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A High Speed Contour Fill Method for Character Image Generation

Kazuki NAKASHIMA, Masashi KOGA, Katsumi MARUKAWA, Yoshihiro SHIMA, Yasuaki NAKANO

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Summary :

This paper proposes a new, high-speed method of filling in the contours of alpha-numeric characters to produce correct binary image patterns. We call this method the improved edge-fill method because it improves on a previously developed edge-fill method. Ambiguity of the conventional edge-fill method on binary images are eliminated by selecting fill pixels from combinations of Freeman's chain code, which expresses contour lines. Consequently, the areas inside the contour lines are filled in rapidly and correctly. With the new method, the processing time for character image generation is reduced by ten to tewnty percent over the conventional method. The effectiveness of the new method is examined in experiments using both Arabic numerals and letters from the Roman alphabet. Results show that this fill method is able to produce correct image patterns and that it can be applied to alpha-numeric-character contour filling.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information Vol.E77-D No.7 pp.832-838
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on Document Analysis and Recognition)

