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[Author] Wen XU(3hit)

  • A High-Efficiency FIR Filter Design Combining Cyclic-Shift Synthesis with Evolutionary Optimization

    Xiangdong HUANG  Jingwen XU  Jiexiao YU  Yu LIU  

    This paper has been cancelled due to violation of duplicate submission policy on IEICE Transactions on Communications
    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:2

    To optimize the performance of FIR filters that have low computation complexity, this paper proposes a hybrid design consisting of two optimization levels. The first optimization level is based on cyclic-shift synthesis, in which all possible sub filters (or windowed sub filters) with distinct cycle shifts are averaged to generate a synthesized filter. Due to the fact that the ripples of these sub filters' transfer curves can be individually compensated, this synthesized filter attains improved performance (besides two uprushes occur on the edges of a transition band) and thus this synthesis actually plays the role of ‘natural optimization’. Furthermore, this synthesis process can be equivalently summarized into a 3-step closed-form procedure, which converts the multi-variable optimization into a single-variable optimization. Hence, to suppress the uprushes, what the second optimization level (by Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm) needs to do is no more than searching for the optimum transition point which incurs only minimal complexity . Owning to the combination between the cyclic-shift synthesis and DE algorithm, unlike the regular evolutionary computing schemes, our hybrid design is more attractive due to its narrowed search space and higher convergence speed . Numerical results also show that the proposed design is superior to the conventional DE design in both filter performance and design efficiency, and it is comparable to the Remez design.

  • Coverage Estimation Using Transition Perturbation for Symbolic Model Checking in Hardware Verification

    Xingwen XU  Shinji KIMURA  Kazunari HORIKAWA  Takehiko TSUCHIYA  

    PAPER-Simulation and Verification

    E89-A No:12

    Lack of complete formal specification is one of the major obstacles to the deployment of model checking. Coverage estimation addresses this issue by revealing the unverified part of the design according to the specified properties. In this paper we propose a new transition-based coverage metric to evaluate the completeness of properties for symbolic model checking. Our coverage metric pinpoints the transitions through which the values of signals are checked. An efficient symbolic algorithm is presented for computing the transition coverage for a subset of ACTL. Our coverage estimator has been applied to the model checking of a cache coherence protocol. We uncovered several coverage holes including one that eventually led to the discovery of a design bug.

  • Fish Detecting Using YOLOv4 and CVAE in Aquaculture Ponds with a Non-Uniform Strong Reflection Background

    Meng ZHAO  Junfeng WU  Hong YU  Haiqing LI  Jingwen XU  Siqi CHENG  Lishuai GU  Juan MENG  

    PAPER-Smart Agriculture

    E106-D No:5

    Accurate fish detection is of great significance in aquaculture. However, the non-uniform strong reflection in aquaculture ponds will affect the precision of fish detection. This paper combines YOLOv4 and CVAE to accurately detect fishes in the image with non-uniform strong reflection, in which the reflection in the image is removed at first and then the reflection-removed image is provided for fish detecting. Firstly, the improved YOLOv4 is applied to detect and mask the strong reflective region, to locate and label the reflective region for the subsequent reflection removal. Then, CVAE is combined with the improved YOLOv4 for inferring the priori distribution of the Reflection region and restoring the Reflection region by the distribution so that the reflection can be removed. For further improving the quality of the reflection-removed images, the adversarial learning is appended to CVAE. Finally, YOLOV4 is used to detect fishes in the high quality image. In addition, a new image dataset of pond cultured takifugu rubripes is constructed,, which includes 1000 images with fishes annotated manually, also a synthetic dataset including 2000 images with strong reflection is created and merged with the generated dataset for training and verifying the robustness of the proposed method. Comprehensive experiments are performed to compare the proposed method with the state-of-the-art fish detecting methods without reflection removal on the generated dataset. The results show that the fish detecting precision and recall of the proposed method are improved by 2.7% and 2.4% respectively.