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  • Statistical Properties of Modulo-2 Added Binary Sequences

    Akio TSUNEDA  Takuro SUGAHARA  Takahiro INOUE  


    E87-A No:9

    Modulo-2 addition (or exclusive-OR) is one of fundamental operations for binary variables. In this paper, we discuss statistical properties of sequences obtained by modulo-2 addition of two binary sequences. Firstly, we theoretically evaluate statistics of sequences obtained by modulo-2 addition of two general binary random variables. Secondly, we consider statistics of modulo-2 added chaotic binary sequences generated by a class of one-dimensional chaotic maps. Furthermore, we consider synthesis of an aperiodic binary sequence and a periodic one by modulo-2 addition with the purpose of generating aperiodic sequences with good statistical properties. We also perform computer experiments about such sequences.

  • Comparison of Four Polynomial Kernels for Enhancement of Autocorrelation-Based Pitch Estimates

    Hee-Suk PANG  Byeong-Moon JEON  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E87-A No:9

    Whereas the autocorrelation is frequently used for pitch estimation, the resultant estimates usually suffer from inaccuracy. Instead of upsampling, we can improve the accuracy of the estimates by applying polynomial interpolation to the autocorrelation directly. For that purpose, four kernels, which are interpolating quadratic, quadratic-B spline, cubic-B spline, and cubic convolution kernels respectively, have been compared. Experiments show that the cubic B spline kernel shows the best performance, a little inferior to the computationally intensive upsampling procedure. The quadratic B spline kernel shows also reasonable performance with the merit of the further reduced computational complexities compared with the cubic B spline kernel.

  • Performance Improvement Scheme for Chaotic Synchronization Based Multiplex Communication Systems

    Kazuhiko NAKAMURA  Teruyuki MIYAJIMA  Kazuo YAMANAKA  


    E87-A No:9

    This paper proposes a method of improving demodulation performance for chaotic synchronization based multiplex communications systems. In a conventional system, the number of data demodulated correctly is limited because transmitted chaotic signals interfere with each other. The proposed system uses a generalized inverse of a matrix formed from chaotic signals at the transmitter. Since this completely cancels the interference between chaotic signals, demodulation performance is greatly improved. The proposed system has the following features: A simple correlation receiver suitable for small terminals can be used; The magnitude of the correlator output is constant for binary data transmission; Analog information data can also be transmitted. Two methods to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio of the transmitted signal are presented.

  • Finding Neighbor Communities in the Web Using an Inter-Site Graph

    Yasuhito ASANO  Hiroshi IMAI  Masashi TOYODA  Masaru KITSUREGAWA  


    E87-D No:9

    In this paper, we present Neighbor Community Finder (NCF, for short), a tool for finding Web communities related to given URLs. While existing link-based methods of finding communities, such as HITS, trawling, and Companion, use algorithms running on a Web graph whose vertices are pages and edges are links on the Web, NCF uses an algorithm running on an inter-site graph whose vertices are sites and edges are global-links (links between sites). Since the phrase "Web site" is used ambiguously in our daily life and has no unique definition, NCF uses directory-based sites proposed by the authors as a model of Web sites. NCF receives URLs interested in by a user and constructs an inter-site graph containing neighbor sites of the given URLs by using a method of identifying directory-based sites from URL and link data obtained from the actual Web on demand. By computational experiments, we show that NCF achieves higher quality than Google's "Similar Pages" service for finding pages related to given URLs corresponding to various topics selected from among the directories of Yahoo! Japan.

  • Scalable Distributed Multicast Routing with Multiple Classes of QoS Guarantee

    Ren-Hung HWANG  Ben-Jye CHANG  Wen-Cheng HSIAO  Jenq-Muh HSU  


    E87-B No:9

    This paper proposes dynamic distributed unicast and multicast routing algorithms for multiple classes of QoS guaranteed networks. Each link in such a network is assumed to be able to provide multiple classes of QoS guarantee by reserving various amounts of resource. A distributed unicast routing algorithm, DCSP (Distributed Constrained Shortest Path), for finding a QoS constrained least cost path between each O-D (Originating-Destination) pair, is proposed first. Two class reduction schemes, the linear and logarithmic policies, are develpoed to prevent exponential growth of the number of end-to-end QoS classes. Based on DCSP, two distributed multicast routing algorithms, DCSPT (Distributed Constrained Shortest Path Tree) and DTM (Distributed Takahashi and Mutsuyama), are proposed to find QoS constrained minimum cost trees. Numerical results indicate that DCSP strongly outperforms previously proposed centralized algorithms and it works better with the linear class reduction method. For the multicast routing algorithms, the DCSPT with linear class reduction method yields the best performance of all multicast routing algorithms.

