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[Author] Shoupeng Qin(1hit)

  • Visual Inspection Method for Subway Tunnel Cracks Based on Multi-Kernel Convolution Cascade Enhancement Learning

    Baoxian WANG  Zhihao DONG  Yuzhao WANG  Shoupeng QIN  Zhao TAN  Weigang ZHAO  Wei-Xin REN  Junfang WANG  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E106-D No:10

    As a typical surface defect of tunnel lining structures, cracking disease affects the durability of tunnel structures and poses hidden dangers to tunnel driving safety. Factors such as interference from the complex service environment of the tunnel and the low signal-to-noise ratio of the crack targets themselves, have led to existing crack recognition methods based on semantic segmentation being unable to meet actual engineering needs. Based on this, this paper uses the Unet network as the basic framework for crack identification and proposes to construct a multi-kernel convolution cascade enhancement (MKCE) model to achieve accurate detection and identification of crack diseases. First of all, to ensure the performance of crack feature extraction, the model modified the main feature extraction network in the basic framework to ResNet-50 residual network. Compared with the VGG-16 network, this modification can extract richer crack detail features while reducing model parameters. Secondly, considering that the Unet network cannot effectively perceive multi-scale crack features in the skip connection stage, a multi-kernel convolution cascade enhancement module is proposed by combining a cascaded connection of multi-kernel convolution groups and multi-expansion rate dilated convolution groups. This module achieves a comprehensive perception of local details and the global content of tunnel lining cracks. In addition, to better weaken the effect of tunnel background clutter interference, a convolutional block attention calculation module is further introduced after the multi-kernel convolution cascade enhancement module, which effectively reduces the false alarm rate of crack recognition. The algorithm is tested on a large number of subway tunnel crack image datasets. The experimental results show that, compared with other crack recognition algorithms based on deep learning, the method in this paper has achieved the best results in terms of accuracy and intersection over union (IoU) indicators, which verifies the method in this paper has better applicability.