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Analysis against Security Issues of Voice over 5G

Hyungjin CHO, Seongmin PARK, Youngkwon PARK, Bomin CHOI, Dowon KIM, Kangbin YIM

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Summary :

In Feb 2021, As the competition for commercialization of 5G mobile communication has been increasing, 5G SA Network and Vo5G are expected to be commercialized soon. 5G mobile communication aims to provide 20 Gbps transmission speed which is 20 times faster than 4G mobile communication, connection of at least 1 million devices per 1 km2, and 1 ms transmission delay which is 10 times shorter than 4G. To meet this, various technological developments were required, and various technologies such as Massive MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output), mmWave, and small cell network were developed and applied in the area of 5G access network. However, in the core network area, the components constituting the LTE (Long Term Evolution) core network are utilized as they are in the NSA (Non-Standalone) architecture, and only the changes in the SA (Standalone) architecture have occurred. Also, in the network area for providing the voice service, the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) infrastructure is still used in the SA architecture. Here, the issue is that while 5G mobile communication is evolving openly to provide various services, security elements are vulnerable to various cyber-attacks because they maintain the same form as before. Therefore, in this paper, we will look at what the network standard for 5G voice service provision consists of, and what are the vulnerable problems in terms of security. And We Suggest Possible Attack Scenario using Security Issue, We also want to consider whether these problems can actually occur and what is the countermeasure.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information Vol.E104-D No.11 pp.1850-1856
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Section on Next-generation Security Applications and Practice)


Hyungjin CHO
  Korea Internet & Security Agency
Seongmin PARK
  Korea Internet & Security Agency
Youngkwon PARK
  Korea Internet & Security Agency
Bomin CHOI
  Korea Internet & Security Agency
Dowon KIM
  Korea Internet & Security Agency
Kangbin YIM
  Soonchunhyang University
