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Call Level and Packet Level Performance Analysis of Splitted-Rating Channel Scheme in Multimedia UMTS Networks by Level Dependent QBD Process

Bong Dae CHOI, Dong Bi ZHU, Chang Sun CHOI

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Summary :

We propose and analyze a new efficient handoff scheme called Splitted-Rating Channel Scheme in UMTS networks, and we analyze the call level performance of splitted-rating channel scheme and then packet level performance of downlink traffic at UMTS circuit-switched networks. In order to reduce the blocking probability of originating calls and the forced termination probability of handoff calls, a splitted-rating channel scheme is applied to the multimedia UMTS networks. This multimedia network supports two classes of calls; narrowband call requiring one channel and wideband call requiring multiple channels. The channels in service for wideband call are splitted its channels for lending to originating call and handoff call according to threshold control policy. By assuming that arrivals of narrowband calls and arrivals of wideband calls are Poisson, we model the number of narrowband calls and the number of wideband calls in the one cell by Level Dependent Quasi-Birth-Death (QBD) process and obtain their joint stationary distribution. For packet level analysis, we first describe the downlink traffic from the base station to a mobile terminal in UMTS networks, and calculate the mean packet delay of a connected wideband call by using QBD analysis. Numerical examples show that our splitted-rating channel scheme reduces the blocking probability of originating call and the forced termination probability of handoff call with a little degradation of packet delay.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E85-B No.9 pp.1685-1697
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Wireless Communication Technology

