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  • The Basis for an Adaptive IP QoS Management

    Miguel FRANKLIN DE CASTRO  Lela MERGHEM  Dominique GAITI  Abdallah M'HAMED  

    PAPER-Congestion Control

    E87-B No:3

    The new Internet has to provide the Quality of Services to converged multimedia services, in which each one may choose its own requirements. Managing such a dynamic network is not an easy task. A more intelligent and adaptive behavior is required from network management. We argue that agents are able to realize this task by dynamically adapting management mechanisms to the current network conditions. This article presents a Behavioral Multi-Agent-based model for QoS-enabled Internet. Based on this behavioral approach, we analyze network management mechanisms (or "elementary behaviors") in terms of performance and applicability profile. We use simulation to observe services performances when submitted to diverse QoS management elementary behaviors.

  • Master-Slave Synchronization of Pulse-Coupled Bifurcating Neurons

    Hiroyuki TORIKAI  Masanao SHIMAZAKI  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E87-A No:3

    We present master-slave pulse-coupled bifurcating neurons having refractoriness. The system can exhibit various phenomena, e. g. , periodic and chaotic in-phase synchronizations, and periodic out-of-phase synchronization. We clarify local stabilities of the phenomena and a sufficient condition for the in-phase synchronization. It is suggested that bifurcations of the synchronization phenomena may relate to detection of a master parameter, and the refractoriness may relate to control of the detection accuracy. Using a simple test circuit, typical phenomena are verified in the laboratory.

  • On Range Inclusion of Polynomials Applying Interval Arithmetic

    Shinya MIYAJIMA  Masahide KASHIWAGI  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E87-A No:3

    Interval arithmetic is able to be applied when we include the ranges of various functions. When we include them applying the interval arithmetic, the serious problem that the widths of the range inclusions increase extremely exists. In range inclusion of polynomials particularly, Horner's method and Alefeld's method are well known as the conventional methods which mitigates this problem. The purpose of this paper is to propose the new methods which are able to mitigate this problem more efficiently than the conventional methods. And in this paper, we show and compare the efficiencies of the new methods by some numerical examples.

  • A Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Using Phase-Only Correlation

    Koichi ITO  Hiroshi NAKAJIMA  Koji KOBAYASHI  Takafumi AOKI  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing for Pattern Recognition

    E87-A No:3

    This paper presents an algorithm for fingerprint matching using the Phase-Only Correlation (POC) function. One of the most difficult problems in human identification by fingerprints has been that the matching performance is significantly influenced by fingertip surface condition, which may vary depending on environmental or personal causes. This paper proposes a new fingerprint matching algorithm using phase spectra of fingerprint images. The proposed algorithm is highly robust against fingerprint image degradation due to inadequate fingertip conditions. A set of experiments is carried out using fingerprint images captured by a pressure sensitive fingerprint sensor. The proposed algorithm exhibits efficient identification performance even for difficult fingerprint images that could not be identified by the conventional matching algorithms.

  • Preemptive System-on-Chip Test Scheduling

    Erik LARSSON  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-SoC Testing

    E87-D No:3

    In this paper, we propose a preemptive test scheduling technique (a test can be interrupted and later resumed) for core-based systems with the objective to minimize the test application time. We make use of reconfigurable core test wrappers in order to increase the flexibility in the scheduling process. The advantage with such a wrapper is that it is not limited to a single TAM (test access mechanism) bandwidth (wrapper chain configuration) at each core. We model the scheduling problem as a Bin-packing problem, and we discuss the transformation: number of TAM wires (wrapper-chains) versus test time in combination with preemption, as well as the possibilities and the limitations to achieve an optimal solution in respect to test application time. We have implemented the proposed preemptive test scheduling algorithm, and we have through experiments demonstrated its efficiency.

  • Planar Photonic Crystal Nanolasers (I): Porous Cavity Lasers

    Marko LONAR  Tomoyuki YOSHIE  Koichi OKAMOTO  Yueming QIU  Jelena VUKOVI  Axel SCHERER  


    E87-C No:3

    We have designed, fabricated and characterized efficient optical resonators and low-threshold lasers based on planar photonic crystal concept. Lasers with InGaAsP quantum well active material emitting at 1550 nm were optically pumped, and room temperature lasing was observed at threshold powers below 220 µW. Porous high quality factor cavity that we have developed confines light in the air region and therefore our lasers are ideally suited for investigation of interaction between light and matter on a nanoscale level. We have demonstrated the operation of photonic crystal lasers in different ambient organic solutions, and we have showed that planar photonic crystal lasers can be used to perform spectroscopic tests on femtoliter volumes of analyte.

