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[Author] Hiroki SHIZUYA(31hit)



    Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E84-A No:1
  • A Note on the Complexity of Breaking Okamoto-Tanaka ID-Based Key Exchange Scheme

    Masahiro MAMBO  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E82-A No:1

    The rigorous security of Okamoto-Tanaka identity-based key exchange scheme has been open for a decade. In this paper, we show that (1) breaking the scheme is equivalent to breaking the Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme over Zn, and (2) impersonation is easier than breaking. The second result is obtained by proving that breaking the RSA public-key cryptosystem reduces to breaking the Diffie-Hellman scheme over Zn with respect to the polynomial-time many-one reducibility.

  • On the Difficulty of Searching for a String without Decryption

    Takako ITO  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E82-A No:1

    Let f be a one-to-one encryption function. Given f(m) and a string K, can we efficiently determine whether m contains K as a substring or not? We investigate the computational complexity of this problem, and show that it is equivalent to not only computing f-1 but also counting the number of K contained as substrings in m. Thus it is not determined in polynomial-time if f is in fact one-way.

  • On a Relation between Knowledge-of-Exponent Assumptions and the DLog vs. CDH Question

    Firas KRAIEM  Shuji ISOBE  Eisuke KOIZUMI  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E104-A No:1

    Knowledge-of-exponent assumptions (KEAs) are a somewhat controversial but nevertheless commonly used type of cryptographic assumptions. While traditional cryptographic assumptions simply assert that certain tasks (like factoring integers or computing discrete logarithms) cannot be performed efficiently, KEAs assert that certain tasks can be performed efficiently, but only in certain ways. The controversy surrounding those assumptions is due to their non-falsifiability, which is due to the way this idea is formalised, and to the general idea that these assumptions are “strong”. Nevertheless, their relationship to existing assumptions has not received much attention thus far. In this paper, we show that the first KEA (KEA1), introduced by Damgård in 1991, implies that computing discrete logarithms is equivalent to solving the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem. Since showing this equivalence in the standard setting (i.e., without the assumption that KEA1 holds) is a longstanding open question, this indicates that KEA1 (and KEAs in general) are indeed quite strong assumptions.

  • A Note on AM Languages Outside NP co-NP

    Hiroki SHIZUYA  Toshiya ITOH  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper we investigate the AM languages that seem to be located outside NP co-NP. We give two natural examples of such AM languages, GIP and GH, which stand for Graph Isomorphism Pattern and Graph Heterogeneity, respectively. We show that the GIP is in ΔP2 AM co-AM but is unlikely to be in NP co-NP, and that GH is in ΔP2 AM but is unlikely to be in NP co-AM. We also show that GIP is in SZK. We then discuss some structural properties related to those languages: Any language that is polynomial time truth-table reducible to GIP is in AM co-AM; GIP is in co-SZK if SZK co-SZK is closed under conjunctive polynomial time bounded-truth-table reducibility; Both GIP and GH are in DP. Here DP is the class of languages that can be expressed in the form X Y, where X NP and Y co-NP.

  • The RSA Group Is Adaptive Pseudo-Free under the RSA Assumption

    Masayuki FUKUMITSU  Shingo HASEGAWA  Shuji ISOBE  Hiroki SHIZUYA  

    PAPER-Public Key Based Cryptography

    E97-A No:1

    The notion of pseudo-free groups was first introduced and formalized by Hohenberger and Rivest in order to unify cryptographic assumptions. Catalano, Fiore and Warinschi proposed a generalized notion called adaptive pseudo-free groups, and showed that the RSA group $Z_N^ imes$ is adaptive pseudo-free with some specific parametric distribution under the strong RSA assumption. In this paper, we develop an alternative parametric distribution and show that the RSA group $Z_N^ imes$ is adaptive pseudo-free with the parametric distribution under the RSA assumption rather than the strong RSA assumption.

  • A Group-Theoretic Interface to Random Self-Reducibility

    Hiroki SHIZUYA  Toshiya ITOH  

    PAPER-Authentication Techniques

    E73-E No:7

    It was proven by Tompa and Woll that some specific random self-reducible problems have perfect zero-knowledge interactive proofs. In this paper, in order to determine a concrete set of random self-reducible problems, we consider a general problem of inverting a surjection from a finite group onto a finite set, and explore its random self-reducibility. The main result shows that there exist group-theoretic conditions for the random self-reducibility, and that any such random self-reducible problem has a perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof. By this result, some classes of random self-reducible problems are defined, and the inclusion relations among them are consequently clarified.

