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Hideto OGAWA Makoto ICHII Tomoyuki MYOJIN Masaki CHIKAHISA Yuichiro NAKAGAWA
A practical model-checking (MC) approach for fault analysis, that is one of the most cost-effective tasks in software development, is proposed. The proposed approach is based on a technique, named “Program-oriented Modeling” (POM) for extracting a model from source code. The framework of model extraction by POM provides configurable abstraction based on user-defined transformation rules, and it supports trial-and-error model extraction. An environment for MC called POM/MC was also built. POM/MC analyzes C source code to extract Promela models used for the SPIN model checker. It was applied to an industrial software system to evaluate the efficiency of the configurable model extraction by POM for fault analysis. Moreover, it was shown that the proposed MC approach can reduce the effort involved in analyzing software faults by MC.