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[Author] Akinori IHARA(8hit)

  • SōjiTantei: Function-Call Reachability Detection of Vulnerable Code for npm Packages



    E105-D No:1

    It has become common practice for software projects to adopt third-party dependencies. Developers are encouraged to update any outdated dependency to remain safe from potential threats of vulnerabilities. In this study, we present an approach to aid developers show whether or not a vulnerable code is reachable for JavaScript projects. Our prototype, SōjiTantei, is evaluated in two ways (i) the accuracy when compared to a manual approach and (ii) a larger-scale analysis of 780 clients from 78 security vulnerability cases. The first evaluation shows that SōjiTantei has a high accuracy of 83.3%, with a speed of less than a second analysis per client. The second evaluation reveals that 68 out of the studied 78 vulnerabilities reported having at least one clean client. The study proves that automation is promising with the potential for further improvement.

  • An Algorithm for Gradual Patch Acceptance Detection in Open Source Software Repository Mining

    Passakorn PHANNACHITTA  Akinori IHARA  Pijak JIRAPIWONG  Masao OHIRA  Ken-ichi MATSUMOTO  


    E95-A No:9

    Nowadays, software development societies have given more precedence to Open Source Software (OSS). There is much research aimed at understanding the OSS society to sustain the OSS product. To lead an OSS project to a successful conclusion, researchers study how developers change source codes called patches in project repositories. In existing studies, we found an argument in the conventional patch acceptance detection procedure. It was so simplified that it omitted important cases from the analysis, and would lead researchers to wrong conclusions. In this research, we propose an algorithm to overcome the problem. To prove out our algorithm, we constructed a framework and conducted two case studies. As a result, we came to a new and interesting understanding of patch activities.

  • How are IF-Conditional Statements Fixed Through Peer CodeReview?

    Yuki UEDA  Akinori IHARA  Takashi ISHIO  Toshiki HIRAO  Kenichi MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E101-D No:11

    Peer code review is key to ensuring the absence of software defects. To reduce review costs, software developers adopt code convention checking tools that automatically identify maintainability issues in source code. However, these tools do not always address the maintainability issue for a particular project. The goal of this study is to understand how code review fixes conditional statement issues, which are the most frequent changes in software development. We conduct an empirical study to understand if-statement changes through code review. Using review requests in the Qt and OpenStack projects, we analyze changes of the if-conditional statements that are (1) requested to be reviewed, and are (2) revised through code review. We find the most frequently changed symbols are “( )”, “.”, and “!”. We also find project-specific fixing patterns for improving code readability by association rule mining. For example “!” operator is frequently replaced with a function call. These rules are useful for improving a coding convention checker tailored for the projects.

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Akinori IHARA  


    E107-D No:3
  • An Empirical Study of README contents for JavaScript Packages

    Shohei IKEDA  Akinori IHARA  Raula Gaikovina KULA  Kenichi MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E102-D No:2

    Contemporary software projects often utilize a to share crucial information such as installation and usage examples related to their software. Furthermore, these files serve as an important source of updated and useful documentation for developers and prospective users of the software. Nonetheless, both novice and seasoned developers are sometimes unsure of what is required for a good README file. To understand the contents of README, we investigate the contents of 43,900 JavaScript packages. Results show that these packages contain common content themes (i.e., ‘usage’, ‘install’ and ‘license’). Furthermore, we find that application-specific packages more frequently included content themes such as ‘options’, while library-based packages more frequently included other specific content themes (i.e., ‘install’ and ‘license’).

  • Understanding Developer Commenting in Code Reviews

    Toshiki HIRAO  Raula GAIKOVINA KULA  Akinori IHARA  Kenichi MATSUMOTO  


    E102-D No:12

    Modern code review is a well-known practice to assess the quality of software where developers discuss the quality in a web-based review tool. However, this lightweight approach may risk an inefficient review participation, especially when comments becomes either excessive (i.e., too many) or underwhelming (i.e., too few). In this study, we investigate the phenomena of reviewer commenting. Through a large-scale empirical analysis of over 1.1 million reviews from five OSS systems, we conduct an exploratory study to investigate the frequency, size, and evolution of reviewer commenting. Moreover, we also conduct a modeling study to understand the most important features that potentially drive reviewer comments. Our results find that (i) the number of comments and the number of words in the comments tend to vary among reviews and across studied systems; (ii) reviewers change their behaviours in commenting over time; and (iii) human experience and patch property aspects impact the number of comments and the number of words in the comments.

  • Extraction of Library Update History Using Source Code Reuse Detection

    Kanyakorn JEWMAIDANG  Takashi ISHIO  Akinori IHARA  Kenichi MATSUMOTO  Pattara LEELAPRUTE  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E101-D No:3

    This paper proposes a method to extract and visualize a library update history in a project. The method identifies reused library versions by comparing source code in a product with existing versions of the library so that developers can understand when their own copy of a library has been copied, modified, and updated.

  • Good or Bad Committers? –– A Case Study of Committer's Activities on the Eclipse's Bug Fixing Process

    Anakorn JONGYINDEE  Masao OHIRA  Akinori IHARA  Ken-ichi MATSUMOTO  


    E95-D No:9

    There are many roles to play in the bug fixing process in open source software development. A developer called “Committer”, who has a permission to submit a patch into a software repository, plays a major role in this process and holds a key to the successfulness of the project. Despite the importance of committer's activities, we suspect that sometimes committers can make mistakes which have some consequences to the bug fixing process (e.g., reopened bugs after bug fixing). Our research focuses on studying the consequences of each committer's activities to this process. We collected each committer's historical data from the Eclipse-Platform's bug tracking system and version control system and evaluated their activities using bug status in the bug tracking system and commit log in the version control system. Then we looked deeper into each committer's characteristics to see the reasons why some committers tend to make mistakes more than the others.