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Surface Plasmon Excitation and Emission Light Property for Otto/Kretschmann Configuration with MEH-PPV Film

Megumi HAFUKA, Masahiro MINAGAWA, Yasuo OHDAIRA, Akira BABA, Kazunari SHINBO, Keizo KATO, Futao KANEKO

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Summary :

Attenuated total reflection (ATR) property utilizing surface plasmon (SP) excitation was investigated for BK-7 prism/MgF2/Ag film/fluorescent organic dye film structure. In the structure, it is expected that SPs are excited at MgF2/Ag and Ag/dye film interfaces by Otto and Kretschmann configurations, respectively. In the experimental ATR curve, reflection dips for the SP excitations at the interfaces could be detected. Furthermore, SP emission lights were observed by irradiation of Ar ion laser beam from the dye film side. The SP emission light curve with two peaks was observed and it was also considered that the peaks corresponded to the SP excitation of Otto and Kretschmann configurations. The SP emission light spectra indicated the excited fluorescent dyes induced the SP emission lights. Intense emission light of Otto configuration was observed in this sample.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics Vol.E91-C No.12 pp.1883-1884
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section LETTER (Special Section on The Forefront of 21st Century Organic Molecular Electronics)
Materials & Devices

