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Dense/Sparse Environment-Aware Overlay Multicast for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


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Summary :

To overcome inefficiencies on tree-based and mesh-based scheme, overlay multicast scheme for MANET has been recently proposed to provide higher packet delivery ratio than the former as well as more efficient resource usage than the latter. However, previous all overlay multicast schemes are not designed with any considerations for dense/sparse environments resulted from unlimited movement of mobile nodes. For this reason, all packets should be transmitted in the form of unicast packet so they cannot fully make use of node's broadcast capability even though some group members are densely distributed within single-hop on the same shared media. Due to above reason, this causes extra forwarding overhead, low resource utilization as well as high packet collision. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid overlay multicast scheme, EAOM (Environment-Aware Overlay Multicast), which uses neighboring group members' information to deliver packet with low cost. In EAOM, a group member has two modes depending on the number of neighboring group members. Under dense environment, host group model in wired network is applied. While in sparse environment, packets are delivered to each receiver along overlay DDT (Data Delivery Tree) as same as previous overlay multicast schemes. Hence, EAOM can not only remove mentioned obstacles in dense environment, but also cope with network mobility very well in sparse environment. Using simulation results, we demonstrate that EAOM has good packet delivery ratio, low control overhead as well as short end-to-end delay.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E87-B No.4 pp.899-908
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Terrestrial Radio Communications

