1-1hit |
Takashi MATSUI Kyozo TSUJIKAWA Takehisa OKUDA Nobutomo HANZAWA Yuto SAGAE Kazuhide NAKAJIMA Yasuyuki FUJIYA Kazuyuki SHIRAKI
We investigate the potential of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) to realize high quality and high-power transmission. We utilize the PCF with a quasi-uniform air-hole structure, and numerically clarify that the quasi-uniform PCF can realize the effective area (Aeff) of about 500µm2 with bending loss comparable with that of a conventional single-mode fiber for telecom use by considering the quasi single-mode transmission. We then apply the quasi-uniform PCF to kW-class high-power beam delivery for the single-mode laser processing. The cross-sectional design of the PCF with the high-power delivery potential of more than 300kW·m is numerically and experimentally revealed. A 10kW single-mode beam at 1070nm is successfully delivered over a 30m-long optical fiber cable containing a fabricated PCF with single-mode class beam quality of M2 =1.7 for the first time.