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All-to-All Broadcast in Broadcast-and-Select WDM Networks with Tunable Devices of Limited Tuning Ranges

Hongsik CHOI

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Summary :

In this paper, we consider the all-to-all broadcast problem in optical broadcast star networks using Wavelength Division Multiplexing. Our network model assumes that receivers are fixed-tuned and transmitters are tunable such that optical lasers assigned to transmitters have limited access to the network bandwidth; hence, each node must be equipped with multiple optical lasers and/or multiple optical filters in order to maintain a single-hop network. This paper is primarily concerned with single-hop networks, in which each node is assigned a single optical filter. Lower bounds are first established on the number of lasers per each node and the minimum schedule length, and a schedule achieving the minimum schedule length is presented. The results are applicable to arbitrary tuning delays, arbitrary numbers of wavelength channels, and optical lasers' arbitrary tuning ranges. Network models with optical devices having limited tuning ranges have not yet been considered in connection with transmission schedules, and this is the first work in this new direction.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E86-B No.9 pp.2575-2582
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Fiber-Optic Transmission