  • A Way of Making Trapdoor One-Way Functions Trapdoor No-Way

    Eikoh CHIDA  Motoji OHMORI  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E84-A No:1

    A trapdoor one-way function is an extended version of a zero-way permutation. A zero-way permutation was first introduced by Niemi-Renvall in Asiacrypt'94. In this paper we define the class of functions called no-way functions. This is an extended version of a zero-way permutation. Intuitively, a function f is no-way if, without trapdoor, both computing f and computing f-1 are hard. Li-Chida-Shizuya defined the notion of a no-way function, which is a provable-security version of a zero-way permutation. They also gave an example of a no-way function such that computing f and f-1 is proven to be as hard as breaking the Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme. We redefine the notion of a trapdoor no-way function more preciously, classify no-way functions by the property of the trapdoor: common, separated and semi-separated trapdoor no-way, give a method for constructing trapdoor no-way functions from trapdoor one-way functions, and also give an example of trapdoor no-way functions.

  • On the Complexity of Constructing an Elliptic Curve of a Given Order

    Masato YAMAMICHI  Masahiro MAMBO  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E84-A No:1

    Can we find in polynomial time an elliptic curve of a given order over a finite field? This paper is concerned with this question which is open since 1986. Consider the partial multivalued function that outputs such an elliptic curve. We characterize the difficulty of computing this function, and show that the polynomial time hierarchy collapses if sat reduces to this function with respect to the polynomial time Turing reducibility, where sat is the partial multivalued function that on input a Boolean formula, outputs a satisfying assignment. We also give a problem that is equivalent to the open question under the Extended Riemann Hypothesis.

  • On the Security of the Okamoto-Tanaka ID-Based Key Exchange Scheme against Active Attacks

    Seungjoo KIM  Masahiro MAMBO  Takeshi OKAMOTO  Hiroki SHIZUYA  Mitsuru TADA  Dongho WON  


    E84-A No:1

    As far as the knowledge of authors, the rigorous security of Okamoto-Tanaka identity-based key exchange scheme was shown in [4] for the first time since its invention. However, the analysis deals with only the passive attack. In this paper, we give several models of active attacks against the scheme and show the rigorous security of the scheme in these models. We prove several relationships among attack models, including that (1) breaking the scheme in one attack model is equivalent to breaking the RSA public-key cryptosystem and (2) breaking the scheme in another attack model is equivalent to breaking the Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme over Zn. The difference of the complexity stems from the difference of the timing of dishonest party's sending out and receiving messages.

  • Making Cryptographic Primitives Harder

    Shingo HASEGAWA  Hiroyuki HATANAKA  Shuji ISOBE  Eisuke KOIZUMI  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E91-A No:1

    This paper studies a method for transforming ordinary cryptographic primitives to new harder primitives. Such a method is expected to lead to general schemes that make present cryptosystems secure against the attack of quantum computers. We propose a general technique to construct a new function from an ordinary primitive function f with a help of another hard function g so that the resulting function is to be new hard primitives. We call this technique a lifting of f by g. We show that the lifted function is harder than original functions under some simple conditions.

  • Toward Separating Integer Factoring from Discrete Logarithm mod p

    Shuji ISOBE  Wataru KUMAGAI  Masahiro MAMBO  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E90-A No:1

    This paper studies the reduction among cyptographic functions. Our main result is that the prime factoring function IF does not reduce to the certified discrete logarithm function modulo a prime nor its variant with respect to some special reducibility, i.e. the range injection reducibility, under the assumption that the Heath-Brown conjecture is true and IFPF. Since there is no known direct relationship between these functions, this is the first result that could separate these functions. Our approach is based on the notion of the preimage functions.

  • On the One-Way Algebraic Homomorphism

    Eikoh CHIDA  Takao NISHIZEKI  Motoji OHMORI  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E79-A No:1

    In this paper we discuss the relation between a one-way group homomorphism and a one-way ring homomorphism. Let U,V be finite abelian groups with #U=n. We show that if there exists a one-way group homomorphism f:UV, then there exists a one-way ring homomorphism F:ZnUZnImf. We also give examples of such ring homomorphisms which are one-way under a standard cryptographic assumption. This implies that there is an affirmative solution to an extended version of the open question raised by Feigenbaum and Merrit: Is there an encryption function f such that both f(x+y) and f(xy) can be efficiently computed from f(x) and f(y)? A multiple signature scheme is also given as an application of one-way ring homomorphisms.

  • On the Complexity of the Discrete Logarithm for a General Finite Group

    Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  Kouichi SAKURAI  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E79-A No:1

    GDL is the language whose membership problerm is polynomial-time Turing equivalent to the discrete logarithm problem for a general finite group G. This paper gives a characterization of GDL from the viewpoint of computational complexity theory. It is shown that GDL NP co-AM, assuming that G is in NP co-NP, and that the group law operation of G can be executed in polynomial time of the element size. Furthermore, as a natural probabilistic extension, the complexity of GDL is investigated under the assumption that the group law operation is executed in an expected polynomial time of the element size. In this case, it is shown that GDL MA co-AM if G MA co-MA. As a consequence, we show that GDL is not NP-complete unless the polynomial time hierarchy collapses to the second level.

