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  • A Meet in the Middle Attack on Reduced Round Kuznyechik

    Riham ALTAWY  Amr M. YOUSSEF  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:10

    In this letter, we present a meet-in-the-middle attack on the 5-round reduced Kuznyechik cipher which has been recently chosen to be standardized by the Russian federation. Our attack is based on the differential enumeration approach. However, the application of the exact approach is not successful on Kuznyechik due to its optimal round diffusion properties. Accordingly, we adopt an equivalent representation for the last round where we can efficiently filter ciphertext pairs and launch the attack in the chosen ciphertext setting. We also utilize partial sequence matching which further reduces the memory and time complexities. For the 5-round reduced cipher, the 256-bit master key is recovered with an online time complexity of 2140.3, a memory complexity of 2153.3, and a data complexity of 2113.

  • Building a Dynamic Social Community with Non Playable Characters

    Justin PERRIE  Ling LI  

    PAPER-Social Networks

    E97-D No:8

    A challenge faced by the video game industry is to develop believable and more intelligent Non-Playable Characters (NPCs). To tackle this problem a low-cost and simple approach has been proposed in this research, which is the development of a gossip virtual social network for NPCs. The network allows simple individual NPCs to communicate their knowledge amongst themselves. The communication within this social network is governed by social-psychological rules. These rules are categorized into four types: Contact, whether the NPC are within a contactable range of each other; Observation, whether the NPCs actually want to talk to each other based on their personal traits; Status, the current representation of the NPCs; and Relationships which determines the long term ties of the NPCs. Evaluations of the proposed gossip virtual social network was conducted, both through statistical analysis and a survey of real users. Highly satisfactory results have been achieved.

  • Study on Dissemination Patterns in Location-Aware Gossiping Networks

    Nobuharu KAMI  Teruyuki BABA  Takashi YOSHIKAWA  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  


    E95-B No:5

    We study the properties of information dissemination over location-aware gossiping networks leveraging location-based real-time communication applications. Gossiping is a promising method for quickly disseminating messages in a large-scale system, but in its application to information dissemination for location-aware applications, it is important to consider the network topology and patterns of spatial dissemination over the network in order to achieve effective delivery of messages to potentially interested users. To this end, we propose a continuous-space network model extended from Kleinberg's small-world model applicable to actual location-based applications. Analytical and simulation-based study shows that the proposed network achieves high dissemination efficiency resulting from geographically neutral dissemination patterns as well as selective dissemination to proximate users. We have designed a highly scalable location management method capable of promptly updating the network topology in response to node movement and have implemented a distributed simulator to perform dynamic target pursuit experiments as one example of applications that are the most sensitive to message forwarding delay. The experimental results show that the proposed network surpasses other types of networks in pursuit efficiency and achieves the desirable dissemination patterns.

  • Cheating and Anti-Cheating in Gossip-Based Protocol: An Experimental Investigation

    Xin XIAO  Yuanchun SHI  Yun TANG  Nan ZHANG  


    E91-B No:9

    During recent years, there has been a rapid growth in deployment of gossip-based protocol in many multicast applications. In a typical gossip-based protocol, each node acts as dual roles of receiver and sender, independently exchanging data with its neighbors to facilitate scalability and resilience. However, most of previous work in this literature seldom considered cheating issue of end users, which is also very important in face of the fact that the mutual cooperation inherently determines overall system performance. In this paper, we investigate the dishonest behaviors in decentralized gossip-based protocol through extensive experimental study. Our original contributions come in two-fold: In the first part of cheating study, we analytically discuss two typical cheating strategies, that is, intentionally increasing subscription requests and untruthfully calculating forwarding probability, and further evaluate their negative impacts. The results indicate that more attention should be paid to defending cheating behaviors in gossip-based protocol. In the second part of anti-cheating study, we propose a receiver-driven measurement mechanism, which evaluates individual forwarding traffic from the perspective of receivers and thus identifies cheating nodes with high incoming/outgoing ratio. Furthermore, we extend our mechanism by introducing reliable factor to further improve its accuracy. The experiments under various conditions show that it performs quite well in case of serious cheating and achieves considerable performance in other cases.

