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[Keyword] MARS(17hit)

  • Direct Update of XML Documents with Data Values Compressed by Tree Grammars

    Kenji HASHIMOTO  Ryunosuke TAKAYAMA  Hiroyuki SEKI  

    PAPER-Formal Approaches

    E101-D No:6

    One of the most promising compression methods for XML documents is the one that translates a given document to a tree grammar that generates it. A feature of this compression is that the internal structures are kept in production rules of the grammar. This enables us to directly manipulate the tree structure without decompression. However, previous studies assume that a given XML document does not have data values because they focus on direct retrieval and manipulation of the tree structure. This paper proposes a direct update method for XML documents with data values and shows the effectiveness of the proposed method based on experiments conducted on our implemented tool.

  • A Conditional Dependency Based Probabilistic Model Building Grammatical Evolution

    Hyun-Tae KIM  Hyun-Kyu KANG  Chang Wook AHN  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E99-D No:7

    In this paper, a new approach to grammatical evolution is presented. The aim is to generate complete programs using probabilistic modeling and sampling of (probability) distribution of given grammars. To be exact, probabilistic context free grammars are employed and a modified mapping process is developed to create new individuals from the distribution of grammars. To consider problem structures in the individual generation, conditional dependencies between production rules are incorporated into the mapping process. Experiments confirm that the proposed algorithm is more effective than existing methods.

  • NHPP-Based Software Reliability Model with Marshall-Olkin Failure Time Distribution

    Xiao XIAO  


    E98-A No:10

    A new modeling approach for the non-homogeneous Poisson processes (NHPPs) based software reliability modeling is proposed to describe the stochastic behavior of software fault-detection processes, of which the failure rate is not monotonic. The fundamental idea is to apply the Marshall-Olkin distribution to the software fault-detection time distribution. The applicability of Marshall-Olkin distribution in software reliability modeling is studied. The data fitting abilities of the proposed NHPP-based software reliability model is compared with the existing typical ones through real software project data analysis.

  • A Grammatical Approach to the Alignment of Structure-Annotated Strings

    Shinnosuke SEKI  Satoshi KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Automata and Formal Language Theory

    E88-D No:12

    In this paper, we are concerned with a structural ambiguity problem of tree adjoining grammars (TAGs), which is an essential problem when we try to model consensus structures of given set of ribonucleic acid (RNA) secondary structures by TAGs. RNA secondary structures can be represented as strings with structural information, and TAGs have a descriptive capability of this kind of strings, what we call structure-annotated strings. Thus, we can model RNA secondary structures by TAGs. It is sufficient to use existing alignment methods for just computing the optimal alignment between RNA secondary structures. However, when we also want to model the resulting alignment by grammars, if we adopt these existing methods, then we may fail in modeling the alignment result by grammars. Therefore, it is important to introduce a new alignment method whose alignment results can be appropriately modeled by grammars. In this paper, we will propose an alignment method based on TAG's derivations each corresponding to a given RNA secondary structure. For an RNA secondary structure, there exist a number of derivations of TAGs which correspond to the structure. From the grammatical point of view, the property of TAGs drives us to the question how we should choose a derivation from these candidates in order to obtain an optimal alignment. This is the structural ambiguity problem of TAGs, which will be mainly discussed in this paper. For dealing with this problem appropriately, we will propose an edit distance between two structure-annotated strings, and then present an algorithm which computes an optimal alignment based on the edit distance.

  • Inherent Ambiguity of Languages Generated by Spine Grammars

    Ikuo KAWAHARADA  Takumi KASAI  

    PAPER-Automata and Formal Language Theory

    E88-D No:6

    There have been many arguments that the underlying structure of natural languages is beyond the descriptive capacity of context-free languages. A well-known example is tree adjoining grammars; less common are spine grammars, linear indexed grammars, head grammars, and combinatory categorial grammars. It is known that these models of grammars have the same generative power of string languages and fall into the class of mildly context-sensitive grammars. For an automaton, it is known that the class of languages accepted by transfer pushdown automata is exactly the class of linear indexed languages. In this paper, deterministic transfer pushdown automata is introduced. We will show that the language accepted by a deterministic transfer pushdown automaton is generated by an unambiguous spine grammar. Moreover, we will show that there exists an inherently ambiguous language.

  • OAG*: Improved Ordered Attribute Grammars for Less Type 3 Circularities

    Shin NATORI  Katsuhiko GONDOW  Takashi IMAIZUMI  Takeshi HAGIWARA  Takuya KATAYAMA  

    PAPER-Theory of Automata, Formal Language Theory

    E86-D No:4

    Ordered attribute grammars (OAGs for short) are a useful class of attribute grammars (AGs). For some attribute grammars, even though they are not circular, OAG circularity test reports that they are not ordered and fails to generate attribute evaluators because some approximation introduces circularities (called type 3 circularities in this paper). First we discuss that it is sometimes difficult for programmers to eliminate type 3 circularities by hand. Second, to reduce this difficulty, we propose a new AG class called OAG* that produces less type 3 circularities than OAG while preserving the positive characteristic of OAG. OAG* uses a global dependency graph GDS that provides a new approximation algorithm. We obtained good results with our experimental implementation of OAG*. It is shown that OAG* is different from the existing GAG and Eli/Liga systems. Finally, two combinations of Eli/Liga and OAG* are provided.

