurement of Early Reflections in a Room with Five Microphone System

    Chulmin CHOI  Lae-Hoon KIM  Yangki OH  Sejin DOO  Koeng-Mo SUNG  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E86-A No:12

    The measurement of the 3-dimensional behavior of early reflections in a sound field has been an important issue in auditorium acoustics since the reflection profile has been found to be strongly correlated with the subjective responsiveness of a listener. In order to detect the incidence angle and relative amplitude of reflections, a 4-point microphone system has conventionally been used. A new measurement system is proposed in this paper, which has 5 microphones. Microphones are located on each four apex of a tetrahedron and at the center of gravity. Early reflections, including simultaneously incident reflections,which previous 4-point microphone system could not discriminate as individual wavefronts, were successfully found with the new system. In order to calculate accurate image source positions, it is necessary to determine the exact peak positions from measured impulse responses composed of highly deformed and overlapped impulse trains. For this purpose, a peak-detecting algorithm, which finds dominant peaks in the impulse response by an iteration method, is introduced. In this paper, the theoretical background and features of the 5-microphone system are described. Also, some results of experiments using this system are described.

  • Fast Routing and Wavelength Assignment Heuristics for Large-Scale WDM Optical Networks

    Johannes Hamonangan SIREGAR  Hideaki TAKAGI  Yongbing ZHANG  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E86-B No:12

    We consider the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem for large-scale WDM optical networks where each transmission request is served by an all-optical lightpath without wavelength conversion. Two heuristic RWA algorithms are proposed in order to minimize the number of wavelengths required for a given set of connection requests. The proposed algorithms are evaluated and compared with the existing algorithms for two realistic networks constructed based on the locations of major cities in Ibaraki Prefecture and those in Kanto District in Japan.

  • Comparative Performance Analysis of Ordering Strategies in Atomic Broadcast Algorithms

    Xavier DEFAGO  Andre SCHIPER  Peter URBAN  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E86-D No:12

    In this paper, we present the results of a comparative analysis of Atomic Broadcast algorithms. The analysis was done by using an analytical method to compare the performance of five different classes of Atomic Broadcast algorithms. The five classes of Atomic Broadcast algorithms are determined by the mechanisms used by the algorithms to define the delivery order. To evaluate the performance of algorithms, the analysis relies on contention-aware metrics to provide a measure for both their latency and their throughput. The results thus obtained yield interesting insight into the performance tradeoffs of different Atomic Broadcast algorithms, thus providing helpful information to algorithms and systems designers.

  • A New Fast Image Retrieval Using the Condensed Two-Stage Search Method

    JungWon CHO  SeungDo JEONG  GeunSeop LEE  SungHo CHO  ByungUk CHOI  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems

    E86-B No:12

    In a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system, both the retrieval relevance and the response time are very important. This letter presents the condensed two-stage search method as a new fast image retrieval approach by making use of the property of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. The method successfully reduces the overall processing time for similarity computation, while maintaining the same retrieval relevance as the conventional exhaustive search method. By the extensive computer simulations, we observe that the condensed two-stage search method is more effective as the number of images and dimensions of the feature space increase.

  • Performance Improvement of an Ad Hoc Network System for Wireless Data Service

    Takayuki YAMAMOTO  Masashi SUGANO  Masayuki MURATA  Takaaki HATAUCHI  Yohei HOSOOKA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E86-B No:12

    In ad hoc wireless networks, wireless terminals can autonomously construct and can maintain the network. They communicate with some neighbor terminals, exchange network information and determine routes for packets on the multi-hop wireless network. Flexible Radio Network (FRN), one of the ad hoc wireless network systems, adopts a proprietary protocol that provides a multiple routes management and a packet retransmission mechanism against packet transmission errors. This system is a commercial product that has been in use in a recent few years. In this paper, we first evaluate the performance through simulations for data-link protocol and routing protocol of the FRN to clarify its basic properties. Furthermore, we propose some techniques that enhance its performance and solve problems on the protocols. We show how they improve the system performance through simulations and analyses.

  • Impact of Internal and External Software Faults on the Linux Kernel

    Tahar JARBOUI  Jean ARLAT  Yves CROUZET  Karama KANOUN  Thomas MARTEAU  

    PAPER-Dependable Software

    E86-D No:12

    The application of fault injection in the context of dependability benchmarking is far from being straightforward. One decisive issue to be addressed is to what extent injected faults are representative of the considered faults. This paper proposes an approach to analyze the effects of real and injected faults.
