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[Author] Takeya YAMADA(1hit)

  • A Sequential Approach to Detect Drifts and Retrain Neural Networks on Resource-Limited Edge Devices Open Access

    Kazuki SUNAGA  Takeya YAMADA  Hiroki MATSUTANI  

    PAPER-Software System

    E107-D No:6

    A practical issue of edge AI systems is that data distributions of trained dataset and deployed environment may differ due to noise and environmental changes over time. Such a phenomenon is known as a concept drift, and this gap degrades the performance of edge AI systems and may introduce system failures. To address this gap, retraining of neural network models triggered by concept drift detection is a practical approach. However, since available compute resources are strictly limited in edge devices, in this paper we propose a fully sequential concept drift detection method in cooperation with an on-device sequential learning technique of neural networks. In this case, both the neural network retraining and the proposed concept drift detection are done only by sequential computation to reduce computation cost and memory utilization. We use three datasets for experiments and compare the proposed approach with existing batch-based detection methods. It is also compared with a DNN-based approach without concept drift detection. The evaluation results of the proposed approach show that the proposed method is capable of detecting each of four concept drift types. The results also show that, while the accuracy is decreased by up to 0.9% compared to the existing batch-based detection methods, it decreases the memory size by 88.9%-96.4% and the execution time by 45.0%-87.6%. As a result, the combination of the neural network retraining and the proposed concept drift detection method is demonstrated on Raspberry Pi Pico that has 264 kB memory.