  • An Extension of Shortcut Deforestation for Accumulative List Folding

    Kazuhiko KAKEHI  Robert GLUCK  Yoshihiko FUTAMURA  

    PAPER-Theory and Models of Software

    E85-D No:9

    Deforestation is a well-known program transformation technique which eliminates intermediate data structures that are passed between functions. One of its weaknesses is the inability to deforest programs using accumulating parameters. We show how certain kinds of intermediate lists produced by accumulating parameters can be deforested. In this paper we introduce an accumulative variant of foldr, called rdlof, and show the composition of functions defined by foldr and rdlof. As a simplified instance of foldr and rdlof, we then examine dmap, an accumulative extension of map, and give the corresponding fusion rules. While the associated composition rules cannot capture all deforestation problems, they can handle accumulator fusion of fold- and map-style functions in a simple manner. The rules for accumulator fusion presented here can also be viewed as a restricted composition scheme for attribute grammars, which in turn may help us to bridge the gap between the attribute and functional worlds.

  • A Multicasting Scheme Using Multiple MCS for Reducing End-to-End Path Delay in ATM Networks

    Tae-Young BYUN  Ki-Jun HAN  


    E84-B No:4

    In this paper, we proposed two models, the full multiple MCS (Multicast Server) model and the hybrid multiple MCS model to support multiple MCS over a single large cluster in ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) networks. Also, we presented two methods for MCS assignment which are known as 2PSPMT (2 Phase Shortest Path based on Multicast tree) and hybrid-2PSPMT, and evaluated its performance by simulation. When an ATM host requests joining a specific multicast group, the MARS (Multicast Address Resolution Server) designates a proper MCS among the multiple MCSs for the group member to minimize the average path delay between the sender and the group members. Each method for MCS assignment construct a 2-phase partial multicast tree based on the shortest path algorithm. We reduced the average path delay in the multicast tree using these methods with various cluster topologies and MCS distribution scenarios in addition to distributing the load among multiple MCSs.

  • The Mechanism for Scalable Registry System with Aggregatable Address Allocation on WIDE 6bone

    Yuji SEKIYA  Hiromi WAKAI  Shu NAKAMAE  Kenji HIROSE  Jun MURAI  


    E82-D No:4

    The change over from IPv4 to IPv6 entails a potential increase in the number of records that the Registry System must maintain. Currently, only a few Network Information Centers (NICs), controlled by Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA), operate their Registry Systems. As they concentrates data into several Registry System, it is not scalable. This paper focuses on the scalability issue in a Registry System and Mie Advanced Registry System (MARS) is proposed. Through the collaboration of independent Registry Systems, MARS ensures data consistency as well as making it possible to access data managed by other Registry Systems. A prototype system of MARS is implemented, maintained and managed on the WIDE 6bone. Some lessen from the operation of MARS give also described.

  • Parallel Parsing on a Loosely Coupled Multiprocessor

    Dong-Yul RA  Jong-Hyun KIM  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E79-D No:12

    In this paper, we introduce a parallel algorithm for parsing context-free languages. Our algorithm can handle arbitrary context-free grammars since it is based on Earley's algorithm. Our algorithm can operate on any loosely coupled multiprocessor which can provide a topology of a one-way ring. Our algorithm uses p processors to parse an input string of length n where 1 p n. It is shown that our algorithm requires O(n3/p) time. The algorithm uses a simple job allocation strategy. However, it achieves high load balancing and uses the processors efficiently.

  • Note on Inclusion Properties of Subclasses of Context-Free Tree Language

    Katsunori YAMASAKI  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E79-D No:7

    String grammars (languages) have been extensively studied from 60's. On the other hand, the transformational grammar, proposed by N. Chomsky, contains the transformation from the set of derivation trees of context-free language to the surface set. And the grammar regarded a tree as an input sentence to some transducer. After that from latter half of 60's, the studies of acceptors, transducers, and so on, whose input is a tree, have been studied extensively. And recently some pushdown tree automata were introduced, and their fundamental properties and some other various properties were investigated [11]-[17]. Furthermore, a top-down pushdown tree transducer (t-PDTT for short), which is an extension of a top-down pushdown automaton (t-PDTA for short), was introduced and its fundamental properties were investigated [19]. In this paper, we define the various subclasses of context-free tree grammar (CFTG for short) by the combination of variables contained in the rules. Furthermore, we consider a monadic case of CFTG which is a special case of CFTG. Based on these definitions, we classify the subclasses of CFTG, and we investigate some inclusion properties of subclasses of CFTL (where CFTL indicates the class of context-free tree languages).

