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The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Order of Rights Object Evaluation algorithm causes the loss of rights on contents under certain circumstances. By identifying the cases that cause this loss we suggest an algebraic characterization, as well as an ordering of OMA licenses. These allow us to redesign the algorithm so as to minimize the losses, in a way suitable for the low computational powers of mobile devices. In addition we provide a formal proof that the proposed algorithm fulfills its intent. The proof is conducted using the OTS/CafeOBJ method for verifying invariant properties.
We present MobileOBJ, a formal framework for specifying and verifying mobile systems. Based on hidden algebra, the components of a mobile system are specified as behavioral objects or Observational Transition Systems, a kind of transition system, enriched with special action and observation operators related to the distinct characteristics of mobile computing systems. The whole system comes up as the concurrent composition of these components. The implementation of the abstract model is achieved using CafeOBJ, an executable, industrial strength algebraic specification language. The visualization of the specification can be done using CafeOBJ graphical notation. In addition, invariant and behavioral properties of mobile systems can be proved through theorem proving techniques, such as structural induction and coinduction that are fully supported by the CafeOBJ system. The application of the proposed framework is presented through the modeling of a mobile computing environment and the services that need to be supported by the former.