1-1hit |
Shinji MIKAMI Takafumi AONISHI Hironori YOSHINO Chikara OHTA Hiroshi KAWAGUCHI Masahiko YOSHIMOTO
In most research work for sensor network routings, perfect aggregation has been assumed. Such an assumption might limit the application of the wireless sensor networks. We address the impact of aggregation efficiency on energy consumption in the context of GIT routing. Our questions are how the most efficient aggregation point changes according to aggregation efficiency and the extent to which energy consumption can decrease compared to the original GIT routing and opportunistic routing. To answer these questions, we analyze a two-source model, which yields results that lend insight into the impact of aggregation efficiency. Based on analytical results, we propose an improved GIT: "aggregation efficiency-aware GIT," or AGIT. We also consider a suppression scheme for exploratory messages: "hop exploratory." Our simulation results show that the AGIT routing saves the energy consumption of the data transmission compared to the original GIT routing and opportunistic routing.