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Simultaneous Measurements of Two Wavelength Spectra for Ag Break Arc


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Summary :

The authors have studied mechanism of transition from metallic phase to gaseous phase in contact break arc. For further elucidation of the mechanism, we have carried out spectroscopic measurement. The spectrum measurement system which had high time resolution was composed using two monochromators and a bifurcated image fiber, which had one input port and two output ports. The input port received the arc light, and the two monochromators received the arc light from the two output ports, respectively. The spectral sensitivity of the two monochromators was corrected with a standard lamp. We have measured simultaneously two spectra of break arc for Ag in laboratory air, under the condition where source voltage E=48 V, load inductance L=2.3 mH, and closed contact current I0=6 A. As a result, the time-varying tendency of spectrum intensity is similar for the same element, even if the wavelength is different. And from the comparison of time average spectrum intensity, it is clarified that average intensity for gas spectrum does not attain to 10% of that for metallic atomic spectrum (Ag I, 520.91 nm). In addition, the decrease point of Ag II (ion) spectrum has been found to correspond with the peak of Ag I (atom) spectrum.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics Vol.E77-C No.10 pp.1640-1646
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on Recent Electromechanical Devices)
Arcing Discharge and Contact Characteristics

