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[Author] Akira MARUOKA(7hit)

  • Circuit Complexity and Approximation Method

    Akira MARUOKA  


    E75-D No:1

    Circuit complexity of a Boolean function is defined to be the minimum number of gates in circuits computing the function. In general, the circuit complexity is established by deriving two types of bounds on the complexity. On one hand, an upper bound is derived by showing a circuit, of the size given by the bound, to compute a function. On the other hand, a lower bound is established by proving that a function can not be computed by any circuit of the size. There has been much success in obtaining good upper bounds, while in spite of much efforts few progress has been made toward establishing strong lower bounds. In this paper, after surveying general results concerning circuit complexity for Boolean functions, we explain recent results about lower bounds, focusing on the method of approximation.

  • An On-Line Prediction Algorithm Combining Several Prediction Strategies in the Shared Bet Model

    Ichiro TAJIKA  Eiji TAKIMOTO  Akira MARUOKA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E82-D No:2

    One of the most important problems in machine learning is to predict a binary value by observing a sequence of outcomes, up to the present time step, generated from some unknown source. Vovk and Cesa-Bianchi et al. independently proposed an on-line prediction model where prediction algorithms are assumed to be given a collection of prediction strategies called experts and hence be allowed to use the predictions they make. In this model, no assumption is made about the way the sequence of bits to be predicted is generated, and the performance of the algorithm is measured by the difference between the number of mistakes it makes on the bit sequence and the number of mistakes made by the best expert on the same sequence. In this paper we extend the model by introducing a notion of investment. That is, both the prediction algorithm and the experts are required to make bets on their predictions at each time step, and the performance of the algorithm is now measured with respect to the total money lost, rather than the number of mistakes. We analyze our algorithms in the particular situation where all the experts share the same amount of bets at each time step. In this shared bet model, we give a prediction algorithm that is in some sense optimal but impractical, and we also give an efficient prediction algorithm that turns out to be nearly optimal.

  • On the Sample Complexity of Consistent Learning with One-Sided Error

    Eiji TAKIMOTO  Akira MARUOKA  

    PAPER-Computational Learning Theory

    E78-D No:5

    Although consistent learning is sufficient for PAC-learning, it has not been found what strategy makes learning more efficient, especially on the sample complexity, i.e., the number of examples required. For the first step towards this problem, classes that have consistent learning algorithms with one-sided error are considered. A combinatorial quantity called maximal particle sets is introduced, and an upper bound of the sample complexity of consistent learning with one-sided error is obtained in terms of maximal particle sets. For the class of n-dimensional axis-parallel rectangles, one of those classes that are consistently learnable with one-sided error, the cardinality of the maximal particle set is estimated and O(d/ε1/ε log 1/δ) upper bound of the learning algorithm for the class is obtained. This bound improves the bounds due to Blumer et al. and meets the lower bound within a constant factor.

  • Relationships between PAC-Learning Algorithms and Weak Occam Algorithms

    Eiji TAKIMOTO  Akira MARUOKA  


    E75-D No:4

    In the approximate learning model introduced by Valiant, it has been shown by Blumer et al. that an Occam algorithm is immediately a PAC-learning algorithm. An Occam algorithm is a polynomial time algorithm that produces, for any sequence of examples, a simple hypothesis consistent with the examples. So an Occam algorithm is thought of as a procedure that compresses information in the examples. Weakening the compressing ability of Occam algorithms, a notion of weak Occam algorithms is introduced and the relationship between weak Occam algorithms and PAC-learning algorithms is investigated. It is shown that although a weak Occam algorithm is immediately a (probably) consistent PAC-learning algorithm, the converse does not hold. On the other hand, we show how to construct a weak Occam algorithm from a PAC-learning algorithm under some natural conditions. This result implies the equivalence between the existence of a weak Occam algorithm and that of a PAC-learning algorithm. Since the weak Occam algorithms constructed from PAC-learning algorithms are deterministic, our result improves a result of Board and Pitt's that the existence of a PAC-learning algorithm is equivalent to that of a randomized Occam algorithm.

  • Online Allocation with Risk Information

    Shigeaki HARADA  Eiji TAKIMOTO  Akira MARUOKA  


    E89-D No:8

    We consider the problem of dynamically apportioning resources among a set of options in a worst-case online framework. The model we investigate is a generalization of the well studied online learning model. In particular, we allow the learner to see as additional information how high the risk of each option is. This assumption is natural in many applications like horse-race betting, where gamblers know odds for all options before placing bets. We apply Vovk's Aggregating Algorithm to this problem and give a tight performance bound. The results support our intuition that it is safe to bet more on low-risk options. Surprisingly, the loss bound of the algorithm does not depend on the values of relatively small risks.

  • Relationships between Horn Formulas and XOR-MDNF Formulas

    Kenshi MATSUO  Tetsuya KOYAMA  Eiji TAKIMOTO  Akira MARUOKA  


    E87-D No:2

    We study relationships between the class of Boolean formulas called exclusive-or expansions based on monotone DNF formulas (MDNF formulas, for short) and the class of Horn DNF formulas. An MDNF formula f is a Boolean formula represented by f = f1fd , where f1 > > fd are monotone DNF formulas and no terms appear more than once. A Horn DNF formula is a DNF formula where each term contains at most one negative literal. We show that the class of double Horn functions, where both f and its negation can be represented by Horn DNF formulas, coincides with a subclass of MDNF formulas such that each DNF formula fi consists of a single term. Furthermore, we give an incrementally polynomial time algorithm that transforms a given Horn DNF formula into the MDNF representation.


    Akira MARUOKA  Yasubumi SAKAKIBARA  Osamu WATANABE  


    E75-D No:4