  • Gossip-Based Service Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    Choonhwa LEE  Sumi HELAL  Wonjun LEE  


    E89-B No:9

    This letter presents a new gossip-based ad hoc service discovery protocol that uses a novel decentralized, peer-to-peer mechanism to provide mobile devices with the ability to advertise and discover services in an efficient way. Our performance study shows that the proposed protocol appropriately addresses the need of proximal service discovery over a dynamic wireless medium.

  • Integrated Connection Admission Control and Bandwidth on Demand Algorithm for a Broadband Satellite Network with Heterogeneous Traffic

    Yi QIAN  Rose Qingyang HU  Catherine ROSENBERG  

    PAPER-Satellite Communication

    E89-B No:3

    There are many system proposals for satellite-based broadband communications that promise high capacity and ease of access. Many of these proposals require advanced switching technology and signal processing on-board the satellite(s). One solution is based on a geo-synchronous (GEO) satellite system equipped with on-board processing and on-board switching. An important feature of this system is allowing for a maximum number of simultaneous users, hence, requiring effective medium access control (MAC) layer protocols for connection admission control (CAC) and bandwidth on demand (BoD) algorithms. In this paper, an integrated CAC and BoD algorithm is proposed for a broadband satellite communication system with heterogeneous traffic. A detailed modeling and simulation approach is presented for performance evaluation of the integrated CAC and BoD algorithm based on heterogeneous traffic types. The proposed CAC and BoD scheme is shown to be able to efficiently utilize available bandwidth and to gain high throughput, and also to maintain good Grade of Service (GoS) for all the traffic types. The end-to-end delay for real-time traffic in the system falls well within ITU's Quality of Service (QoS) specification for GEO-based satellite systems.

  • Application-Level Causally Ordered Broadcast for Large-Scale Group Communication

    ChaYoung KIM  JinHo AHN  ChongSun HWANG  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E88-D No:12

    Gossip-based reliable broadcast protocols with reasonably weak reliability properties scale well to large groups and degrade system performance gracefully even if node failure or message loss rates increase compared with traditional protocols. However, although many distributed applications require highly steady performance only by allowing causality to be used asynchronously, there is no existing gossip-based protocol offering causally ordered delivery property more lightweight than totally ordered delivery one. This paper presents an application-level broadcast algorithm to guarantee causally-ordered delivery semantics based on peer to peer interaction models for scalability, reasonable reliability and stable throughput. Processes propagate each message with a vector time stamp much like the spread of rumor in society for a fixed number of rounds. Upon receipt of these messages, correct processes immediately deliver the corresponding messages to the application layers in a causal order. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing ones in terms of delivery throughput.

  • Performance Analysis of Generalized Order Statistic Cell Averaging CFAR Detector with Noncoherent Integration

    Kyung-Tae JUNG  Hyung-Myung KIM  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:6

    We propose a Generalized Order Statistic Cell Averaging (GOSCA) CFAR detector. The weighted sums of the order statistics in the leading and lagging reference windows are utilized for the background level estimate. The estimate is obtained by averaging the weighted sums. By changing the weighting values, various CFAR detectors are obtained. The main advantage of the proposed GOSCA CFAR detector over the GOS CFAR detector is to reduce a computational time which is critical factor for the real time operation. We also derive unified formulas of the GOSCA CFAR detector under the noncoherent integration scheme. For Swerling target cases, performances of various CFAR detectors implemented using the GOSCA CFAR detector are derived and compared in homogeneous environment, and in the case of multiple targets and clutter edges situations.

  • New Performance Measure and Overload Control for Switching Systems with Focused Traffic

    Shinichi NAKAGAWA  Shuichi SUMITA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E80-B No:2

    Narrow-band ISDN services may experience nonstationary traffic conditions. Therefore, switch design should take account of these conditions. We propose new performance measures for switching systems and describe a traffic model, which is a mixture of stationary Poissonian traffic and momentarily focused traffic. On the basis of this model, performance measures are determined so as to satisfy grade of service requirements that are in effect during some short interval after the momentarily focused traffic enters the system. We also propose an overload control scheme that uses these new performance measures. Finally, we show practical and numerical examples for the performance measures and overload control scheme.