1-2hit |
Takahiro HOZUMI Osamu KAKUSHO Yutaka HATA
This paper shows the best operators for sum-of-products expressions. We first describe conditions of functions for product and sum operations. We examine all two-variable functions and select those that meet the conditions and then evaluate the number of product terms needed in the minimum sum-of-products expressions when each combination of selected product and sum functions is used. As a result of this, we obtain three product functions and nine sum functions on three-valued logic. We show that each of three product functions can express the same functions and MODSUM function is the most suitable for reduction of product terms. Moreover, we show that similar results are obtained on four-valued logic.
Yutaka HATA Takahiro HOZUMI Kazuharu YAMATO
This paper describes Kleenean coefficients that are a subset of Kleenean functions for use in representing multiple-valued logic functions. A conventional multiple-valued sum-of-products expression uses product terms that are the MIN of literals and constants. In this paper, a new sum-of-products expression is allowed to sum product terms that also include variables and complements of variables. Since the conventional sum-of-products expression is complete, so also is the augmented one. A minimization method of the new expression is described besed on the binary Quine-McCluskey algorithm. The result of computer simulation shows that a saving of the number of implicants used in minimal expressions by approximately 9% on the average can be obtained for some random functions. A result for some arithmetic functions shows that the minimal solutions of MOD radix SUM, MAX and MIN functions require much fewer implicants than those of the standard sum-of-products expressions. Thus, this paper clarifies that the new expression has an advantage to reduce the number of implicants in minimal sum-of-products expressions.