  • Single Electron Stochastic Neural Network

    Hisanao AKIMA  Saiboku YAMADA  Shigeo SATO  Koji NAKAJIMA  


    E87-A No:9

    Single electron devices are ultra low power and extremely small devices, and suitable for implementation of large scale integrated circuits. Artificial neural networks (ANNs), which require a large number of transistors for being to be applied to practical use, is one of the possible applications of single electron devices. In order to simplify a single electron circuit configuration, we apply stochastic logic in which various complex operations can be done with basic logic gates. We design basic subcircuits of a single electron stochastic neural network, and confirm that backgate bias control and a redundant configuration are necessary for a feedback loop configuration by computer simulation based on Monte Carlo method. The proposed single electron circuit is well-suited for hardware implementation of a stochastic neural network because we can save circuit area and power consumption by using a single electron random number generator (RNG) instead of a conventional complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) RNG.

  • Implementation of Continuous-Time Dynamics on Stochastic Neurochip

    Shunsuke AKIMOTO  Akiyoshi MOMOI  Shigeo SATO  Koji NAKAJIMA  


    E87-A No:9

    The hardware implementation of a neural network model using stochastic logic has been able to integrate numerous neuron units on a chip. However, the limitation of applications occurred since the stochastic neurosystem could execute only discrete-time dynamics. We have contrived a neuron model with continuous-time dynamics by using stochastic calculations. In this paper, we propose the circuit design of a new neuron circuit, and show the fabricated neurochip comprising 64 neurons with experimental results. Furthermore, a new asynchronous updating method and a new activation function circuit are proposed. These improvements enhance the performance of the neurochip greatly.

  • The Effects of Local Repair Schemes in AODV-Based Ad Hoc Networks

    Ki-Hyung KIM  Hyun-Gon SEO  

    PAPER-Ad Hoc Network

    E87-B No:9

    The AODV (Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) protocol is one of the typical reactive routing protocols in Ad Hoc networks, in that mobile nodes initiate routing activities only in the presence of data packets in need of a route. In this paper, we focus upon the local repair mechanism of AODV. When a link is broken, the upstream node of the broken link repairs the route to the destination by initiating a local route discovery process. The process involves the flooding of AODV control messages in every node within a radius of the length from the initiating node to the destination. In this paper, we propose an efficient local repair scheme for AODV, called AELR (AODV-based Efficient Local Repair). AELR utilizes the existing routing information in the downstream intermediate nodes which have been on the active route to the destination before a link break occurs. AELR can reduce the flooding range of AODV control messages and the route recovery time for route recovery because it can repair a route through the nearby downstream intermediate nodes. The performance results show that AELR can achieve faster route recovery than the local repair mechanism of AODV.

  • Nonlinear Wave Propagation for a Parametric Loudspeaker

    Jun YANG  Kan SHA  Woon-Seng GAN  Jing TIAN  


    E87-A No:9

    A directional audible sound can be generated by amplitude-modulated (AM) into ultrasound wave from a parametric array. To synthesize audio signals produced by the self-demodulation effect of the AM sound wave, a quasi-linear analytical solution, which describes the nonlinear wave propagation, is developed for fast numerical evaluation. The radiated sound field is expressed as the superposition of Gaussian Beams. Numerical results are presented for a rectangular parametric loudspeaker, which are in good agreement with the experimental data published previously.

  • Stability Boundaries Analysis of Electric Power System with DC Transmission Based on Differential-Algebraic Equation System

    Yoshihiko SUSUKI  Takashi HIKIHARA  Hsiao-Dong CHIANG  


    E87-A No:9

    This paper discusses stability boundaries in an electric power system with dc transmission based on a differential-algebraic equation (DAE) system. The DAE system is derived to analyze transient stability of the ac/dc power system: the differential equation represents the dynamics of the generator and the dc transmission, and the algebraic equation the active and reactive power relationship between the ac system and the dc transmission. In this paper complete characterization of stability boundaries of stable equilibrium points in the DAE system is derived based on an energy function for the associated singularly perturbed (SP) system. The obtained result completely describes global structures of the stability boundaries in solution space of the DAE system. In addition the characterization is confirmed via several numerical results with a stability boundary.

