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Estimation of EMI Impact by Cellular Radio on Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers in Elevator Using EMF Distributions Inside Human Body

Atsushi KITAGAWA, Takashi HIKAGE, Toshio NOJIMA, Ally Y. SIMBA, Soichi WATANABE

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Summary :

The purpose of this study is to estimate the possible effect of cellular radio on implantable cardiac pacemakers in elevators. We previously investigated pacemaker EMI in elevator by examining the E-field distribution of horizontal plane at the height of expected for implanted pacemakers inside elevators. In this paper, we introduce our method for estimating EMI impact to implantable cardiac pacemakers using EMF distributions inside the region of the human body in which pacemakers are implanted. Simulations of a human phantom in an elevator are performed and histograms are derived from the resulting EMF distributions. The computed results of field strengths are compared with a certain reference level determined from experimentally obtained maximum interference distance of implantable cardiac pacemakers. This enables us to carry out a quantitative evaluation of the EMI impact to pacemakers by cellular radio transmission. This paper uses a numerical phantom model developed based on an European adult male. The simulations evaluate EMI on implantable cardiac pacemakers in three frequency bands. As a result, calculated E-field strengths are sufficiently low to cause the pacemaker to malfunction in the region examined.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E93-B No.7 pp.1839-1846
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Section on Advanced Electromagnetic Compatibility Technology in Conjunction with Main Topics of EMC'09/Kyoto)
Biological Effects and Safety

