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[Author] Yen-Liang CHEN(2hit)

  • Progressive Image Inpainting Based on Wavelet Transform

    Yen-Liang CHEN  Ching-Tang HSIEH  Chih-Hsu HSU  

    PAPER-Image Coding

    E88-A No:10

    Currently, the automatic image inpainting methods emphasize the inpainting techniques either globally or locally. They didn't consider the merits of global and local techniques to compensate each other. On the contrary, the artists fixed an image in global view firstly, and then focus on the local features of it, when they repaired it. This paper proposes a progressive processing of image inpainting method based on multi-resolution analysis. In damaged and defective area, we imitate the artistic techniques to approach the effectiveness of image inpainting in human vision. First, we use the multi-resolution characteristics of wavelet transform, from the lowest spatial-frequency layer to the higher one, to analyze the image from global-area to local-area progressively. Then, we utilize the variance of the energy of wavelet coefficients within each image block, to decide the priority of inpainting blocks. Finally, we extract the multi-resolution features of each block. We take account of the correlation among horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions, to determine the inpainting strategy for filling image pixels and approximate a high-quality image inpainting to human vision. In our experiments, the performance of the proposed method is superior to the existing methods.

  • A Novel Bandelet-Based Image Inpainting

    Kuo-Ming HUNG  Yen-Liang CHEN  Ching-Tang HSIEH  

    PAPER-Image Coding and Processing

    E92-A No:10

    This paper proposes a novel image inpainting method based on bandelet transform. This technique is based on a multi-resolution layer to perform image restoration, and mainly utilizes the geometrical flow of the neighboring texture of the damaged regions as the basis of restoration. By performing the warp transform with geometrical flows, it transforms the textural variation into the nearing domain axis utilizing the bandelet decomposition method to decompose the non-relative textures into different bands, and then combines them with the affine search method to perform image restoration. The experimental results show that the proposed method can simplify the complexity of the repair decision method and improve the quality of HVS, and thus, repaired results to contain the image of contour of high change, and in addition, offer a texture image of high-frequency variation. These repair results can lead to state-of-the-art results.