  • Chaoticity and Fractality Analysis of an Artificial Stock Market Generated by the Multi-Agent Systems Based on the Co-evolutionary Genetic Programming

    Yoshikazu IKEDA  Shozo TOKINAGA  


    E87-A No:9

    This paper deals with the chaoticity and fractality analysis of price time series for artificial stock market generated by the multi-agent systems based on the co-evolutionary Genetic Programming (GP). By simulation studies, if the system parameters and the system construction are appropriately chosen, the system shows very monotonic behaviors or sometime chaotic time series. Therefore, it is necessary to show the relationship between the realizability (reproducibility) of the system and the system parameters. This paper describe the relation between the chaoticity of an artificial stock price and system parameters. We also show the condition for the fractality of a stock price. Although the Chaos and the Fractal are the signal which can be obtained from the system which is generally different, we show that those can be obtained from a single system. Cognitive behaviors of agents are modeled by using the GP to introduce social learning as well as individual learning. Assuming five types of agents, in which rational agents prefer forecast models (equations) or production rules to support their decision making, and irrational agents select decisions at random like a speculator. Rational agents usually use their own knowledge base, but some of them utilize their public (common) knowledge base to improve trading decisions. By assuming that agents with random behavior are excluded and each agent uses the forecast model or production rule with most highest fitness, those assumptions are derived a kind of chaoticity from stock price. It is also seen that the stock price becomes fractal time series if we utilize original framework for the multi-agent system and relax the restriction of systems for chaoticity.

  • Numerical Evaluation of Incremental Vector Quantization Using Stochastic Relaxation

    Noritaka SHIGEI  Hiromi MIYAJIMA  Michiharu MAEDA  


    E87-A No:9

    Learning algorithms for Vector Quantization (VQ) are categorized into two types: batch learning and incremental learning. Incremental learning is more useful than batch learning, because, unlike batch learning, incremental learning can be performed either on-line or off-line. In this paper, we develop effective incremental learning methods by using Stochastic Relaxation (SR) techniques, which have been developed for batch learning. It has been shown that, for batch learning, the SR techniques can provide good global optimization without greatly increasing the computational cost. We empirically investigates the effective implementation of SR for incremental learning. Specifically, we consider five types of SR methods: ISR1, ISR2, ISR3, WSR1 and WSR2. ISRs and WSRs add noise input and weight vectors, respectively. The difference among them is when the perturbed input or weight vectors are used in learning. These SR methods are applied to three types of incremental learning: K-means, Neural-Gas (NG) and Kohonen's Self-Organizing Mapping (SOM). We evaluate comprehensively these combinations in terms of accuracy and computation time. Our simulation results show that K-means with ISR3 is the most comprehensively effective among these combinations and is superior to the conventional NG method known as an excellent method.

  • Bit Error Rate Calculation for Multi-User Coherent Chaos-Shift-Keying Communication Systems

    Ji YAO  Anthony J. LAWRANCE  


    E87-A No:9

    Analytical derivation of bit error rates for multi-user coherent chaos-shift-keying (CSK) communication systems are presented in this paper. Nearly exact results are obtained by applying the central limit theorem of statistics to sums of independent variables. Based on χ2 distribution approximations, more viable but still very accurate results decrease complexity of the calculations. The χ2 approach is compared with the widely used Gaussian approximation approach to show its superiority in most cases. Bit error performance bounds for the multi-user CSK system from the approach are deduced as further contributions of this paper. The theoretical results obtained are entirely consistent with a range of simulations.

  • Properties of Exponential Hashing

    Wenbin LUO  Gregory L. HEILEMAN  


    E87-A No:9

    The chaotic property of a new open addressing hash function, called exponential hashing, is presented. Our analysis indicates the connection between ergodic theory and hashing. Based on that, concepts from ergodic theory are applied to predict the performance of exponential hashing. Experimental results are presented to verify our theoretic analysis and the prediction.

  • AODV-Based Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    Shinji MOTEGI  Hiroki HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Ad Hoc Network

    E87-B No:9

    The single path routing protocol, known as the Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector, has been widely studied for use in mobile ad hoc networks. AODV requires a new route discovery whenever a path breaks. Such frequent route discoveries cause a delay due to route discovery latency. To avoid such inefficiency, a multipath routing protocol has been proposed that attempts to find link-disjoint paths in a route discovery. However, when there are two or more common intermediate nodes on the path, the protocol can not find a pair of link-disjoint paths even if the paths actually exist. To reduce this route discovery latency, it is necessary to increase the opportunities for finding a pair of link-disjoint paths. In this paper, we focus on AODV and propose an AODV-based new multipath routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. The proposed routing protocol uses a new method to find a pair of link-disjoint paths by selecting a route having a small number of common intermediate nodes on its path. Using simulation models, we evaluate the proposed routing protocol and compare it with AODV and the existing multipath routing protocol. Results show that the proposed routing protocol achieves better performance in terms of delay than other protocols because it increases the number of cases where a pair of link-disjoint paths can be established.

