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Regional Community Network System

Norihisa OHTA, Masato MORISAKI, Hisao TSUJI

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Summary :

This paper describes the concept of the regional community network system. The system provides PC connectionless communication services to residential customers and a platform on which customers can construct closed user groups. The proposed system is superior to conventional dial-up PC communications from the viewpoint of quick response and communication charge. A new mechanism of group management using the MAC addresses of the interface cards embedded in the ONU and PC terminals is proposed. Conventional telecommunication services, multi-channel video distribution services, and connectionless computer communication services can be provided simultaneously by utilizing the fiber-optic access system. The regional community network system is promising for the construction of a regional information platform and would be one of the forces driving FTTH.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E79-B No.7 pp.890-898
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on Optical Access Networks toward Life Enhancement)