  • Finite State Translation Systems and Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars

    Yuichi KAJI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:6

    Finite state translation systems (fsts') are a widely studied computational model in the area of tree automata theory. In this paper, the string generating capacities of fsts' and their subclasses are studied. First, it is shown that the class of string languages generated by deterministic fsts' equals to that of parallel multiple context-free grammars, which are an extension of context-free grammars. As a corollary, it can be concluded that the recognition problem for a deterministic fsts is solvable in O(ne1)-time, where n is the length of an input word and e is a constant called the degree of the deterministic fsts'. In contrast to the latter fact, it is also shown that nondeterministic monadic fsts' with state-bound 2 can generate an NP-complete language.

  • Context-Free Grammars with Memory

    Etsuro MORIYA  

    PAPER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E75-D No:6

    CFGs (context-free grammars) with various types of memory are introduced and their generative capacities are investigated. For an automata-theoretic characterization, a new type of automaton called partitioning automaton is introduced and it is shown that the class of languages generated by CFGs with memory type X is equal to the class of languages accepted by partitioning automata of type X.

  • On the Generative Capacity of Lexical-Functional Grammars

    Ryuichi NAKANISHI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E75-D No:4

    Lexical-Functional Grammars (LFG's) were introduced to define the syntax of natural languages. In LFG's, each node of a derivation tree has some attributes. An LFG G consists of a context-free grammar (cfg) G0 called the underlying cfg of G and a description Pfs of constraints between the values of the attributes. Pfs can specify (1) constraints between the value of an attribute of a node and those of its children, and (2) constraints between the value of an attribute of a node called a controller and that of a node called its controllee. RLFG's were introduced as a subclass of LFG's. In RLFG's, only constraints between the value of an attribute of a node and those of its children can be specified. It is shown in this paper that the class of languages generated by RLFG's is equal to the class of recursively enumerable languages. Some restrictions on LFG's were proposed for the purpose of efficient parsing. Among them are (1) the condition called a valid derivation, and (2) the condition that the underlying cfg is cycle-free. For an RLFG G, if the production rules of the underlying cfg of G are of the form AaB or Aa for nonterminal symbols A, B and a terminal symbol a, then G is called an R-RLFG. Every R-RLFG satisfies the above restriction (1) and (2). It is also shown in this paper that the class of languages generated by R-RLFG's contains an NP-hard language, which means that parsing in deterministic polynomial time of LFG's is impossible in general (unless PNP) even if the above restrictions (1) and (2) are satisfied.

  • The Universal Recognition Problems for Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars and for Their Subclasses

    Yuichi KAJI  Ryuichi NAKANISHI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E75-D No:4

    Parallel multiple context-free grammars (pmcfg's) and multiple context-free grammars (mcfg's) were introduced as extensions of context-free grammars to describe the syntax of natural languages. Pmcfg's and mcfg's deal with tuples of strings, and it has been shown that the universal recognition problem for mcfg's is EXP-POLY time-complete where the universal recognition problem is the problem to decide whether G generates w for a given grammar G and string w. In this paper, the universal recognition problems for the class of pmcfg's and for the subclass of pmcfg's with the information-lossless condition are shown to be EXP-POLY time-complete and PSPACE-complete, respectively. It is also shown that the problems for pmcfg's and for mcfg's with a bounded dimension are both -complete and those for pmcfg's and for mcfg's with a bounded degree are both -complete. As a corollary, the problem for modified head grammars introduced by Vijay-Shanker, et al. to define the syntax of natural languages is shown to be in deterministic polynomial time.

  • ACE: A Syntax-Directed Editor Customizable from Examples and Queries

    Yuji TAKADA  Yasubumi SAKAKIBARA  Takeshi OHTANI  


    E75-D No:4

    Syntax-directed editors have several advantages in editing programs because programming is guided by the syntax and free from syntax errors. Nevertheless, they are less popular than text editiors. One of the reason is that they force a priori specified editing structures on the user and do not allow him to use his own structure. ACE (Algorithmically Customizable syntax-directed Editor) provides a solution for this problem by using a technique of machine learning; ACE has a special function of customizing the grammar algorithmically and interactively based on the learning method for grammars from examples and queries. The grammar used in the editor is customized through interaction with the user so that the user can edit his program in a more familiar structure. The customizing function has been implemented based on the methods for learning of context-free grammars from structural examples, for which the correctness and the efficiency are proved formally. This guarantees the soundness and the efficiency of customization. Furthermore, ACE can be used as an algorithmic and interactive tool to design grammars, which is required for several purposes such as compiler design and pretty-printer design.

  • The Universal Recognition Problems for Multiple Context-Free Grammars and for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems

    Yuichi KAJI  Ryuichi NAKANISI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  


    E75-D No:1

    Multiple context-free grammars (mcfg's) are a subclass of generalized context-free grammars introduced by Pollard in order to describe the syntax of natural languages. First, this paper shows that the universal recognition problem for mcfg's is EXP-POLY time-complete, where the universal recognition problem is the one to decide whether G generates w for a given grammar G and string w. Next, it is shown that the problem for linear context-free rewriting systems introduced by Vijay-Shanker et al., which is a proper subclass of mcfg's, is PSPACE-complete.