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EcAgent Architecture Providing Networking Services Based on Loose Communities

Takayuki NAKAMURA, Michiharu TAKEMOTO, Satoshi TANAKA

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Summary :

For future adaptive networking services, it will be effective if autonomous agents utilize widely spread information that continuously changes. A communication network should provide a framework for agents to utilize information in a large-scale network and should positively support communications among agents. This paper proposes EcAgent (Environment for Communities of Agents). EcAgent provides agents with access to communities that are loose collections of agents. It gathers global information about communications among all agents and makes the agents share it in communities. It makes possible adaptive networking services that use various types of information. We implemented the EcAgent execution environment and some experimental applications to make an adaptive networking service. We also implemented a simulation system to evaluate how accurately the library recognized the embedded relationships as communities. The results of experiments show that the proposed methods for community recognition work efficiently.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E85-B No.8 pp.1455-1462
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on Outstanding Papers from APCC 2001)

