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Extension of DNS to the Internationalized Domain Names

Hongbo SHI, Izuru SATO, Shigeki GOTO

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Summary :

This paper proposes a new method of realizing internationlized domain names (iDN) and has been discussed at IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). iDN allows a user to specify multi-lingual domain names, such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. iDN is a proper extension of the current domain name system. We have already developed an iDN implementation, named Global Domain Name System (GDNS). GDNS extends the usage of alias records, and gives reverse mapping information for multi-lingual domain names. This paper presents yet another method which introduces new Resource Record (RR) types to cover multi-lingual domain names. We have two new RR (Resource Record) types. The first new record is INAME and the other is IPTR. These two RR types can cover multi-lingual domain names. This paper also discusses the efficiency of DNS. Since DNS is a distributed database system, the performance depends on the method of retrieving data. This paper suggests a new retrieving method that can improve the performance of DNS remarkably.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information Vol.E84-D No.5 pp.588-595
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on High-speed Internet Technology and its Applications)

