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Impact of Packet Spacing Time on Packet Loss under Loss Window Size for FEC-Based Applications

Teruko MIYATA, Harumoto FUKUDA, Satoshi ONO

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Summary :

Certain relationships between successive packet loss patterns and packet spacing are described. To observe a successive packet loss pattern, one possible method is to investigate test packets that are generated at certain intervals (e. g. , Poisson interval, constant regular interval). However, successive packet loss strongly depends on the interval generated. If test packets are generated with long intervals, then successive loss pattern cannot be shown. Thus, in such a method, where the packet intervals may sometimes be long or short, the successiveness of the packet loss should be considered in terms of the packet spacing. To clarify the relationship between the successive packet loss and the packet spacing, we analyze data based on observation of an actual network with the loss window size as a parameter. We find that when the packet spacing is narrower, i. e. , has a shorter interval, the probability becomes higher that the packet immediately following a single packet loss would also be lost.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information Vol.E82-D No.4 pp.846-853
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on Internet Technology and Its Applications)

