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The color appearance model gives us the proper brightness information and optimized display conditions for various viewing surroundings. However on conditions of low-level illumination or low background reflectivity, the performance of brightness estimation is relatively poor. Therefore, through our psychophysical experiments, we investigated the state of visual luminance adaptation for comparing single adaptations and mixed adaptations under a complex viewing field, and we also investigated background adaptation degrees and exponential nonlinearity factors for mixed adaptation models. It provides more accurate brightness predictions according to different adapting luminance, which is decided from object and background luminance.
The visual attributes, brightness, colorfulness, and hue, are affected by chromaticity coordinates, excitation purity, and luminance of background, and these attributes are changed according as intensity of illumination changes. Therefore there is a need to correct display's conditions by controlling image factors such as luminance offset, contrast, color gain, and gamma to maintain the perceived display quality. The focus of our study is on the formulation of a simpler and more effective model for color and tone reproduction for digital imaging systems to utilize color appearance models. It can be applicable to optimum color display conditions to give comfort and consistency visually in various ambient conditions.
Sung-Hak LEE Soo-Wook JANG Eun-Su KIM Kyu-Ik SOHNG
We investigated physical conditions for optimum display systems on various TV viewing conditions, and found that visual brightness function could be derived from relationships between Steven's power law and Bartleson-Breneman's brightness function, and that the optimum physical contrast ratio and compensated gamma for display system with adaptation luminance level could be obtained from the proposed brightness function.