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[Author] Syed Khairuzzaman TANBEER(3hit)

  • An Efficient Algorithm for Sliding Window-Based Weighted Frequent Pattern Mining over Data Streams

    Chowdhury Farhan AHMED  Syed Khairuzzaman TANBEER  Byeong-Soo JEONG  Young-Koo LEE  


    E92-D No:7

    Traditional frequent pattern mining algorithms do not consider different semantic significances (weights) of the items. By considering different weights of the items, weighted frequent pattern (WFP) mining becomes an important research issue in data mining and knowledge discovery area. However, the existing state-of-the-art WFP mining algorithms consider all the data from the very beginning of a database to discover the resultant weighted frequent patterns. Therefore, their approaches may not be suitable for the large-scale data environment such as data streams where the volume of data is huge and unbounded. Moreover, they cannot extract the recent change of knowledge in a data stream adaptively by considering the old information which may not be interesting in the current time period. Another major limitation of the existing algorithms is to scan a database multiple times for finding the resultant weighted frequent patterns. In this paper, we propose a novel large-scale algorithm WFPMDS (Weighted Frequent Pattern Mining over Data Streams) for sliding window-based WFP mining over data streams. By using a single scan of data stream, the WFPMDS algorithm can discover important knowledge from the recent data elements. Extensive performance analyses show that our proposed algorithm is very efficient for sliding window-based WFP mining over data streams.

  • Mining Regular Patterns in Transactional Databases

    Syed Khairuzzaman TANBEER  Chowdhury Farhan AHMED  Byeong-Soo JEONG  Young-Koo LEE  

    PAPER-Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

    E91-D No:11

    The frequency of a pattern may not be a sufficient criterion for identifying meaningful patterns in a database. The temporal regularity of a pattern can be another key criterion for assessing the importance of a pattern in several applications. A pattern can be said regular if it appears at a regular user-defined interval in the database. Even though there have been some efforts to discover periodic patterns in time-series and sequential data, none of the existing studies have provided an appropriate method for discovering the patterns that occur regularly in a transactional database. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a novel concept of mining regular patterns from transactional databases. We also devise an efficient tree-based data structure, called a Regular Pattern tree (RP-tree in short), that captures the database contents in a highly compact manner and enables a pattern growth-based mining technique to generate the complete set of regular patterns in a database for a user-defined regularity threshold. Our performance study shows that mining regular patterns with an RP-tree is time and memory efficient, as well as highly scalable.

  • Handling Dynamic Weights in Weighted Frequent Pattern Mining

    Chowdhury Farhan AHMED  Syed Khairuzzaman TANBEER  Byeong-Soo JEONG  Young-Koo LEE  

    PAPER-Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

    E91-D No:11

    Even though weighted frequent pattern (WFP) mining is more effective than traditional frequent pattern mining because it can consider different semantic significances (weights) of items, existing WFP algorithms assume that each item has a fixed weight. But in real world scenarios, the weight (price or significance) of an item can vary with time. Reflecting these changes in item weight is necessary in several mining applications, such as retail market data analysis and web click stream analysis. In this paper, we introduce the concept of a dynamic weight for each item, and propose an algorithm, DWFPM (dynamic weighted frequent pattern mining), that makes use of this concept. Our algorithm can address situations where the weight (price or significance) of an item varies dynamically. It exploits a pattern growth mining technique to avoid the level-wise candidate set generation-and-test methodology. Furthermore, it requires only one database scan, so it is eligible for use in stream data mining. An extensive performance analysis shows that our algorithm is efficient and scalable for WFP mining using dynamic weights.