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Diffserv-Based QoS over ATM Access Networks

Tomohiro ISHIHARA, Jun TANAKA, Michio GOTO, Sotaro ODA

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Summary :

We have developed a new scheme to provide Diffserv-based QoS over ATM access networks. Well-known Diffserv over ATM scheme requires some extension for conventional routers with ATM interfaces. The routers must map their Diffserv classes of services into ATM QoS classes and forward IP packets into prioritized VCs based on DSCP (DiffServ Code Point). The purpose of this work is to provide Diffserv-based QoS over ATM network using conventional IP over ATM interfaces on routers. We propose DSCP snooping at ATM edge nodes, which differentiates services over a single VC between two IP domains. A prototype circuit was used to evaluate this scheme.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E84-B No.6 pp.1498-1503
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on New Developments on QoS Technologies for Information Networks)