  • Joint Maximum Likelihood Approach to Frame Synchronization in Presence of Frequency Offset

    Young-Hoi KOO  Yong Hoon LEE  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E87-A No:3

    This paper proposes new frame synchronizers that can achieve frame sync in the presence of a frequency offset. In particular, a maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm for joint frame synchronization and frequency estimation is developed for additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels, then the result is extended to frequency selective channels. Computer simulations demonstrate that the proposed schemes can outperform existing methods when a frequency offset exists.

  • An Equalization Technique for 54 Mbps OFDM Systems

    Naihua YUAN  Anh DINH  Ha H. NGUYEN  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Systems

    E87-A No:3

    A time-domain equalization (TEQ) algorithm is presented to shorten the effective channel impulse response to increase the transmission efficiency of the 54 Mbps IEEE 802.11a orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. In solving the linear equation Aw = B for the optimum TEQ coefficients, A is shown to be Hermitian and positive definite. The LDLT and LU decompositions are used to factorize A to reduce the computational complexity. Simulation results show high performance gains at a data rate of 54 Mbps with moderate orders of TEQ finite impulse response (FIR) filter. The design and implementation of the algorithm in field programmable gate array (FPGA) are also presented. The regularities among the elements of A are exploited to reduce hardware complexity. The LDLT and LU decompositions are combined in hardware design to find the TEQ coefficients in less than 4 µs. To compensate the effective channel impulse response, a radix-4 pipeline fast Fourier transform (FFT) is implemented in performing zero forcing equalization. The hardware implementation information is provided and simulation results are compared to mathematical values to verify the functionalities of the chips running at 54 Mbps.

  • Channel Equalization Using Biased and Unbiased Minimum Error Rate Criteria

    Hong-Yu LIU  Rainfield Y. YEN  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Systems

    E87-A No:3

    We propose two new adaptive minimum symbol error rate algorithms based on biased and unbiased decision rule respectively for M-ary PAM equalizer systems. The proposed algorithms can be processed either on-line or off-line depending on the availability of the information on channel impulse response. Comparisons are made between our algorithms with other existing algorithms. Computer simulations are performed to present performance results and some important algorithm properties including the effect of varying equalizer length and SNR values.

  • Design of a Mobility Protocol Framework to Support Multiple Namespaces

    Masahiro ISHIYAMA  Kensuke YASUMA  Mitsunobu KUNISHI  Michimune KOHNO  Fumio TERAOKA  

    PAPER-Mobile Networking

    E87-B No:3

    This paper presents a new mobility protocol that supports multiple namespaces on IPv6 networks. Our proposed protocol framework allows a mobile node to specify a correspondent node by a name that is defined in any namespace as a node identifier. This technique removes certain restrictions on the space of node identifiers and allows mobile nodes to communicate with each other regardless of their location. Mobile nodes negotiate a pseudo node identifier, which is unique between the two nodes, with a correspondent node that is identified by the name. We make this pseudo node identifier compatible with the IPv6 address format; we can thus use existing IPv6 applications with our proposed mobility framework. This framework is based on Location Independent Network Architecture (LINA), and provides mobility support in a simple fashion and with low protocol overhead. We also demonstrate how to provide anonymity to our mobility protocol by using a dynamic pseudo node identifier. Our prototype implementation shows minimal overhead compared to a conventional IPv6 implementation.

  • A New Space-Time Multiple Trellis Coded Modulation Scheme for Flat Fading Channels

    Susu JIANG  Ryuji KOHNO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Systems

    E87-A No:3

    Recently, space-time multiple trellis coded modulation (ST-MTCM) has been introduced in order to achieve maximum transmit diversity gain and larger coding gain with the existance of parallel paths, which can not be achieved with STTCM system. In order to achieve good performance, it is crucial to maximize the intra-distance, which is defined by parallel paths and determine the performance. Conventional ST-MTCM uses a generator matrix G for coded modulation; however, we find that no matrix can be designed which can maximize the intra-distance by computer search. In this paper, we focus on maximizing the intra-distance and the diversity gain, and hence design a new coded modulation scheme. We use trellis codes in this paper which cannot be described by a matrix G. The proposed codes can achieve the maximum intra-distance and thus good coding gain, which may not be achieved by conventional codes. We also show that the proposed code can achieve good performance both in quasi-static and fast flat fading channels without the need for changing the codes as is necessary in the conventional ST-MTCM scheme.

