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Voice over DSL with Splitting Two Sublayers in AAL2

Sang-Kil LEE, Myung-Ryul CHOI

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Summary :

This letter proposes that by separating the two sublayers within AAL2 for VoDSL, a non-ATM-based IAD at customer premises can support AAL2 service through a DSLAM including new functions at the central office. To achieve this goal, AAL2 SSCS for bearer channels is located at the CPE. Also, AAL2 CPS and AAL2 SSCS for frame mode service including SSSAR and SSTED are located at the DSLAM. By doing so, one endpoint of an ATM connection at the customer side moves to the DSLAM. All bearer channels, CAS or CCS signaling and DSS1 relay messages from the customer side are transmitted to voice gateway transparently. As a result, the ATM connection using AAL2 can multiplex CPS packets from more AAL2 users, which improves multiplexing gain, minimizes waiting probability, and significantly decreases the number of cells into ATM networks. The simulation shows that the proposed method results in less ATM traffic and padded cell ratio, compared with the existing method.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E86-B No.9 pp.2768-2773
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment

