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Measurement-Based Mathematical Active Device Modeling for High Frequency Circuit Simulation

David E. ROOT

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Summary :

Measurement-based mathematical modeling is an attractive approach for simulating, accurately and efficiently, circuits based on active devices from a diverse range of constantly evolving processes and technologies. The principle of the measurement-based approach is that it is often most practical to characterize the device with various high-frequency measurements, and then mathematically transform the data to produce predictive device dynamical models for small-signal (linear) and large-signal (nonlinear) circuit design purposes. There are many mathematical, physical, and measurement considerations, however, that must be incorporated into any sound framework for successful measurement-based modeling. This paper will review some foundations of the subject and discuss some future trends. Review topics include constructing nonlinear constitutive relations from linear data parameterized by operating point and conservation laws including terminal charge conservation and energy conservation. Recent advances and trends will be discussed, such as pulsed I-V and pulsed S-parameter characterization with implications for electro-thermal and dispersive dynamical models, nonlinear wave-form measurements, and the relationship to some black-box behavioral modeling approaches.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics Vol.E82-C No.6 pp.924-936
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section INVITED PAPER (Special Issue on TCAD for Semiconductor Industries)