  • On the Capacity of MIMO Wireless Channels

    Hyundong SHIN  Jae Hong LEE  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories

    E87-B No:3

    In this paper, we present a new closed-form formula for the ergodic capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless channels. Assuming independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Rayleigh flat-fading between antenna pairs and equal power allocation to each of the transmit antennas, the ergodic capacity of such channels is expressed in closed form as finite sums of the exponential integrals which are the special cases of the complementary incomplete gamma function. Using the asymptotic capacity rate of MIMO channels, which is defined as the asymptotic growth rate of the ergodic capacity, we also give simple approximate expressions for the MIMO capacity. Numerical results show that the approximations are quite accurate for the entire range of average signal-to-noise ratios.

  • A Novel Channel Estimation Method for Very High-Speed Mobile Communications

    Yonghui LI  Branka VUCETIC  Qishan ZHANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E87-B No:3

    Channel estimation is one of the key technologies in mobile communications. Channel estimation is critical in providing high data rate services and to overcome fast fading in very high-speed mobile communications. This paper presents a novel channel estimation based on hybrid spreading of I and Q signals (CEHS). Simulation results show that it can effectively mitigate the influence of fast fading and enable to provide high data rates for very high speed mobile systems.

  • Generation of Test Sequences with Low Power Dissipation for Sequential Circuits

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Shin-ya KOBAYASHI  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  

    PAPER-Test Generation and Compaction

    E87-D No:3

    When LSIs that are designed and manufactured for low power dissipation are tested, test vectors that make the power dissipation low should be applied. If test vectors that cause high power dissipation are applied, incorrect test results are obtained or circuits under test are permanently damaged. In this paper, we propose a method to generate test sequences with low power dissipation for sequential circuits. We assume test sequences generated by an ATPG tool are given, and modify them while keeping the original stuck-at fault coverages. The test sequence is modified by inverting the values of primary inputs of every test vector one by one. In order to keep the original fault coverage, fault simulation is conducted whenever one value of primary inputs is inverted. We introduce heuristics that perform fault simulation for a subset of faults during the modification of test vectors. This helps reduce the power dissipation of the modified test sequence. If the fault coverage by the modified test sequence is lower than that by the original test sequence, we generate a new short test sequence and add it to the modified test sequence.

  • Optimal Temporal Decomposition for Voice Morphing Preserving Δ Cepstrum

    Yoshinao SHIRAKI  

    PAPER-Audio/Speech Coding

    E87-A No:3

    We propose Optimal Temporal Decomposition (OTD) of speech for voice morphing preserving Δ cepstrum. OTD is an optimal modification of the original Temporal Decomposition (TD) by B. Atal. It is theoretically shown that OTD can achieve minimal spectral distortion for the TD-based approximation of time-varying LPC parameters. Moreover, by applying OTD to preserving Δ cepstrum, it is also theoretically shown that Δ cepstrum of a target speaker can be reflected to that of a source speaker. In frequency domain interpolation, the Laplacian Spectral Distortion (LSD) measure is introduced to improve the Inverse Function of Integrated Spectrum (IFIS) based non-uniform frequency warping. Experimental results indicate that Δ cepstrum of the OTD-based morphing spectra of a source speaker is mostly equal to that of a target speaker except for a piecewise constant factor and subjective listening tests show that the speech intelligibility of the proposed morphing method is superior to the conventional method.