  • A Robust Recursive Least Square Algorithm against Impulsive Noise

    Seong-Joon BAEK  Jinyoung KIM  Dae-Jin KIM  Dong-Soo HAR  Kiseon KIM  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E87-A No:9

    In this paper, we propose a robust adaptive algorithm for impulsive noise suppression. The perturbation of the input signal as well as the perturbation of the estimation error are restricted by M-estimation. The threshold used in M-estimation is obtained from the proposed adaptive variance estimation. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm is less vulnerable to the impulsive noise than the conventional algorithm.

  • Availability of Resistive Boundary Condition for Thin Metallic Gratings Placed in Conical Mounting

    Hideaki WAKABAYASHI  Jiro YAMAKITA  Masamitsu ASAI  Hiroshi INAI  

    PAPER-Basic Electromagnetic Analysis

    E87-C No:9

    The scattering problem by metallic gratings has become one of fundamental problems in electromagnetics. In this paper, a thin metallic grating placed in conical mounting is treated as a lossy dielectric grating expressed by complex permittivity and thickness. The solution of the metallic grating by using the matrix eigenvalue calculations is compared with that of the plane grating by using the resistive boundary condition and the spectral Galerkin procedure, and the availability of the resistive boundary condition for thin metallic gratings in conical mounting is investigated. In order to improve the convergence of the solutions of thin metallic gratings, the spatial harmonics of flux densities which are continuous function instead of electromagnetic fields are used.

  • Block-Toeplitz Fast Integral Equation Solver for Large Finite Periodic and Partially Periodic Array Systems


    PAPER-Basic Electromagnetic Analysis

    E87-C No:9

    We describe elements of a fast integral equation solver for large periodic and partly periodic finite array systems. A key element of the algorithm is utilization (in a rigorous way) of a block-Toeplitz structure of the impedance matrix in conjunction with either conventional Method of Moments (MoM), Fast Multipole Method (FMM), or Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-based Adaptive Integral Method (AIM) compression techniques. We refer to the resulting algorithms as the (block-)Toeplitz-MoM, (block-)Toeplitz-AIM, or (block-)Toeplitz-FMM algorithms. While the computational complexity of the Toeplitz-AIM and Toeplitz-FMM algorithms is comparable to that of their non-Toeplitz counterparts, they offer a very significant (about two orders of magnitude for problems of the order of five million unknowns) storage reduction. In particular, our comparisons demonstrate, that the Toeplitz-AIM algorithm offers significant advantages in problems of practical interest involving arrays with complex antenna elements. This result follows from the more favorable scaling of the Toeplitz-AIM algorithm for arrays characterized by large number of unknowns in a single array element and applicability of the AIM algorithm to problems requiring strongly sub-wavelength resolution.

  • Path Optimization under Delay Constraints in Mobile IP over MPLS Networks

    Tsan-Pin WANG  Chen-Lung TSUI  

    PAPER-Mobile IP

    E87-B No:9

    Integrating Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Mobile IP (MIP) protocols is a challenge to support Quality of Services (QoS) as well as mobility. Existing approaches may suffer from (1) high blocking rate and handover delay due to the path re-establishment, and (2) twice MPLS label PUSH and POP procedures due to the triangle routing. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to integrating MPLS and MIP. The proposed approach maintains an efficient QoS path and solves the above drawbacks. We also design a path extension procedure to reduce blocking probability and a path optimization procedure to maintain the shortest transmission path under delay constraints with the lowest cost. The simulation results show that the proposed approach reduces handover delay, connection dropping rate, and data loss rate comparing to the original MIPs over MPLS. Furthermore, we can also tune the system performance using an extension counter for the trade-off between management cost and data transmission delay.

  • Performance Comparison of Delay Transmit Diversity and Frequency-Domain Space-Time Coded Transmit Diversity for Orthogonal Multicode DS-CDMA Signal Reception Using Frequency-Domain Equalization

    Takeshi ITAGAKI  Kazuaki TAKEDA  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E87-B No:9

    In a severe frequency-selective fading channel, the bit error rate (BER) performance of orthogonal multicode DS-CDMA is severely degraded since the orthogonality property of spreading codes is partially lost. The frequency-selectivity of a fading channel can be exploited by using frequency-domain equalization to improve the BER performance. Further performance improvement can be obtained by using transmit diversity. In this paper, joint transmit diversity and frequency-domain equalization is presented for the reception of orthogonal multicode DS-CDMA signals in a frequency-selective fading channel. As for transmit diversity, delay transmit diversity (DTD) and frequency-domain space-time transmit diversity (STTD) are considered. The achievable BER performance of multicode DS-CDMA in a frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channel is evaluated by computer simulation. It is shown that the frequency-domain STTD significantly improves the BER performance irrespective of the degree of the channel frequency-selectivity while DTD is useful only for a weak frequency-selective channel.
