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[Author] Yoshiyuki KAWATA(2hit)

  • Physical and Optical Parameter Retrieval from Airborne POLDER Data

    Akihiro YAMAZAKI  Yoshiyuki KAWATA  


    E78-B No:12

    Physical and optical parameters within the atmosphere-ocean system have been retrieved by a multiple scattering analysis of the reflectance and degree of linear polarization data measured by the airborne POLDER sensor in Medimar campaign in 1991. Assuming an atmosphere-ocean system with a Cox-Munk type rough sea surface model, the theoretical reflectance and -degree of linear polarization were computed by the doubling and adding method for several different models. In this study the retrieval was made by assuming a fixed refractive index of the aerosol particles, i.e., Nr=1.33-0.0i. We obtained several important results in this study as follows: 1) By comparing computed results with the observed data at 0.85m, we rejected the oceanic type aerosol model and found Junge type aerosol model with its index range of 4.0v4.5 as an appropriate model for aerosols at the observation time. 2) The reflectance data analysis in the perpendicular plane rejected an isotropic Cox-Munk model, but it indicated that an anisotropic Cox-Munk model should be used in the sea surface wind field retrieval. 3) The surface wind speed was estimated to be 10.0m/secV15.0m/sec with an best estimate of V=12.5m/sec, which agrees with the observed wind speed of V=14.4m/sec. The range of the water column reflectance was also estimated to be 0.025rwc0.045 from Medimar reflectance data at 0.45m. 4) Further study should be made for other refractive indices of the aerosol particles. More refinement of the present multiple scattering code to include upwelling polarization components from below the sea surface is also necessary.

  • Estimation of Land Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function by Using Airborne POLDER Image Data

    Kazuya TAKEMATA  Yoshiyuki KAWATA  


    E78-B No:12

    The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) is an intrinsic measurement of directional properties of the earth's surface. However, the estimation of the BRDF requires many remote sensing measurements of a given surface target from different viewing angles. In addition, a good atmospheric correction scheme is a prerequisite for such an attempt. The airborne POLDER sensor measures successively reflected radiation by terrestrial surfaces in a framed image form at different viewing angles during a single airplane pass, like taking snap-shot pictures. A specially improved atmospheric correction algorithm which is applicable to a framed image data by POLDER sensor is presented. The observed reflectance images taken successively by the airborne POLDER at slightly different viewing angles are converted to a series of surface albedo images by applying our atmospheric correction algorithm. Then, the BRDFs for three surface covers, namely, "River Water," "Forest," and "Rice Field," are estimated by using successive albedo images. It is found that the BRDF for "River Water" follows Lambert law at both 550nm and 850nm. It is also found that the BRDFs for "Forest" and "Rice Field" follow Lambert's law at 550nm, but they follow an anisotropic reflection law at 850nm and fitting parameters for their BRDFs are presented.