  • The Computational Difficulty of Solving Cryptographic Primitive Problems Related to the Discrete Logarithm Problem

    Chisato KONOMA  Masahiro MAMBO  Hiroki SHIZUYA  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E88-A No:1

    To the authors' knowledge, there are not many cryptosystems proven to be as difficult as or more difficult than the discrete logarithm problem. Concerning problems related to the discrete logarithm problem, there are problems called the double discrete logarithm problem and the e-th root of the discrete logarithm problem. These two problems are likely to be difficult and they have been utilized in cryptographic protocols such as verifiable secret sharing scheme and group signature scheme. However, their exact complexity has not been clarified, yet. Related to the e-th root of the discrete logarithm problem, we can consider a square root of the discrete logarithm problem. Again, the exact complexity of this problem has not been clarified, yet. The security of cryptosystems using these underlying problems deeply depends on the difficulty of these underlying problems. Hence it is important to clarify their difficulty. In this paper we prove reductions among these fundamental problems and show that under certain conditions, these problems are as difficult as or more difficult than the discrete logarithm problem modulo a prime.

  • On the Complexity of Hyperelliptic Discrete Logarithm Problem

    Hiroki SHIZUYA  Toshiya ITOH  Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E74-A No:8

    We give a characterization for the intractability of hyperelliptic discrete logarithm problem from a viewpoint of computational complexity theory. It is shown that the language of which complexity is equivalent to that of the hyperelliptic discrete logarithm problem is in NP co-AM, and that especially for elliptic curves, the corresponding language is in NP co-NP. It should be noted here that the language of which complexity is equivalent to that of the discrete logarithm problem defined over the multiplicative group of a finite field is also characterized as in NP co-NP.

  • Demonstrating Possession without Revealing Factors

    Hiroki SHIZUYA  Kenji KOYAMA  Toshiya ITOH  


    E77-A No:1

    This paper presents a zero-knowledge interactive protocol that demonstrates two factors a and b of a composite number n (=ab) are really known by the prover, without revealing the factors themselves. Here the factors a and b need not be primes. The security of the protocol is based on the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms modulo a large prime.

  • One-Way Functions over Finite Near-Rings

    Eikoh CHIDA  Hiroki SHIZUYA  Takao NISHIZEKI  


    E78-A No:1

    A near-ring is an extended notion of a usual ring. Therefore a ring is a near-ring, but the converse does not necessarily hold. We investigate in this paper one-way functions associated with finite near-rings, and show that if there exists a one-way group homomorphism, there exists a one-way non-ring near-ring homomorphism (Theorem 1); if there exists a one-way ring homomorphism (Theorem 2). Further, we introduce a discrete logarithm problem over a finite near-ring, and show that the integer factoring is probabilistic polynomial-time Turing equivalent to a modified version of this problem (Theorem 3). Theorem 1 implies that under some standard cryptographic assumption, there is an affirmative but trivial solution to the extended version of the open question: Is there an encryption function f such that both f(x+y) and f(xy) are efficiently computed from given f(x) and f(y) ?

  • On the Length-Decreasing Self-Reducibility and the Many-One-Like Reducibilities for Partial Multivalued Functions

    Ji-Won HUH  Shuji ISOBE  Eisuke KOIZUMI  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E96-D No:3

    In this paper, we investigate a relationship between the length-decreasing self-reducibility and the many-one-like reducibilities for partial multivalued functions. We show that if any parsimonious (many-one or metric many-one) complete function for NPMV (or NPMVg) is length-decreasing self-reducible, then any function in NPMV (or NPMVg) has a polynomial-time computable refinement. This result implies that there exists an NPMV (or NPMVg)-complete function which is not length-decreasing self-reducible unless P = NP.

  • On the Strength of the Strong RSA Assumption

    Shintaro ITAGAKI  Masahiro MAMBO  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E86-A No:5

    The strong RSA assumption is an assumption that the following problem is hard to solve: Given an RSA modulus and a ciphertext, find a pair of plaintext and exponent corresponding to them. It differs from the standard RSA assumption in a sense that in the strong version, no exponent is given as an input. The strong RSA assumption is considered to be stronger than the RSA assumption, but their exact relationship is not known. We investigate the strength of the strong RSA assumption and show that the strong RSA assumption restricted to low exponents is equivalent to the assumption that RSA problem is intractable for any low exponent. We also show that in terms of algebraic computation, the strong RSA assumption is properly stronger than the RSA assumption if there exists an RSA modulus n such that gcd((n),3)=1 and RSA problem is intractable.