  • PID Based Congestion Control Algorithms for AQM Routers Supporting TCP/IP Flows

    Aun HAIDER  Harsha SIRISENA  Krzysztof PAWLIKOWSKI  

    PAPER-Congestion Control

    E87-B No:3

    Using the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) principle of classical feedback control theory, this paper develops two general congestion control algorithms for routers implementing Active Queue Management (AQM) while supporting TCP/IP traffic flows. The general designs of non-interacting (N-PID) and interacting (I-PID) congestion control algorithms are tailored for practical network scenarios using the Ziegler-Nichols guidelines for tuning such controllers. Discrete event simulations using ns are performed to evaluate the performance of an existing F-PID and new N-PID and I-PID algorithms. The performance of N-PID and I-PID is compared mutually as well as with the F-PID algorithm. It reveals that N-PID and I-PID have higher speed of response but lower stability margins than F-PID. In general the accurate following of the target queue size by the PID principle congestion control algorithms, while providing high link utilization, low loss rate and low queuing delays, is also demonstrated.

  • Compact Wide-Band Antenna for Dual ISM-Band Applications

    I-Fong CHEN  Chia-Mei PENG  

    LETTER-Antenna and Propagation

    E87-B No:3

    A compact wide-band antennas design for the 2.4 GHz/5.8 GHz dual ISM-band application is introduced by combing a single-feed and single-layer microstrip antenna in the form of a T-type strip with an edge perturbation. Good impedance bandwidth performance for the dual-band is observed. The advantage of the design suggested in this paper is its simplicity of manufacturing and low cost.

  • Fast Data Transfer Method in Mobile IP Based Backbone Networks

    Takeshi KUBO  Hidetoshi YOKOTA  Akira IDOUE  Toru HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Mobile Networking

    E87-B No:3

    In the gauge of IMT-2000, Mobile IP based location management is standardized. The cellular network of IMT-2000 holds many users and covers a large area. In large-scale Mobile IP networks, such as IMT-2000, a foreign agent may manage many mobile nodes by the visitor list and its forwarding performance degrades owing to the list search overload. In this paper, we propose a fast data transfer method in Mobile IP networks by reducing the load of the search processes on the foreign agent using cooperation between mobility agents. In our experiments, we measured the packet forwarding performance and the packet forwarding process time. The results indicate the possibility of the performance degradation owing to the part of the registered mobile nodes in the visitor list. We verify that the foreign agent using our method can forward all the received packets on Fast Ethernet LAN when one million entries are recorded in the visitor list.

  • Design and Evaluation of a High Speed Routing Lookup Architecture

    Jun ZHANG  JeoungChill SHIM  Hiroyuki KURINO  Mitsumasa KOYANAGI  

    PAPER-Implementation and Operation

    E87-B No:3

    The IP routing lookup problem is equivalent to finding the longest prefix of a packet's destination address in a routing table. It is a challenging problem to design a high performance IP routing lookup architecture, because of increasing traffic, higher link speed, frequent updates and increasing routing table size. At first, increasing traffic and higher link speed require that the IP routing can be executed at wire speed. Secondly, frequent routing table updates require that the insertion and deletion operations should be simple and low delay. At last, increasing routing table size hopes that less memory is used in order to reduce cost. Although many schemes to achieve fast lookup exist, less attention is paid on the latter two factors. This paper proposed a novel pipelined IP routing lookup architecture using selective binary search on hash table organized by prefix lengths. The evaluation results show that it can perform IP lookup operations at a maximum rate of one lookup per cycle. The hash operation ratio for one lookup can be reduced to about 1%, less than two hash operations are needed for one table update and only 512 kbytes SRAM is needed for a routing table with about 43000 prefixes. It proves to have higher performance than the existing schemes.

  • An Efficient FEC Method for High-Quality Video Transmission on the Broadband Internet

    Tohru KONDO  Kouji NISHIMURA  Reiji AIBARA  


    E87-B No:3

    FEC (Forward Error Correction) can repair the damage to communication quality due to packet loss. The growing requirement of FEC for high-quality video transmission is inevitable on broadband networks. We have designed and implemented FEC, and integrated it to our developed video transmission system named "mpeg2ts." Our goal is to make it possible to deploy this system on the broadband Internet. However, the problem with constant redundancy of FEC is that weakness to fluctuation of network condition. To resolve this problem, in this paper, we propose and evaluate an efficient FEC method for high-quality video transmission. The proposed mechanisms can provide robustness as well as saving of processing load and optimization of bandwidth consumption. Moreover, we integrate it into a system to deploy it on the real broadband Internet. Transmission experiment demonstrates availability of developed system deployed on the network.
