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An Intelligent Radio Resource Management Scheme for Multi-Layered Cellular Systems with Different Assigned Bandwidths

Fumihide KOJIMA, Seiichi SAMPEI, Norihiko MORINAGA

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Summary :

This paper proposes an intelligent and autonomous radio resource management scheme for a multi-layered cellular system with different assigned bandwidths to achieve flexible and high capacity wireless communication systems under any traffic conditions, especially under nonuniform traffic conditions. In the proposed system, terminals with lower mobility are connected to the wideband microcell systems to achieve higher system capacity, and terminals with higher mobility are connected to the narrowband macrocell systems to reduce intercell hand-off frequency. To flexibly cope with variations of traffic conditions, radio spectrum is adaptively and autonomously shared by both systems, and its control is conducted by each microcell base station. Moreover, at the existence of nonuniform traffic conditions , the proposed system introduces downlink power control for the microcells and graceful degradation thereby achieving high system capacity even under such extraordinary traffic situations . Computer simulation confirms that the proposed scheme can achieve lower blocking probability than the centralized scheme especially under nonuniform traffic conditions.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E81-B No.12 pp.2444-2453
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on the Latest Development of Telecommunication Research)
QoS Control and Traffic Control

