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Analysis of Spatio-Temporally Coupled Pulse-Shaper by Wigner Distribution Function

Yoshiaki YASUNO, Yasunori SUTOH, Masahiko MORI, Masahide ITOH, Toyohiko YATAGAI

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Summary :

An improved pulse shaper is proposed which is able to control both the spatial and temporal profile of femtosecond light pulses. Our pulse shaper exploits the spatio-temporal coupling effect seen in pulse shapers. Its properties are numerically analyzed by application of the Wigner distribution function. We confirm that the spatio-temporal output pulse track dictates the differentiation of the phase mask; that the degree of spatio-temporal coupling is determined by the focal length ratio of the lenses in the pulse shaper; and that space to spatial-frequency chirp results from misalignment of lenses.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics Vol.E84-C No.3 pp.318-324
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on Optical Interconnects/Optical Signal Processing)
Optical Signal Processing

