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Makoto SUZUKI Akiyoshi MATSUZAKI Takeo ISHIGAKI Norio KIMURA Nobuhiro ARAKI Tatsuya YOKOTA Yasuhiro SASANO
Overview of Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS) instrument design, band selection studies, and operation plan is described. The ILAS is a solar occultation instrument onboard ADEOS spacecraft with two grating spectrometers: one is for measurement for O3, HNO3, NO2, N2O, H2O, CH4 CFC11 and CFC12 in the infrared band (850-1610cm-1, 11.76µm-6.21m), and another is for aerosols, temperature and air density measurement in the visible band (753-784nm, O2 atmospheric A band). The ILAS will observe the ozone layer over high-latitudes (N55-70, S63-87) regions with a high vertical resolution (2km) for a period of 3 years after launch in 1996.