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Throughput Efficiency of the Fundamental Multi-Receiver Go-Back-N ARQ Scheme over a Dependent Packet-Error Channel

Satomi AMAKI, Masaharu KOMATSU

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Summary :

It has been shown that the performances of single-receiver ARQ schemes are largely dependent on the packet-error process, i.e., for dependent packet-error environment, they are under- or over- estimated by analyzing them under the assumption that packet-errors occur at random. While, multi-receiver ARQ's have not been analyzed and evaluated for dependent packet-error process. In this paper, we analyze the throughput efficiency of the fundamental multi-receiver Go-back-N ARQ scheme, which can be implemented very simply, over an unreliable channel modeled by the two-state Markov process. Any receiver erroneously receives a packet with probability inherent to each state. From numerical results, we show that the throughput efficiency of the fundamental multi-receiver Go-Back-N ARQ scheme depends on the number of receivers, round-trip-delay, and the characteristic of the Markov process. Also we show that the throughput efficiency of the fundamental multi-receiver Go-Back-N ARQ scheme for larger decay factor and larger difference between packet error probability at each state is considerably better than that for the random error pattern.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals Vol.E85-A No.6 pp.1371-1378
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

