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A Network of Communicating Logic Programs as an Extension of Kahn's Model


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Summary :

In this paper, a network of communicating logic programs is proposed as a model for concurrent programming based on logic programs with explicit channels of communications. On the assumption that the denotations of channels are defined by using a sequence domain, semantics for unbounded nondeterminism caused by logic programs is dealt with and the whole network is defined as an extension of Kahn's pure dataflow. A denotational semantics for the whole network is defined by a recursive relation set as to the histories of channels. The method to investigate extensionality of input-output histories on the node in nondeterministic dataflow is not applicable to the proposed network, because the node is a logic program. Fairness is required for unbounded nondeterminism to describe the behaviour of the whole network. And in this paper the corresponding semantics of the network is shown. We have a method of defining a continuous function which is associated with the network, based on histories of channels. The least fixpoint of the function is regarded as a denotational semantics for the whole network, to reflect its fair behaviours.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information Vol.E74-D No.4 pp.965-974
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

