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Recent Propagation Studies on Land Mobile Radio in Japan

Shigeru KOZONO, Tsutomu TAKEUCHI

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Summary :

This paper introduces recent propagation studies on land mobile in Japan. Land mobile communications in Japan are offering various type of services, such as paging, automobile and portable telephones, and cordless phones. These services are rapidly progressing in both capacity and quality at the present time. First, this paper describes the progress of propagation studies supporting the growth of these services. Land mobile radio communications in Japan are now moving in the direction of high capacity, portability and digitalization. In accordance with the progress, this paper describes propagation studies on () high capacity, including radio wave trapping by beam tilting and low height base station antenna, anti-cochannel interference receiving techniques by diversity, and improved prediction accuracy by environmental structure correction factor, () portability, including measurements and prediction results of propagation loss in indoor and outdoor, () digitalization, including multipath delay characteristics in urban and suburban areas, and propagation model to estimate the delay spread. Secondarily, this paper describes propagation study subjects and future propagation approaches to support the expected remarkable expansion of land mobile communications. Propagation studies on land mobile satellite communications systems are also touched upon.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E74-B No.6 pp.1538-1546
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section INVITED PAPER (Special Issue on Mobile Communications)

