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[Author] Yohei WATANABE(6hit)

  • How to Make a Secure Index for Searchable Symmetric Encryption, Revisited

    Yohei WATANABE  Takeshi NAKAI  Kazuma OHARA  Takuya NOJIMA  Yexuan LIU  Mitsugu IWAMOTO  Kazuo OHTA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E105-A No:12

    Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) enables clients to search encrypted data. Curtmola et al. (ACM CCS 2006) formalized a model and security notions of SSE and proposed two concrete constructions called SSE-1 and SSE-2. After the seminal work by Curtmola et al., SSE becomes an active area of encrypted search. In this paper, we focus on two unnoticed problems in the seminal paper by Curtmola et al. First, we show that SSE-2 does not appropriately implement Curtmola et al.'s construction idea for dummy addition. We refine SSE-2's (and its variants') dummy-adding procedure to keep the number of dummies sufficiently many but as small as possible. We then show how to extend it to the dynamic setting while keeping the dummy-adding procedure work well and implement our scheme to show its practical efficiency. Second, we point out that the SSE-1 can cause a search error when a searched keyword is not contained in any document file stored at a server and show how to fix it.

  • Multi-Party Computation for Modular Exponentiation Based on Replicated Secret Sharing

    Kazuma OHARA  Yohei WATANABE  Mitsugu IWAMOTO  Kazuo OHTA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:9

    In recent years, multi-party computation (MPC) frameworks based on replicated secret sharing schemes (RSSS) have attracted the attention as a method to achieve high efficiency among known MPCs. However, the RSSS-based MPCs are still inefficient for several heavy computations like algebraic operations, as they require a large amount and number of communication proportional to the number of multiplications in the operations (which is not the case with other secret sharing-based MPCs). In this paper, we propose RSSS-based three-party computation protocols for modular exponentiation, which is one of the most popular algebraic operations, on the case where the base is public and the exponent is private. Our proposed schemes are simple and efficient in both of the asymptotic and practical sense. On the asymptotic efficiency, the proposed schemes require O(n)-bit communication and O(1) rounds,where n is the secret-value size, in the best setting, whereas the previous scheme requires O(n2)-bit communication and O(n) rounds. On the practical efficiency, we show the performance of our protocol by experiments on the scenario for distributed signatures, which is useful for secure key management on the distributed environment (e.g., distributed ledgers). As one of the cases, our implementation performs a modular exponentiation on a 3,072-bit discrete-log group and 256-bit exponent with roughly 300ms, which is an acceptable parameter for 128-bit security, even in the WAN setting.

  • A Computationally Efficient Card-Based Majority Voting Protocol with Fewer Cards in the Private Model

    Yoshiki ABE  Takeshi NAKAI  Yohei WATANABE  Mitsugu IWAMOTO  Kazuo OHTA  


    E106-A No:3

    Card-based cryptography realizes secure multiparty computation using physical cards. In 2018, Watanabe et al. proposed a card-based three-input majority voting protocol using three cards. In a card-based cryptographic protocol with n-bit inputs, it is known that a protocol using shuffles requires at least 2n cards. In contrast, as Watanabe et al.'s protocol, a protocol using private permutations can be constructed with fewer cards than the lower bounds above. Moreover, an n-input protocol using private permutations would not even require n cards in principle since a private permutation depending on an input can represent the input without using additional cards. However, there are only a few protocols with fewer than n cards. Recently, Abe et al. extended Watanabe et al.'s protocol and proposed an n-input majority voting protocol with n cards and n + ⌊n/2⌋ + 1 private permutations. This paper proposes an n-input majority voting protocol with ⌈n/2⌉ + 1 cards and 2n-1 private permutations, which is also obtained by extending Watanabe et al.'s protocol. Compared with Abe et al.'s protocol, although the number of private permutations increases by about n/2, the number of cards is reduced by about n/2. In addition, unlike Abe et al.'s protocol, our protocol includes Watanabe et al.'s protocol as a special case where n=3.

  • Multi-Designated Receiver Authentication Codes: Models and Constructions

    Yohei WATANABE  Takenobu SEITO  Junji SHIKATA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:3

    An authentication code (A-code) is a two-party message authentication code in the information-theoretic security setting. One of the variants of A-codes is a multi-receiver authentication code (MRA-code), where there are a single sender and multiple receivers and the sender can create a single authenticator so that all receivers accepts it unless it is maliciously modified. In this paper, we introduce a multi-designated receiver authentication code (MDRA-code) with information-theoretic security as an extension of MRA-codes. The purpose of MDRA-codes is to securely transmit a message via a broadcast channel from a single sender to an arbitrary subset of multiple receivers that have been designated by the sender, and only the receivers in the subset (i.e., not all receivers) should accept the message if an adversary is absent. This paper proposes a model and security formalization of MDRA-codes, and provides constructions of MDRA-codes.

  • Designated Verifier Signature with Claimability

    Kyosuke YAMASHITA  Keisuke HARA  Yohei WATANABE  Naoto YANAI  Junji SHIKATA  


    E107-A No:3

    This paper considers the problem of balancing traceability and anonymity in designated verifier signatures (DVS), which are a kind of group-oriented signatures. That is, we propose claimable designated verifier signatures (CDVS), where a signer is able to claim that he/she indeed created a signature later. Ordinal DVS does not provide any traceability, which could indicate too strong anonymity. Thus, adding claimability, which can be seen as a sort of traceability, moderates anonymity. We demonstrate two generic constructions of CDVS from (i) ring signatures, (non-ring) signatures, pseudorandom function, and commitment scheme, and (ii) claimable ring signatures (by Park and Sealfon, CRYPTO'19).

  • Unconditionally Secure Broadcast Encryption Schemes with Trade-Offs between Communication and Storage

    Yohei WATANABE  Junji SHIKATA  


    E99-A No:6

    An (≤n,≤ω)-one-time secure broadcast encryption scheme (BES) allows a sender to choose any subset of receivers so that only the designated users can decrypt a ciphertext. In this paper, we first show an efficient construction of an (≤n,≤ω)-one-time secure BES with general ciphertext sizes. Specifically, we propose a generic construction of an (≤n,≤ω)-one-time secure BES from key predistribution systems (KPSs) when its ciphertext size is equal to integer multiple of the plaintext size, and our construction includes all known constructions. However, there are many possible combinations of the KPSs to realize the BES in our construction methodology, and therefore, we show that which combination is the best one in the sense that secret-key size can be minimized. Our (optimized) construction provides a flexible parameter setup (i.e. we can adjust the secret-key sizes) by setting arbitrary ciphertext sizes based on restrictions on channels such as channel capacity and channel bandwidth.