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Active Q Adaptor for Programmable End-to-End Network Management Systems

Motohiro SUZUKI, Hiroyuki MAEOMICHI, Nobuhisa SHIRAISHI, Yoshiaki KIRIHA

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Summary :

We have developed an active Q adaptor (AQA) to achieve integration of multiple management protocols and dynamic modification of managed object (MO) definitions. To achieve dynamic modification, we introduce a new MO framework, called dynamic-MO, which has the ability of modifying its own definition. A dynamic-MO is composed of meta-data and some behavior programs. Meta-data lists attributes of a dynamic-MO in a text format and a behavior program describes actions of a dynamic-MO in scripting language such as Java, Tcl, etc. In our AQA architecture, modules which manage individual components of a dynamic-MO communicate among themselves via an object request broker (ORB) in order to achieve system scalability with high performance. To realize the functionality of a dynamic-MO, we propose interfaces among these modules that are independent of dynamic-MO definitions and an update mechanism of behavior programs. We define the interfaces based on the common management information protocol (CMIP) operations to avoid re-defining the interfaces when dynamic-MO definitions are modified. Furthermore, to execute modified behavior programs without any negative influence on the workings of the other behavior programs, we employ a Java class-loader which has its own specific naming-space on a Java virtual machine (Java VM). With all of these features, our AQA is extremely promising for developing programmable network management systems for end-to-end management of heterogeneous telecommunication networks.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E82-B No.11 pp.1761-1769
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on New Paradigms in Network Management)

