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VCID Notification for Label Switching

Kenichi NAGAMI, Hiroshi ESAKI, Noritoshi DEMIZU

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Summary :

Label switching technology enables high performance and flexible layer-3 packet forwarding using the fixed length label information mapped to the corresponding layer-3 packet stream. A Label Switching Router (LSR), applying label switching technology, forwards layer-3 packets either by their layer-3 address information or by their label information mapped to the layer-3 address information. In order to apply label switching technology to ATM links, we have introduced a new identifier called a Virtual Connection ID (VCID). The VCID value is shared between the neighboring LSR nodes. This paper proposes a VCID notification procedure and evaluates the performance of LSP (Label Switching Path) establishment with the VCID notification procedure. The prototype system can establish 142.9 LSPs in one second with PVC operation, and 10.53 LSPs in one second with SVC operation. Of the entire LSP establishment procedure, the VCID notification procedure contributes only 3 ms, corresponding to only 3% of the entire LSP establishment procedure with SVC operation. Evaluation using a real traffic trace between Japan and the U. S. shows that the required maximum number for LSP establishment is 17 per second. With SVC operation, the prototype system will not be able to achieve sufficient performance with regard to LSP establishment. Since the contribution by the ATM signaling is large, i. e. , 88 ms (= 92.6%), we need to improve the performance of ATM signaling with SVC operation.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information Vol.E82-D No.4 pp.863-869
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on Internet Technology and Its Applications)



MPLS,  LSR,  Router,  IETF,  ATM