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Transequatorial Anomalies Caused by Geomagnetic Field for East-West Propagation of VLF Radio Waves(18.6 kHz)

Kiyohide BABA

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Summary :

A numerical analysis was made of anomalous modal interference patterns of the sunrise VLF signals as observed on transequatorial east-west paths. The Earth-ionosphere waveguide modal propagation parameters were obtained below an anisotropic inhomogeneous ionosphere with the realistic earth's magnetic field and an exponential electron density profile at a frequency of 18.6 kHz. Numerical estimation of the mode conversion coefficients of day modes to night modes was also made for some sunrise terminator model. Dominantly propagating modes which produced modal interference effects in a nighttime waveguide were identified from the efficiency of the generation of nighttime modes by the first day mode in passing through the terminator. Large reduction in the mode conversion ratio of the two dominantly propagating modes at night within the equatorial region was caused by the reduction in the efficiency of the conversion of day mode 1 into dominantly propagating lower night mode on account of a change in mode character along the path. Anomalous increase in the interference spacing near the magnetic equator was obtained numerically using some exponential profiles although its maximum value was two times as large as that obtained experimentally.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E74-B No.2 pp.309-316
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Antennas and Propagation

