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Hierarchical Transmission of Huffman Code Using Multi-Code/Multi-Rate DS/SS Modulation with Appropriate Power Control

Satoshi MAKIDO, Takaya YAMAZATO, Masaaki KATAYAMA, Akira OGAWA

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Summary :

For transmission of video signals, it is important that the system allows a certain degree of flexibility in bit rate as well as quality, depending upon the requirements of media and channel conditions. In this paper, we discuss the hierarchical transmission of Huffman code using multi-code/multi-rate DS/SS system to realize flexible transmission. We first discuss and show that the structure of Huffman code tree directly expresses hierarchical structure, and that parallel transmission of Huffman code can achieve hierarchical transmission. By assigning different transmission data rate to the bits in each stratum, it is possible to transmit different amount of information from each stratum. Further, we show the quality of each of the stratum can easily controlled by an appropriate power distribution to each parallel transmission branch.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E81-B No.12 pp.2283-2289
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on the Latest Development of Telecommunication Research)
Transmission and Modulation

